Libyan rebels losing their nerve- LA Times


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
the un, nato says no to arming them, despite the Qaddafi losing a few members of his entourage which may be just a ploy to sniff out any terms if things go south, he is winning on the battlefield and it appears we know it and the rebels know it too.

what a mess.

Visions of Moammar Kadafi falling quickly to the revolution have given way to low morale and a tendency to flee.

Reporting from Ajdabiya, Libya—

The nascent rebel effort in eastern Libya, sustained for weeks by revolutionary passion and zeal, has begun to fray in the face of chaotic battlefield collapses and ineffective leadership.

Many of the idealistic young men who looted army depots of gun trucks and weapons six weeks ago believed the tyrannical 41-year reign of Col. Moammar Kadafi would quickly collapse under the weight of a mass rebellion.

Now those same volunteer fighters, most of whom had never before fired a gun, have fled a determined onslaught by Kadafi's forces, which have shown resilience after being bombarded and routed by allied airstrikes a week ago.

Kadafi is too strong for us, with too many heavy weapons. What can we do except fall back to protect ourselves?" said Salah Chaiky, 41, a businessman, who said he fired his assault rifle while fleeing Port Brega even though he was too far away to possibly hit the enemy.

Retreating rebels paused only to wolf down lunches provided by volunteers supporting their cause. Two in mismatched military uniforms took time out in Ajdabiya to sneak into a blown-out police post and smoke hashish.

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Libya fighting: Rebel effort beginning to fray -
I wonder where Qadaffi got all his weapons? = USA, Britain, Russia, France ect.....LMAO!!! What a circus side show for all the sheople to watch and squabble about. Anyone who supports this is a fucking android useful tool. ~BH
the un, nato says no to arming them, despite the Qaddafi losing a few members of his entourage which may be just a ploy to sniff out any terms if things go south, he is winning on the battlefield and it appears we know it and the rebels know it too.

what a mess.

Visions of Moammar Kadafi falling quickly to the revolution have given way to low morale and a tendency to flee.

Reporting from Ajdabiya, Libya—

The nascent rebel effort in eastern Libya, sustained for weeks by revolutionary passion and zeal, has begun to fray in the face of chaotic battlefield collapses and ineffective leadership.

Many of the idealistic young men who looted army depots of gun trucks and weapons six weeks ago believed the tyrannical 41-year reign of Col. Moammar Kadafi would quickly collapse under the weight of a mass rebellion.

Now those same volunteer fighters, most of whom had never before fired a gun, have fled a determined onslaught by Kadafi's forces, which have shown resilience after being bombarded and routed by allied airstrikes a week ago.

Kadafi is too strong for us, with too many heavy weapons. What can we do except fall back to protect ourselves?" said Salah Chaiky, 41, a businessman, who said he fired his assault rifle while fleeing Port Brega even though he was too far away to possibly hit the enemy.

Retreating rebels paused only to wolf down lunches provided by volunteers supporting their cause. Two in mismatched military uniforms took time out in Ajdabiya to sneak into a blown-out police post and smoke hashish.

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Libya fighting: Rebel effort beginning to fray -

Like this wasn't predictable........bag o' worms continues.
I wonder where Qadaffi got all his weapons? = USA, Britain, Russia, France ect.....LMAO!!! What a circus side show for all the sheople to watch and squabble about. Anyone who supports this is a fucking android useful tool. ~BH

He got his air defense system and SAM missles from Russia. Very antiquated and much that we didn't even have to deploy the F-22 Raptor.
Hey, If I wanted to overthrow a despotic leader, I'd want the Mighty US Military on my side. I'd know it was just a matter of time before we'd win.

But if I only had the UN on my side? I'd pack up and run for the hills too!

Well, Napoleon had his Waterloo, maybe this is our Waterloo.
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The French were the ones anxious for the No-Fly. They even jumped the gun on the initiation. So, it stands to reason that they are the ones that should supply arms to the rebels. Otherwise, the bloodbath this time around will be even more horrific.

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