Libs celebrating child abuse again

Don't think purepubescent aged kids should be encouraged (or discouraged) from this kind of thing. Shouldn't even occur to them, yet once adults give them the words as with transgender, that's going to shape their self-image when in times past they may have simply been going through a phase they grow as quickly out of as get into. But when a phase becomes a thing like transgenderism I wonder if what woulda been a phase becomes more a fixed thing since that's how kids identify themselves.
I grew up knowing from a very early age that I was adopted. But I didn't understand the word until my teens. If a kid grows up being called transgender that's how they're gonna identify not knowing the full scope and scale of it until much later. But if they're put on track to change or live their lives as the opposite sex that can shape their own self-image. And what may have been a phase is now a reality but perhaps not for the right reason.
Sure thing guys, we are all so malleable we could even believe we are a Moose. It truly is simple minded to assume identity is that simple. Anyone ever hear of David Reimer. Full disclosure: I come from an enormous extended family and now have grand kids. Do you all live in the fantasy of the web.

Jazz Jennings

Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Don't think purepubescent aged kids should be encouraged (or discouraged) from this kind of thing. Shouldn't even occur to them, yet once adults give them the words as with transgender, that's going to shape their self-image when in times past they may have simply been going through a phase they grow as quickly out of as get into. But when a phase becomes a thing like transgenderism I wonder if what woulda been a phase becomes more a fixed thing since that's how kids identify themselves.

It is who they are from birth. Some fathers don't want to see them, they want to mold them into boy activities
Parenting. Parenting children since Christ knows when.

Children. Challenging parents since Christ knows when.

It's a crazy world, it's a mixed up world 'cept for Lola.

How you were born is what you are... End of story

Deal with it
Sick conservative, lying conservative – nowhere in the article is anyone identified as ‘liberal.’

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