Lib's just hate being called out on their lies...Here's the perfect example!

Oh and save, just so you know I still haven't seen you prove your accusation that i said the discussion was not important. Simple questions basd on your accusations and yet you fail to provide any substance. imagine that. LOL

"What does al gore and global warming have to do with foxnews and obama?? I have to ask because honestly I don't see a real connection.

Even IF al gore is doing exactly what you claim then what does that have to do with obama and foxnews??" - drsmith (post #30 this thread)

Your only hope would be a miracle edit.

wow imagine that, you are asked for facts and you go to a BLOG that provided EDITTED versions of an episode of lou dobbs LOL

Despite that even one of the excerpts shows that your boy, the ambusher that was shot down, lacks a sense of reality when he lashes out and attacks the messenger on the other side of the debate for disagreeing with him. It seems to me that he beleives everyone but him is wrong and then he attacks them for disagreeing with him. So thanks for showing that this guy has a history of getting confrontational when people disagree with him. LOL

then according to your own site's trasncripts from the conference in question the guy asks a question and then interupts gore in the middle of his response, so gore responded to the interuption, the guy interupts him AGAIN, gore continues to try to talk and is interupted AGAIN. Then after all of that the guy is told "All right. That's it. We have to move on." he continues to yell into the mic and then after that his mic is cut.

Maybe if he actually wanted an answer to his question he would have shut up and let gore answer and NOT interupted him MULTIPLE TIMES.
Answer to the question: Four polar bears who actually LIVED. Gore said they died. Couldn't even bring himself to admit that. Now you try to defend Gore, even though you said it didn't matter. Make up your mind. Gore will not and has not engaged in a debate over this issue EVER. Why? Because he knows something you don't. He can't, because he is wrong.
Oh and save, just so you know I still haven't seen you prove your accusation that i said the discussion was not important. Simple questions basd on your accusations and yet you fail to provide any substance. imagine that. LOL

"What does al gore and global warming have to do with foxnews and obama?? I have to ask because honestly I don't see a real connection.

Even IF al gore is doing exactly what you claim then what does that have to do with obama and foxnews??" - drsmith (post #30 this thread)

Your only hope would be a miracle edit.

What are you whining about?? At no point in that cut and paste excerpt that you continue to show did i say that it wasn't important. So please explain your spin.
Answer to the question: Four polar bears who actually LIVED. Gore said they died. Couldn't even bring himself to admit that. Now you try to defend Gore, even though you said it didn't matter. Make up your mind. Gore will not and has not engaged in a debate over this issue EVER. Why? Because he knows something you don't. He can't, because he is wrong.

wow imagine that more of your dishoenst spin and false accusations. I never said what you are trying to attribute to me and yet you continue to lie about it.

oh and what four polar bears are you tlaking about?? Source please.

Oh and i just love the way you end it with your baseless opinions but then that is all you have offered thus far so i can't say that i am acutally surprised.
You wear denial well drsmith. lol You didn't see a connection aka not important. Even a simpleton like you should understand that. I am quite bored with your spin and duck moves. Welcome to the ignore list.
You wear denial well drsmith. lol You didn't see a connection aka not important. Even a simpleton like you should understand that. I am quite bored with your spin and duck moves. Welcome to the ignore list.

UH NO. Not seeing a connection between two items that I believe are not linked is not by any stretch of the imagination saying that either of them are not important. So you are either ignorant or just a liar. which is it??

BTW I just love the fact that I asked you for a source, you fail to provide one and then turn tail and run telling me that you are going to ignore me becuase you lied and were BUSTED.
whine...whine pay attention to me because I think I make sense. Whine whine....
What part of I am ignoring your drivel is a problem?

P.S. They turned the mic off because Gore didn't have a good answer. The numbing silence made even the extreme eco-journalists uncomfortable. I saw the tape.

Ahhh christ. Is that insecure lil' idiot up here posting multiple messages to himself once again?

I don't have to see the massages to know that his cut and paste, whine whine whine, you did this, so I did that, is all that fills them. Oh yeah, and lets not forget his forever lame "LOL".

Am I correct?

Seriously, he's like a lil' kid who just can't stand being told no.

I guarantee he'll go on for the next three days posting bullshit that nobody freakin' cares about, and aren't paying any bit of attention too.


LOL It's funny how jester keeps attacking me saying that no one cares about what I have to say and yet if that were truly the case why would he go out of his way to try and attack and discredit me??

I noticed that too. Der Jester chases everyone around barking like he's the top dog, and always tops his three-word repertoire of insults with the coo-coo smiley! Ain't he fun?
Al Bore's hysterical Fear Mongering over "Global Warming" is no different than him thinking he invented the Internet. The man is a silly & delusional Dunce. Nuff said.

And of course he never said he "invented" the Internet. That was an "invention" of the right wing noise machine. What else is new... Yet you dimwits continue to believe it.

<nettime> Al Gore and the Internet

The irony, however, is that perhaps if Al Gore had NOT been heavily involved in PROMOTING high speed communication technology, you might not even be around to post your highly inaccurate and biased bullshit on the Internet.

Love your blog entries as factual sources. However, perhaps those truly in the know have grown tired of the mishandling and distortion of scientific information. And perhaps the supression of clear evidence all began here:

Bush's Misuse of Science : Distorting & Suppressing Climate Change Research.

In May 2002, President Bush expressed disdain for a State Department report[5] to the United Nations that pointed to a clear human role in the accumulation of heat-trapping gases and detailed the likely negative consequences of climate change; the president called it “a report put out by the bureaucracy.”[6] In September 2002, the administration removed a section on climate change from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) annual air pollution report,[7] even though the climate issue had been discussed in the report for the preceding five years.

Then, in one well-documented case, the Bush administration blatantly tampered with the integrity of scientific analysis at a federal agency when, in June 2003, the White House tried to make a series of changes to the EPA’s draft Report on the Environment.[8]
Ahhh christ. Is that insecure lil' idiot up here posting multiple messages to himself once again?

I don't have to see the massages to know that his cut and paste, whine whine whine, you did this, so I did that, is all that fills them. Oh yeah, and lets not forget his forever lame "LOL".

Am I correct?

Seriously, he's like a lil' kid who just can't stand being told no.

I guarantee he'll go on for the next three days posting bullshit that nobody freakin' cares about, and aren't paying any bit of attention too.


LOL It's funny how jester keeps attacking me saying that no one cares about what I have to say and yet if that were truly the case why would he go out of his way to try and attack and discredit me??

I noticed that too. Der Jester chases everyone around barking like he's the top dog, and always tops his three-word repertoire of insults with the coo-coo smiley! Ain't he fun?

Christ, liberals are friggin' idiots!:cuckoo:
LOL It's funny how jester keeps attacking me saying that no one cares about what I have to say and yet if that were truly the case why would he go out of his way to try and attack and discredit me??

I noticed that too. Der Jester chases everyone around barking like he's the top dog, and always tops his three-word repertoire of insults with the coo-coo smiley! Ain't he fun?

Christ, liberals are friggin' idiots!:cuckoo:

And yet, you are still looking up when talking to us.
More & more credible Scientists who are not trying to advance a political agenda have already put the whole "Global Warming" craze behind them at this point. Many have begun to become far more concerned with possible Global Cooling. More are now beginning to show how it is the Sun's activity that plays the most important role in our Planet's climate. More Carbon Dioxide will not be the death of us all. Global Cooling on the other hand could be a much bigger problem to be concerned with. There really is no need to fear monger & panic over this whole Carbon Dioxide thing unless you're trying to advance a political agenda. Hey just my take anyway.
Ahhh christ. Is that insecure lil' idiot up here posting multiple messages to himself once again?

I don't have to see the massages to know that his cut and paste, whine whine whine, you did this, so I did that, is all that fills them. Oh yeah, and lets not forget his forever lame "LOL".

Am I correct?

Seriously, he's like a lil' kid who just can't stand being told no.

I guarantee he'll go on for the next three days posting bullshit that nobody freakin' cares about, and aren't paying any bit of attention too.


LOL It's funny how jester keeps attacking me saying that no one cares about what I have to say and yet if that were truly the case why would he go out of his way to try and attack and discredit me??

I noticed that too. Der Jester chases everyone around barking like he's the top dog, and always tops his three-word repertoire of insults with the coo-coo smiley! Ain't he fun?

Oh well he knows he lost the debate long ago which is why he cut and ran from the thread after trying to cover his ass by lashing out and attacking those who questioned his faulty opinions. He did the same thing on the msnbc message boards and actually got banned once before for making threats and distasteful comments so it's really no surprise that he would continue the same tactics here.
More & more credible Scientists who are not trying to advance a political agenda have already put the whole "Global Warming" craze behind them at this point. Many have begun to become far more concerned with possible Global Cooling. More are now beginning to show how it is the Sun's activity that plays the most important role in our Planet's climate. More Carbon Dioxide will not be the death of us all. Global Cooling on the other hand could be a much bigger problem to be concerned with. There really is no need to fear monger & panic over this whole Carbon Dioxide thing unless you're trying to advance a political agenda. Hey just my take anyway.

Funny how lib tries to discredit global warming as a "craze" and then admits that it IS in fact a problem when he tries to claim that global cooling, which i believe is part of the global climate change cycle with global warming, is a much more important problem.

So in libs own words they are both problems he is just trying to claim that one is more important than the other PROBLEM and he does this AFTER trying to discredit the first PROBLEM. LOL Way to contradict yourself lib.
More & more credible Scientists who are not trying to advance a political agenda have already put the whole "Global Warming" craze behind them at this point. Many have begun to become far more concerned with possible Global Cooling. More are now beginning to show how it is the Sun's activity that plays the most important role in our Planet's climate. More Carbon Dioxide will not be the death of us all. Global Cooling on the other hand could be a much bigger problem to be concerned with. There really is no need to fear monger & panic over this whole Carbon Dioxide thing unless you're trying to advance a political agenda. Hey just my take anyway.

Funny how lib tries to discredit global warming as a "craze" and then admits that it IS in fact a problem when he tries to claim that global cooling, which i believe is part of the global climate change cycle with global warming, is a much more important problem.

So in libs own words they are both problems he is just trying to claim that one is more important than the other PROBLEM and he does this AFTER trying to discredit the first PROBLEM. LOL Way to contradict yourself lib.

They are both issues we need to learn to live with....not avoid, change or prevent.
Climate change, according to science, has been happening since the beginning of time.

A mere 30 years ago, some whackos were sure the end was near due to global cooling.

Unfoirtunately for them, they did not have the funding NOR the Nobel Prize aspirations that Gore had.
back-to-back posts look really pathetic in ignore mode. _________ says nothing, repeat.

Just wait SL. We'll no doubt see 4 or 5 EMPTY posts from the strange lil' MOFO, in response to these two posts.

I guarantee!!
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