Libl Hypocrit Watch-GroundZero Mosque = freedom, but cigarrettes and transfat don't??

That's the point!

He doesn't believe in freedom.

Look at his number 4!

It starts and ends with personal freedom and private property rights with me, freedom is messy, it will lead to imperfections such as discriminating and such but it beats the alternatives invented thus far.

In other words it's okay to infringe on "freedom" when it comes to someone's pet peeves, but THAT MOSQUE ON GROUND ZERO!!!!!! Well that's different!

Other people's "pet peeves" should be allowed too, on private property or where that "pet peeve" does not infringe upon other people's rights, I suppose it get's complicated for some, I operate under the k.i.s.s. system though.:eusa_angel:
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Ah Freedom, here we have the right wrapping themselves in the flag of freedom.

But no freedom for Americans who own a piece of property and wish to construct a religiously oriented community center.

Why? Because it's not the right religion!

Well i'm a Conservative and i never argued that they didn't have the right to build on their own property. I do however disagree with their decision to build their large Mosque in this location. So now you just met one Conservative who is arguing that they of course have the right to build anything they want on their own property. Is it right though? I think this is a fair question to ask.
Having religious activities on public property simply is not the same as having it on private property, it is like a school outlawing the Confederate flag on School property but they aren't going to tell me that I can't fly it on my private property, it may piss others off but hey;freedom is messy and if someone get's pissed by my actions on my property.....fuck em!

So censorship on public property is okay, according to you!

Thank you Mr. Hypocrite.

And the confederate flag is the same as religion!

Boy THAT sure betrays a bias!

It sure is okay, we ALL; Muslims,Jews,Christians,Whites,Blacks, etc.; support PUBLIC property, private property is a different issue, I don't see how so many don't understand the difference between public and private, you nor anyone else helps support my private property...schools, courthouses,roads, etc. OTOH...... what's so hard to understand here?:eusa_eh:
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Beware of the coming "Global Warming" Gestapos. They are sure to follow the Socialists' Fat Police Gestapos. Socialism never = Freedom. I always have to call BUL CHIT anytime i see a Socialist/Progressive preaching about Freedom. They don't believe in Freedom & Liberty.
Beware of the coming "Global Warming" Gestapos. They are sure to follow the Socialists' Fat Police Gestapos. Socialism never = Freedom. I always have to call BUL CHIT anytime i see a Socialist/Progressive preaching about Freedom. They don't believe in Freedom & Liberty.

do you have a point related to this thread or are you just in copy/paste mode today?
Oh man!

You KNOW liberals are losing when they try to turn this into the "20 questions tactic."

That's when they drop the subject and start giving you the "third degree" looking desperately for something to put you on the defensive about.

Never fall for that one! :lol::lol::lol:

Just admit you have a double standard on this carbiner!

It's okay to ban trans fat and cigarrettes but a mosque at ground zero?????

OH THAT's about freedom.

You are admitting it's a double standard when you try to change the subject to about me.


You're the one claiming a double standard in OTHERS, but don't have the courage or integrity to state your own views?

Did you support prop 8 in California, taking away the FREEDOM of gays to marry?

Do you support rebuilding the Greek Orthodox church, but NOT the building of the mosque?

Desperate isn't he?

You want so bad to make this about me.

This is not about me. This is about how liberals pick and choose what respesents "freedom" to them.

Don't they argue for marijuana legalization on the grounds "I can do with my body what I want?"

But not cigarettes and transfat?

I haven't heard a PEEP out of liberals about rebuilding the Greek Orthodox Church, but ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY GET IN GEAR, when it comes to building a mosque at ground zero.

The double standards just scream.


Personally I dont care what your position is on anything because more than likely its just as idiotic as all of your posts.

By the way, you lost the "discussion".

Oh yeah......:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
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I believe in freedom, that's why I don't think it's anybody's decisiion but their's. If they want to build it and they can comply with the law that's good enough for this American.
Why do liberals want a mosque on ground zero forced on us?????

did the government force it on you? nope a group of private citizens are on private land. they can do as they wish.

your lack of response shows that you have no argument to my post

As usual you are wrong.

The City of NY are allowing this mosque despite the fact most of their tax paying voters are against it.

And despite the obvious fact most of the COUNTRY is against it.

The US was attacked on 9/11, not just the City of NY.

City governments don't get to vote to overrule the Constitution. If you knew ANYTHING about the Constitution you would know that.
It is the Supreme Court, not "liberals", that has decided against religion being in certain governmental institutions.

That would be the same Supreme Court that undoubtedly would uphold the rights of those who wish to build this mosque.

OH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have you heard of the ACLU and every challenge that has been made against freedom of religion.

Have you heard of teachers trying to stop kids from carrying Bibles at school?????

It's ONLY the Supreme Court that has tried to stop freedom of religion.


Nice try!


You're misquoting me. Against the rules.

I said its the Supreme Court that DECIDES. Which is true.

Once again you prove you have NO understanding of the Constitution.
[So, if you can decide where people smoke, why can't we decide where the mosque goes?

Simple question, simple answer:

Because smoking cigarettes isn't a constitutionally protected right, and practicing one's religion IS.

Once again, your ignorance of the Constitution shows.
Oh man!

You KNOW liberals are losing when they try to turn this into the "20 questions tactic."

That's when they drop the subject and start giving you the "third degree" looking desperately for something to put you on the defensive about.

Never fall for that one! :lol::lol::lol:

Just admit you have a double standard on this carbiner!

It's okay to ban trans fat and cigarrettes but a mosque at ground zero?????

OH THAT's about freedom.

You are admitting it's a double standard when you try to change the subject to about me.


You're the one claiming a double standard in OTHERS, but don't have the courage or integrity to state your own views?

Did you support prop 8 in California, taking away the FREEDOM of gays to marry?

Do you support rebuilding the Greek Orthodox church, but NOT the building of the mosque?

Desperate isn't he?

You want so bad to make this about me.

This is not about me. This is about how liberals pick and choose what respesents "freedom" to them.

Don't they argue for marijuana legalization on the grounds "I can do with my body what I want?"

But not cigarettes and transfat?

I haven't heard a PEEP out of liberals about rebuilding the Greek Orthodox Church, but ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY GET IN GEAR, when it comes to building a mosque at ground zero.

The double standards just scream.

Do you oppose restricting where people can smoke?

Do you oppose restricting or banning the sale of transfats?
Why do liberals want a mosque on ground zero forced on us?????

did the government force it on you? nope a group of private citizens are on private land. they can do as they wish.

your lack of response shows that you have no argument to my post

As usual you are wrong.

The City of NY are allowing this mosque despite the fact most of their tax paying voters are against it.

And despite the obvious fact most of the COUNTRY is against it.

The US was attacked on 9/11, not just the City of NY.

Why do you blame innocent Muslim-Americans for the crimes of 9/11?
did the government force it on you? nope a group of private citizens are on private land. they can do as they wish.

your lack of response shows that you have no argument to my post

As usual you are wrong.

The City of NY are allowing this mosque despite the fact most of their tax paying voters are against it.

And despite the obvious fact most of the COUNTRY is against it.

The US was attacked on 9/11, not just the City of NY.

City governments don't get to vote to overrule the Constitution. If you knew ANYTHING about the Constitution you would know that.

If you follow TeaPartySamarai's posts, you would know the answer to whether he knew anything about the Constitution.

The City of NY are allowing this mosque despite the fact most of their tax paying voters are against it.

And despite the obvious fact most of the COUNTRY is against it.

The US was attacked on 9/11, not just the City of NY.

Most Mahattanites, by a large margin, support the building of the mosque. That's where the mosque is. Why should outsiders have any say, if you believe this is a majority-based issue (which it isn't). Why don't you keep your nose out of the borough of Manhattan's business?
i haven't seen the starter of a thread get owned so bad in a long time
As usual you are wrong.

The City of NY are allowing this mosque despite the fact most of their tax paying voters are against it.

And despite the obvious fact most of the COUNTRY is against it.

The US was attacked on 9/11, not just the City of NY.

City governments don't get to vote to overrule the Constitution. If you knew ANYTHING about the Constitution you would know that.

If you follow TeaPartySamarai's posts, you would know the answer to whether he knew anything about the Constitution.

He is a she.

She has a glow in the dark velvet tapestry replica of the Constitution on the wall of her trailer, right above the ceramic Elvis-head table lamp, both acquired at bargain basement prices from the back of a Ford Country Squire station wagon in the parking lot of the Mutantsburg, Alabama Walmart,

but the print is a bit blurred so you can't really read what Constitution says.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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We don't get our rights from the Constitution, the people who want to build that Community Center, Mosque or whatever has a right to build it per the 1st and 5th but smokers have a right per the 9th....

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

The 5th deals with Property rights...

"nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation"

The 1st deals with Religious rights...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

And also gives others the right to bitch,moan or complain..

"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

Just because it's not listed in the Constitution does not mean we don't have the right to do X,Y or Z.
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You guys ever wonder how come they can ban cigarrettes and transfat in NY and no one complains about a "loss of freedom" but it's "UnAmerican" to object to the Ground Zero Mosque???????

How come we HAVE to HAVE a Ground Zero Mosque to prove we believe in freedom, but we can't let some poor schmo working on the mosque smoke a cigarrette in public, or get transfats in his favorite restaurant?????

Freedom? Or just another example of liberals only care about "freedom" when it serves their UNAmerican agenda???????


Yeah, once again you make it clear how little you know about NY.

Neither cigarettes nor trans fat are banned in NY.
You just can't have them inside restaurants.

Try again.
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We don't get our rights from the Constitution, the people who want to build that Community Center, Mosque or whatever has a right to build it per the 1st and 5th but smokers have a right per the 9th....

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

The 5th deals with Property rights...

"nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation"

The 1st deals with Religious rights...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

And also gives others the right to bitch,moan or complain..

"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

Just because it's not listed in the Constitution does not mean we don't have the right to do X,Y or Z.

So you think that if a state outlawed the sale/possession of tobacco, it could be overturned on constitutional grounds?
We don't get our rights from the Constitution, the people who want to build that Community Center, Mosque or whatever has a right to build it per the 1st and 5th but smokers have a right per the 9th....

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

The 5th deals with Property rights...

"nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation"

The 1st deals with Religious rights...
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

And also gives others the right to bitch,moan or complain..

"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

Just because it's not listed in the Constitution does not mean we don't have the right to do X,Y or Z.

So you think that if a state outlawed the sale/possession of tobacco, it could be overturned on constitutional grounds?

I don't know but I think it SHOULD be overturned on Constitutional grounds, I don't think my rights should be denied by government OR by majority vote, most polled don't want the Mosque built or think that gays should be allowed to get married, I don't think the majority should dictate the minorities rights; regardless of weather he's sucking on a cigarette or anything else:eusa_angel:

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