'Libs Can Hold The Floor to Prevent cabinet Picks But not Pick Up A Phone To Call in Help Benghazi'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Benghazi Survivor Mark Geist Slams Senate Democrats for Hypocrisy - Breitbart

"A February 6 NRA ad features Benghazi survivor Mark Geist calling out Democrat Senators for being willing to “hold the floor” to delay confirmation of a Trump cabinet nominee but lacking the commitment to pick up the phone and provide help when Americans at the Benghazi consulate were under attack.

The ad was released as Democrats announced their intention to delay a vote on Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos."

"I know the truth about Benghazi, I was there, fighting alongside five Americans who were all raised to believe that if you have a chance to save someone’s life and you don’t try, that’s more criminal than anything else. So we fought for 13 hours and we saved lives. But we are not unique. We are no different than the Americans who ran back into those crumbling towers or the Americans who tackled the armed terrorist on that French train. Or the many faceless, nameless Americans who every day risk their lives for perfect strangers, trapped in burning cars or dangerous waters, because if they didn’t no one would.

Where was that courage among the politicians that had the power to make the difference during those 13 hours in Benghazi? I’m the National Rifle Association of America, and I’m freedom’s safest place.”

-- Benghazi survivor Mark Geist

MY 1st question actually would not be 'Where was the courage among politicians that had the power to make a difference during those 13 hours'...

MY question would be 'Where were Obama and Hillary BEFORE the attack ever took place - where were they when Ambassador Stevens pleaded for additional security over and over again, when they removed members of his security force - leaving him less protected - before 9/11/12, when his compound was attacked by terrorists twice before 9/11/12, when they KNEW about the call to assassinate him and the call for the attacks on 9/11/12, when every other nation pulled their people out BEFORE 9/11/12...WHERE were they and WHY did they allow 4 Americans to needlessly die?'

We need another investigation

Hillary was allowed to delete 30,000 emails which proved she is a murderer and a liar. Even the FBI admitted as much from what they were able to find.

Another investigation will turn up nothing when she took steps to Violate Preservation Orders knowingly (A violation of both FOIA and The Espionage Act) and bleach bitted the phuck out of her server.

She should be in jail, but instead she is in her own private Hell inside of a bottle of booze. Probably just as fitting.
Benghazi Survivor Mark Geist Slams Senate Democrats for Hypocrisy - Breitbart

"A February 6 NRA ad features Benghazi survivor Mark Geist calling out Democrat Senators for being willing to “hold the floor” to delay confirmation of a Trump cabinet nominee but lacking the commitment to pick up the phone and provide help when Americans at the Benghazi consulate were under attack.

The ad was released as Democrats announced their intention to delay a vote on Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos."

"I know the truth about Benghazi, I was there, fighting alongside five Americans who were all raised to believe that if you have a chance to save someone’s life and you don’t try, that’s more criminal than anything else. So we fought for 13 hours and we saved lives. But we are not unique. We are no different than the Americans who ran back into those crumbling towers or the Americans who tackled the armed terrorist on that French train. Or the many faceless, nameless Americans who every day risk their lives for perfect strangers, trapped in burning cars or dangerous waters, because if they didn’t no one would.

Where was that courage among the politicians that had the power to make the difference during those 13 hours in Benghazi? I’m the National Rifle Association of America, and I’m freedom’s safest place.”

-- Benghazi survivor Mark Geist


Ahhhhhhh, Breitbart.....the right wingers' "rag"..............LOL
We do. Those assholes knew what was going down and they did nothing to help those people!

Sure, moron....because doing "nothing" would help them in future elections, correct?
Trying to cover up your complete and utter F* UP by trying to cover it up and blame some BS video was supposed to help Hillary still be able to win the WH...FAIL! She and Barry let 4 Americans die for NOTHING! Hillary STILL LOST!
Are you morons still babbling about Benghazi?

When morons CANNOT deal with the current fucking mess that Trump is bestowing upon us, the best thing to fo is to go back to the old bitching and moaning.
Hopefully President Trump makes less mistakes and has a more competent administration.

True......nothing like having former lobbyists to help screw America some more...LOL
Yep, they have those men's blood on their hands. They just abandoned them and ignored their pleas for help. Rotten human beings.

Even worse for me - they had every opportunity to either pull them out, which should have been done, or give them all the security / firepower they needed. They did neither. Not only did they NOT do either, Hillary's State Dept TOOK AWAY some of Stevens Security AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound in the days leading up to 9/11/12...and this was WHILE THEY KNEW OF THE ASSASSINATION CALLED FOR AGAINST STEVENS AND THE UP-COMING TERRORIST ATTACKS CALLED FOR ON 9/11/12.

Hillary and Obama abandoned Stevens and the other 3 Americans well before the attack on 9/11/12 began!
More morons from The Left who are clueless about what went down in Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton was gun running, and giving weapons to terrorists to take out Gadaffi.
She violated The Espionage Act by providing this information to an unauthorized asshole friend of hers Blumenthal and told him The Benghazi outpost was actually a weapons depot.

His unsecured account got hacked, and the terrorists Hillary was paying to kill Gadaffi were given the information, and then attacked the outpost. So Hillary being the career criminal liar she is, decided to cover up her crimes by inventing the 'video' story, and refused to provide any assistance to them for 13 hours, but not only that, she ignored over 600 requests for increased security at the outpost.

She is guilty.

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