Lib's just hate being called out on their lies...Here's the perfect example!

Ok so let's compare. You claim to have a life as your exucse for not coming back and addressing the facts and yet you joined this board a month AFTER me and have 440+ more posts than I do. I am only on here a few hours out of the day and don't waste my free time posting because I have better things to do with my time. So what's your excuse?? So who spends more of their time on this board, you or me?? LOL

So now you are claiming that you are retired?? LOL But I thought that you owned and operated two restaraunts?? At least that WAS your story in the past so why has it changed now?? What happened to your waitress that made $90,000 a year?? LOL

BTW attacking me as you avoid the facts doesn't change the fact that you were wrong. Notice how even though you came back you failed to address the fact that your allegations agaisnt gore were less than true. I wonder why?

Clear and straight to the point, showing up his BS.

Just to clarify for ya', lesbo.
I owned ONE restaurant, while opening another with my sous chef in vegas. I sold my first establishment earlier this year, and still own the controlling interest on the place in Vegas. I have nothing to do with the day to day operations of the place. My sous chef and business partner is running the day to day, while he continues to pay back my interest until he outright owns it. I basically just sit on my ass and collect a very big check every month for doing nothing. After all, it was MY concept, My credit, and the majority of MY money that was put on the line. It was done to get my sous chef in business for himself, seeing as though he was very loyal to me for many years.

Oh, and I see you immoral bastards are now trying to petition the state supreme court to force that the names on the anti-gay marriage petitions last year be released. Now, why would that be?

Bring it on!

Fiction story of the day, I'd wager. Too pat.
It is open season on coyotes, trolls and spammers in Michigan. No limit.

See this is what I have come to expect from the righties on this board.

They attack any and all who dare to question their OPINIONS and then when you ask them to provide proof of their assertions and accusations they run away and avoid providing anything of substance as they continue to attack.
It is open season on coyotes, trolls and spammers in Michigan. No limit.

See this is what I have come to expect from the righties on this board.

They attack any and all who dare to0 question their OPINIONS and then when you ask them to provide proof of their assertions and accusations they run away and avoid providing anything of substance as they continue to attack.

I'm a firm believer in the Free Market and Capitalism. Offer to do their research for a price. I charge $200 for the first 5 min. and $100 every half hour afterwards. Get a PayPal acct too.

Doing the research for their lazy asses can be lucrative.
drsmith has completely discredited WJ and made saveliberty look like an ass.

You far rightoids have to do far, far better to even stop smelling.

Says the idiot who has NEVER had anything intelligent to say.

Face it lil' man, you stink as bad as the Dodgers pitching did against the Phillies!

Fact is, drliar completely discredited himself when he :scared1: from the Kevin Jennings thread. He just didn't have the guts to answer very valid questions.
I guess being unfairly portrayed would iritate someone. You piled on bodecea. Are you really surprised at the result?
I guess being unfairly portrayed would iritate someone. You piled on bodecea. Are you really surprised at the result?

I pile on topics....not people...but you knew that. Excuse it, but you knew that.

And what post again?
Reposting graphs and charts over and over again is spaming in my opinion. Look them up yourself in the posts.

The judge ruled there were at least nine errors in Gore's movie. That these errors merited a disclaimer if the film were shown in British schools.

U.K. Judge Rules Gore's Climate Film Has 9 Errors -

It's your claim PROVE it. I am not going to do YOUR homework for you.

Furthermore, you still failed to provide PROOF that the facts I listed were discredited as you claimed. Why is that??

Climate facts are on another thread here. I gave proof you were wrong on the judge point. You need to show proof at this point. Otherwise, just baseless opinion.

So you provide no proof of one claim and in the next you claim that you prove me wrong by merely providing a link to a webpage? LOL

the fact is that based on the judges ruling his OPINION disagrees with the opinions and PREDICTIONS made in only 9 instances in the movie and in some cases where he disagree with the predictions he agreed with the facts. I even provided an example and gave you the post # which you apparently ignored.

you proved NOTHING and yet claim that you did. Sorry but you need to look up the definition of the word PROVE.

BTW this is from your own article.

The judge said that, for instance, Gore's script implies that Greenland or West Antarctica might melt in the near future, creating a sea level rise of up to 20 feet that would cause devastation from San Francisco to the Netherlands to Bangladesh. The judge called this "distinctly alarmist" and said the consensus view is that, if indeed Greenland melted, it would release this amount of water, "but only after, and over, millennia."

The judge agrees with the facts but disagrees with the prediction.
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It's your claim PROVE it. I am not going to do YOUR homework for you.

Furthermore, you still failed to provide PROOF that the facts I listed were discredited as you claimed. Why is that??

Climate facts are on another thread here. I gave proof you were wrong on the judge point. You need to show proof at this point. Otherwise, just baseless opinion.

So you provide no proof of one claim and in the next you claim that you prove me wrong by merely providing a link to a webpage? LOL

the fact is that based on the judges ruling his OPINION disagrees with the opinions and PREDICTIONS made in only 9 instances in the movie and in some cases where he disagree with the predictions he agreed with the facts. I even provided an example and gave you the post # which you apparently ignored.

you proved NOTHING and yet claim that you did. Sorry but you need to look up the definition of the word PROVE.

Maybe Liberty can explain to us how one PROVES a future PREDICTION. How one PROVES an OPINION.
It's your claim PROVE it. I am not going to do YOUR homework for you.

Furthermore, you still failed to provide PROOF that the facts I listed were discredited as you claimed. Why is that??

Climate facts are on another thread here. I gave proof you were wrong on the judge point. You need to show proof at this point. Otherwise, just baseless opinion.

So you provide no proof of one claim and in the next you claim that you prove me wrong by merely providing a link to a webpage? LOL

the fact is that based on the judges ruling his OPINION disagrees with the opinions and PREDICTIONS made in only 9 instances in the movie and in some cases where he disagree with the predictions he agreed with the facts. I even provided an example and gave you the post # which you apparently ignored.

you proved NOTHING and yet claim that you did. Sorry but you need to look up the definition of the word PROVE.

Whoa, now there is a spin doctor! Did you miss the part where the judge called Mr. Gore an alarmist more than once? Agreeing on a fact has nothing to do with its interpretation. Apparently the judge did that NINE times. Your points have been refuted and no new evidence submitted. You have not disproven point one from me. Crawl back in your hole.
Wicked.............what a great thread about pwning the lefty k00ks!!!

How compelling is that video??!!!! Still.........the k00ks buy this global warming hoax stuff. Hysterical.................fcukking sheep!!!
Climate facts are on another thread here. I gave proof you were wrong on the judge point. You need to show proof at this point. Otherwise, just baseless opinion.

So you provide no proof of one claim and in the next you claim that you prove me wrong by merely providing a link to a webpage? LOL

the fact is that based on the judges ruling his OPINION disagrees with the opinions and PREDICTIONS made in only 9 instances in the movie and in some cases where he disagree with the predictions he agreed with the facts. I even provided an example and gave you the post # which you apparently ignored.

you proved NOTHING and yet claim that you did. Sorry but you need to look up the definition of the word PROVE.

Maybe Liberty can explain to us how one PROVES a future PREDICTION. How one PROVES an OPINION.

Maybe the same way one proves that the stimulus 'saved' jobs.
Climate facts are on another thread here. I gave proof you were wrong on the judge point. You need to show proof at this point. Otherwise, just baseless opinion.

So you provide no proof of one claim and in the next you claim that you prove me wrong by merely providing a link to a webpage? LOL

the fact is that based on the judges ruling his OPINION disagrees with the opinions and PREDICTIONS made in only 9 instances in the movie and in some cases where he disagree with the predictions he agreed with the facts. I even provided an example and gave you the post # which you apparently ignored.

you proved NOTHING and yet claim that you did. Sorry but you need to look up the definition of the word PROVE.

Whoa, now there is a spin doctor! Did you miss the part where the judge called Mr. Gore an alarmist more than once? Agreeing on a fact has nothing to do with its interpretation. Apparently the judge did that NINE times. Your points have been refuted and no new evidence submitted. You have not disproven point one from me. Crawl back in your hole.

That post # again?

And one person's ALARMIST over a prediction could very be another person's rational warning. It's ALL opinion driven. Not a fact in the bunch.

Still waiting for you to direct me as to the post where you supposedly proved your point.
Wicked.............what a great thread about pwning the lefty k00ks!!!

How compelling is that video??!!!! Still.........the k00ks buy this global warming hoax stuff. Hysterical.................fcukking sheep!!!

Oh, this post settles it. :lol::lol::lol:
Ok so let's compare. You claim to have a life as your exucse for not coming back and addressing the facts and yet you joined this board a month AFTER me and have 440+ more posts than I do. I am only on here a few hours out of the day and don't waste my free time posting because I have better things to do with my time. So what's your excuse?? So who spends more of their time on this board, you or me?? LOL

So now you are claiming that you are retired?? LOL But I thought that you owned and operated two restaraunts?? At least that WAS your story in the past so why has it changed now?? What happened to your waitress that made $90,000 a year?? LOL

BTW attacking me as you avoid the facts doesn't change the fact that you were wrong. Notice how even though you came back you failed to address the fact that your allegations agaisnt gore were less than true. I wonder why?

Clear and straight to the point, showing up his BS.

Just to clarify for ya', lesbo.
I owned ONE restaurant, while opening another with my sous chef in vegas. I sold my first establishment earlier this year, and still own the controlling interest on the place in Vegas. I have nothing to do with the day to day operations of the place. My sous chef and business partner is running the day to day, while he continues to pay back my interest until he outright owns it. I basically just sit on my ass and collect a very big check every month for doing nothing. After all, it was MY concept, My credit, and the majority of MY money that was put on the line. It was done to get my sous chef in business for himself, seeing as though he was very loyal to me for many years.

This is what he claims now but on the MSNBC boards he claimed that he owned and operated both.

Oh, and I see you immoral bastards are now trying to petition the state supreme court to force that the names on the anti-gay marriage petitions last year be released. Now, why would that be?

Bring it on!

poor jester can't stay on topic because he knows he's already lost the real debate of this thread so he tries to change the subject. LOL
Climate facts are on another thread here. I gave proof you were wrong on the judge point. You need to show proof at this point. Otherwise, just baseless opinion.

So you provide no proof of one claim and in the next you claim that you prove me wrong by merely providing a link to a webpage? LOL

the fact is that based on the judges ruling his OPINION disagrees with the opinions and PREDICTIONS made in only 9 instances in the movie and in some cases where he disagree with the predictions he agreed with the facts. I even provided an example and gave you the post # which you apparently ignored.

you proved NOTHING and yet claim that you did. Sorry but you need to look up the definition of the word PROVE.

Maybe Liberty can explain to us how one PROVES a future PREDICTION. How one PROVES an OPINION.

You folks sure seem to try. Then there's this: "What does al gore and global warming have to do with foxnews and obama?? I have to ask because honestly I don't see a real connection." Yet here they are, still trying to defend Mr. Gore.
Wicked.............what a great thread about pwning the lefty k00ks!!!

How compelling is that video??!!!! Still.........the k00ks buy this global warming hoax stuff. Hysterical.................fcukking sheep!!!

Hey skook!

Yeah, pawning these loons is just too damn easy.

Seriously, facts are thrown in their ignorant faces, and the excuses they come up with are beyond hilarious.

The fact of this thread is that Gore was willing to answer questions, but totally whimped out (typical liberal candyass) when his lies were exposed. He sure as hell didn't want to answer those LEGITIMATE questions.

It's kinda like Obama and his weak and pathetic attempt to self censor the media. FOX NEWS is hammering him with FACTS. Causing him to constantly have to explain his lies. Causing him to repeatedly toss his fellow scumbags under the bus. Causing him to deal with the reality that he's not going to get special treatment from the media, unless it comes from far left loons like Opie Maddow and Olberdork.
drsmith has completely discredited WJ and made saveliberty look like an ass.

You far rightoids have to do far, far better to even stop smelling.

Says the idiot who has NEVER had anything intelligent to say.

Face it lil' man, you stink as bad as the Dodgers pitching did against the Phillies!

Fact is, drliar completely discredited himself when he :scared1: from the Kevin Jennings thread. He just didn't have the guts to answer very valid questions.

And now jester goes to his old faithful napoleon complex where he tries to demean everyone who disagrees with them by referring to them as "lil man" and other comments to try to make him feel better about himself as he tries to tear down others. tsk tsk.

LOL and I just love the fact that he keeps bringing up the kevin jennings thread to acuse me of running when he was proven WRONG and lost the debate at that point despite his attempts to keep that thread going. LOL

BTW can you ask him since he is too cowardly to face me what valid questions did I ignore?? I don't expect that he will answer but i would like to see if he will. or will he continue to engage in this ultimate act of cowardice as he continues to attack me as he ignores me??
I guess being unfairly portrayed would iritate someone. You piled on bodecea. Are you really surprised at the result?

still no facts from you. imagine that.

You have been asked multiple times by multiple posters to provide something of substance and have failed miserably.
Climate facts are on another thread here. I gave proof you were wrong on the judge point. You need to show proof at this point. Otherwise, just baseless opinion.

So you provide no proof of one claim and in the next you claim that you prove me wrong by merely providing a link to a webpage? LOL

the fact is that based on the judges ruling his OPINION disagrees with the opinions and PREDICTIONS made in only 9 instances in the movie and in some cases where he disagree with the predictions he agreed with the facts. I even provided an example and gave you the post # which you apparently ignored.

you proved NOTHING and yet claim that you did. Sorry but you need to look up the definition of the word PROVE.

Whoa, now there is a spin doctor!

Yes you are but thankfully I showed you the error of your ways.

Did you miss the part where the judge called Mr. Gore an alarmist more than once?

and how does that prove your allegation against me?? the FACT is that the judge disgreed with opinions and predictions presented in the movie and called them alarmist but did not disagree with the underlying facts and did not prevent the movie from being shown so gore WON and all you have is spin.

Agreeing on a fact has nothing to do with its interpretation. Apparently the judge did that NINE times. Your points have been refuted and no new evidence submitted. You have not disproven point one from me. Crawl back in your hole.

Once again you CLAIM that my points have been refuted when in reality you haven't refuted anything. Saying it doesn't make it so. Although I have come to realize that you beleive it does.
BTW do you think this judge is infallible?? He is merely a man offering his differing OPINION and interpretation so why do you appear to believe that this judge’s OPINION is irrefutable fact?? The movie made predictions and presented opinions the judges disagreed with only 9 of them based on his own interpretation and opinion. So how does that meet the standard of lying as was claimed by jester??
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Clear and straight to the point, showing up his BS.

Just to clarify for ya', lesbo.
I owned ONE restaurant, while opening another with my sous chef in vegas. I sold my first establishment earlier this year, and still own the controlling interest on the place in Vegas. I have nothing to do with the day to day operations of the place. My sous chef and business partner is running the day to day, while he continues to pay back my interest until he outright owns it. I basically just sit on my ass and collect a very big check every month for doing nothing. After all, it was MY concept, My credit, and the majority of MY money that was put on the line. It was done to get my sous chef in business for himself, seeing as though he was very loyal to me for many years.

This is what he claims now but on the MSNBC boards he claimed that he owned and operated both.

Oh, and I see you immoral bastards are now trying to petition the state supreme court to force that the names on the anti-gay marriage petitions last year be released. Now, why would that be?

Bring it on!

poor jester can't stay on topic because he knows he's already lost the real debate of this thread so he tries to change the subject. LOL

SOP with him.

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