Libs love polls. Here's one: TRUMP APPROVE POPS TO 47%...

Trump just got the bump because he did what Barry refused to do - enforce Barry's 'Red Line'.

Barry, in an attempt to save face, agreed to lay on his back, spread his legs, and carry out Putin's plan of NOT removing Syria's chemical weapons but declaring to the world in public Russia did so.

Former top Obama official admits: ‘We always knew’ Syria still had chemical weapons, lied anyway

Another Senior Obama Official Says Admin ‘Always Knew’ Syria Still Had Chemical Weapons

Obama Administration Knew Syria Still Had Chemical Weapons, Despite Saying Otherwise
Just hw was this red line enforced? Its a pathetic joke because it did absolutely nothing.
Just hw was this red line enforced? Its a pathetic joke because it did absolutely nothing.
No YOU, Obama, and your fellow snowflakes are a joke.

When Barry declared his Red Line and Assad called his bluff, Barry backed front of the whole world....and the world laughed.

Barry then tried to claim that it was not HIS red Line but that it was the WHOLE WORLD'S Red front of the whole world...and again the whole world laughed.

Having no intention of enforcing his Red Line and in an attempt to save face, Barry agreed to lay on his back with his legs spread for Vladimir and agreed to tell the world exactly what Putin wrote for him to say:

"I have successfully negotiated Russia's removal of all of Syria's Chemical weapons."
-- Not long after that Barry did what he does best - he lied his ass off again by declaring all the chemical weapons had been removed. In recent days ex-Obama officials have exposed the lie by coming out to declare the Obama administration always KNEW Syria had not gotten rid of all of their Chemical weapons.

How was Barry's Red Line enforced? Barry swore that if Assad used chemical weapons again the United States would send a message by taking action. The only action Barry took was to lie about doing nothing.

Trump pretty much leveled the airbase from which Assad's latest chemical weapons attack originated.

Wait, I actually stand corrected - Obama did do something. He dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-authorized WAR with / in Syria, and thanks to him we have US combat troops IN SYRIA.

I hope Obama was paying attention, because Trump just schooled Obama on Foreign Policy, about how you can send a message with a message strike instead of dragging the country to war illegally and invade another nation to do so.
Just hw was this red line enforced? Its a pathetic joke because it did absolutely nothing.
No YOU, Obama, and your fellow snowflakes are a joke.

When Barry declared his Red Line and Assad called his bluff, Barry backed front of the whole world....and the world laughed.

Barry then tried to claim that it was not HIS red Line but that it was the WHOLE WORLD'S Red front of the whole world...and again the whole world laughed.

Having no intention of enforcing his Red Line and in an attempt to save face, Barry agreed to lay on his back with his legs spread for Vladimir and agreed to tell the world exactly what Putin wrote for him to say:

"I have successfully negotiated Russia's removal of all of Syria's Chemical weapons."
-- Not long after that Barry did what he does best - he lied his ass off again by declaring all the chemical weapons had been removed. In recent days ex-Obama officials have exposed the lie by coming out to declare the Obama administration always KNEW Syria had not gotten rid of all of their Chemical weapons.

How was Barry's Red Line enforced? Barry swore that if Assad used chemical weapons again the United States would send a message by taking action. The only action Barry took was to lie about doing nothing.

Trump pretty much leveled the airbase from which Assad's latest chemical weapons attack originated.

Wait, I actually stand corrected - Obama did do something. He dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-authorized WAR with / in Syria, and thanks to him we have US combat troops IN SYRIA.

I hope Obama was paying attention, because Trump just schooled Obama on Foreign Policy, about how you can send a message with a message strike instead of dragging the country to war illegally and invade another nation to do so.
How do you "level" an air base when it was not touched with a single bomb? How do you level an air base when Syrian operations we back in full force within a day or two?
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
Libs love polls. Here's one: TRUMP APPROVE POPS TO 47%...

You are wrong, this liberal has no interest in polls..

^ It's like the election all over again, when they were telling us his approval rating was like 10 or something.
I still approve of this president and I voted with no help from Russia....
And it shows that he is not governing effectively as he was elected to do.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
Sure, if you wanna cherry pick the poll that gives him the highest rating and ignore all the others, then yes, you can desperately celebrate a 47% job approval rating.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
Sure, if you wanna cherry pick the poll that gives him the highest rating and ignore all the others, then yes, you can desperately celebrate a 47% job approval rating.

/---- Remember this classic poll that Libs cherry picked?
CBS NEWS October 17, 2016, 6:30 PM
CBS poll: Clinton's lead over Trump widens with three weeks to go
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By Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto

Following the second presidential debate and controversies surrounding both campaigns, Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump has expanded to nine points now nationally. Forty-seven percent of likely voters support or lean towards Clinton, while 38 percent support Trump. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson gets 8 percent of likely voters, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein receives 3 percent of the vote. Two weeks ago, Clinton’s lead was four points.
...a sample of 1,662 Americans, including
707 Democrats,
627 Republicans,

Why do these pollsters ALWAYS ask 4 times or more as many Democrats as GOP?

Are you saying that 627 x 4 = 707?

You are right.
I am saying that when pollsters ask what party affiliation they say they match the political demographic by asking more democrats then GOP.
When asked what political party as this last chart shows only 4% more Democrats then GOP and not 12% Democrats then GOP .
Screen Shot 2017-04-12 at 12.08.07 PM.png
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
Sure, if you wanna cherry pick the poll that gives him the highest rating and ignore all the others, then yes, you can desperately celebrate a 47% job approval rating.

/---- Remember this classic poll that Libs cherry picked?
CBS NEWS October 17, 2016, 6:30 PM
CBS poll: Clinton's lead over Trump widens with three weeks to go
Comment Share Tweet Stumble Email
By Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto

Following the second presidential debate and controversies surrounding both campaigns, Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump has expanded to nine points now nationally. Forty-seven percent of likely voters support or lean towards Clinton, while 38 percent support Trump. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson gets 8 percent of likely voters, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein receives 3 percent of the vote. Two weeks ago, Clinton’s lead was four points.
No, I don't remember that poll. What does that poll have to do with you cherry picking the one poll most favorable to Trump?
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
Sure, if you wanna cherry pick the poll that gives him the highest rating and ignore all the others, then yes, you can desperately celebrate a 47% job approval rating.

/---- Remember this classic poll that Libs cherry picked?
CBS NEWS October 17, 2016, 6:30 PM
CBS poll: Clinton's lead over Trump widens with three weeks to go
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By Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto

Following the second presidential debate and controversies surrounding both campaigns, Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump has expanded to nine points now nationally. Forty-seven percent of likely voters support or lean towards Clinton, while 38 percent support Trump. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson gets 8 percent of likely voters, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein receives 3 percent of the vote. Two weeks ago, Clinton’s lead was four points.
No, I don't remember that poll. What does that poll have to do with you cherry picking the one poll most favorable to Trump?

Screen Shot 2017-04-13 at 8.12.26 AM.png

CBS poll: Clinton's lead over Trump widens with three weeks to go
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
Sure, if you wanna cherry pick the poll that gives him the highest rating and ignore all the others, then yes, you can desperately celebrate a 47% job approval rating.

/---- Remember this classic poll that Libs cherry picked?
CBS NEWS October 17, 2016, 6:30 PM
CBS poll: Clinton's lead over Trump widens with three weeks to go
Comment Share Tweet Stumble Email
By Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto

Following the second presidential debate and controversies surrounding both campaigns, Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump has expanded to nine points now nationally. Forty-seven percent of likely voters support or lean towards Clinton, while 38 percent support Trump. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson gets 8 percent of likely voters, while Green Party candidate Jill Stein receives 3 percent of the vote. Two weeks ago, Clinton’s lead was four points.
No, I don't remember that poll. What does that poll have to do with you cherry picking the one poll most favorable to Trump?
/------ Of course you conveniently forgot one of the most widely quoted polls before the election. Well I point it out because the other polls are rigged by oversampling Dems. Rasmussen doesn't do that.
Latest ABC News Presidential Poll Oversampled Democrats by 9%

Jim Hoft Oct 23rd, 2016 10:30 am 180 Comments

The latest ABC News poll has Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 12 points.

What the media will not tell you is that 9% more Democrats than Republicans were sampled in the poll.

“Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 36-27-31 percent, Democrats-Republicans-independents.”

GOP primary turnout was up 62% this year while Democrat primary turnout was down 21% this year.

Playing with polls is a common Democrat-media propaganda tactic.
...a sample of 1,662 Americans, including
707 Democrats,
627 Republicans,

Why do these pollsters ALWAYS ask 4 times or more as many Democrats as GOP?

Are you saying that 627 x 4 = 707?

You are right.
I am saying that when pollsters ask what party affiliation they say they match the political demographic by asking more democrats then GOP.
When asked what political party as this last chart shows only 4% more Democrats then GOP and not 12% Democrats then GOP .
View attachment 121559
Survey was weighted in Hillary's favor before the question was even asked
Paul Joseph Watson | - SEPTEMBER 27, 2016

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