Libyans storm militia building after giant protest in wake of attack on US consulate

Who's the "WE", coward? I don't give a shit if you care about this. I do. Stop pretending that you're really that important, and that you can speak for others. Speak for yourself, and let others speak for themselves.

And yes, I agree, that to an extent it's our administrations fault, that thousands of Libyans are attacking extremist militias, who want to make hay out of the current situation. That tells me more than you, and your pretend army of "We"s do.

oh yes, you do seem to LOVE violence...the killings of our citizens wasn't ENOUGH for you...

I love the fact that our administration helped the people of Libya level the playing field, and depose a right wing terrorist dictator (without the lose of a single American military member). I'm encouraged by the fact that the people of Libya have put their asses on the line to evict right wing radical theocrats, and appear to be successful at this point.

I'm sad that some douche bag would create a film pissing on the religious beliefs of billions. I'm sad that rigid religious belief trumps the secular humanism that allows real personal spirituality, not governed by dogma. I'm totally disgusted that the American right wing would use this despicable episode to advance some idiot nominee. I wet shit on those who want perpetual war, like yourself, to make you think you have some role in advancing some biblical prophesy.

Typical herpes scab.

you LIBERALS love killing when it's a Democrat at the helm...
you are all such two faced hypocrites
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Your world view seems dumbed down by your hate of semites and their religion. Libyans have been protesting the murder of our ambassador since it happened. Unlike you, they're not interested in developing a repressive theocracy.

First and foremost you ass wipe any one who knows me on any boards knows that I have been a major champion of Islamic rights and most importantly a champion of muslim women's rights for over a decade and a half.

I think you're a phony piece of shit. What has just occurred is a successful protest to take away power from those who hold extremist views, that essentially hurt the cause of women's rights. I've read your idiotic posts. You don't support Islamic rights. You use the oppression of women as a justification of your petty, pea brained hatred of those who worship differently from you.

So fuck you. Right from the get go. Fuck you.

Now to the Libyan situation the people that led the assault were AQ. I knew this from the get go. Why? Because I hang out in ME websites.

I have for ages. You are such a moron.

This "assault" against militia shit is a like a bad Monty Python skit. Who's writing for the WH these days?

This is pathetic.


Do you suck nut sacks at your Tea Bagging parties, with that filthy mouth?

I am what I am. Always have been.

I'm a different kinda Christian. I'm the one that turns the tables over. Like my Lord.

I don't turn the other cheek. I fight for my right to love my God and my Christ. I'm no freaking Christian "wimp version from lefties". Jehovah and Christ are heavy duty dudes.
So, you admit they oppress women? Well then, how can you say they seek freedom when they oppress women? That's kind of moronic to say someone seeks freedom and at the same time they abuse and oppress women. You guys set such low standards.

Theocrats oppress women. I know that to be the case. Now be a good Christian fanatic, an let middle aged white guys tell you what you can and can't do. If your SO (assuming it's a male), drops trou, go suck on it. It's your duty.

you just lost your damn argument, crawl back into your cave. knaw on a bone.

It's your Christian duty to obey, according to your faux interpretation. If your SO tells you to, go knaw [sic] on his bone.
Without even reading the thread I'm going to predict that the nutters on the right are upset that moderate Libyans are kicking the extremists to the curb.


Even better. Tiny Dancer is pretending that Obama coordinated these protests to assist with his presidential race.

I am what I am. Always have been.

I'm a different kinda Christian. I'm the one that turns the tables over. Like my Lord.

I don't turn the other cheek. I fight for my right to love my God and my Christ. I'm no freaking Christian "wimp version from lefties". Jehovah and Christ are heavy duty dudes.

So, Jesus's ways aren't good enough for you?
Without even reading the thread I'm going to predict that the nutters on the right are upset that moderate Libyans are kicking the extremists to the curb.


Even better. Tiny Dancer is pretending that Obama coordinated these protests to assist with his presidential race.


She needs to start taking her reality pills again.
First and foremost you ass wipe any one who knows me on any boards knows that I have been a major champion of Islamic rights and most importantly a champion of muslim women's rights for over a decade and a half.

I think you're a phony piece of shit. What has just occurred is a successful protest to take away power from those who hold extremist views, that essentially hurt the cause of women's rights. I've read your idiotic posts. You don't support Islamic rights. You use the oppression of women as a justification of your petty, pea brained hatred of those who worship differently from you.

So fuck you. Right from the get go. Fuck you.

Now to the Libyan situation the people that led the assault were AQ. I knew this from the get go. Why? Because I hang out in ME websites.

I have for ages. You are such a moron.

This "assault" against militia shit is a like a bad Monty Python skit. Who's writing for the WH these days?

This is pathetic.


Do you suck nut sacks at your Tea Bagging parties, with that filthy mouth?

I am what I am. Always have been.

I'm a different kinda Christian. I'm the one that turns the tables over. Like my Lord.

I don't turn the other cheek. I fight for my right to love my God and my Christ. I'm no freaking Christian "wimp version from lefties". Jehovah and Christ are heavy duty dudes.

You're full of shit. If we were to be the type of Christians that turned over the tables of the money changers, we'd be toppling Wall Street. We'd be feeding and clothing our poor, healing our sick, visiting those in prison. I do turn the other cheek of forgiveness. You seem to enjoy the intergenerational wars of omerta.

You're a different kind of Christian. You spit on the message of Christ, and devote yourself to hate and perpetual war, in hopes for bringing End Times. I bet your ass scabs have 666 in their DNA sequence.
Without even reading the thread I'm going to predict that the nutters on the right are upset that moderate Libyans are kicking the extremists to the curb.


Even better. Tiny Dancer is pretending that Obama coordinated these protests to assist with his presidential race.


You're way behind. Didn't you know that Lil Ol Lady had beat you to the punch. Come on girl.


This is a vast right wing consipracy. It was a vast right winger who produced the movie to make Obama look bad on foreign policy.

According to Lil ol lady's link we did this to make the ambassador die and make Obama plummet in the polls.

Hey get up to speed with your freaking talking points douche.
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Boy, what happened to the Left/Democrats? Such embarrassing frauds. Biggest Chickenhawk Warmongers in the Country now. They've lost all cred they may have had in the past. This Libyan War is an illegitimate War. Nothing at all to celebrate.
We really must deserve what we're going to get. The gullibility of the American public is astounding.
I think you're a phony piece of shit. What has just occurred is a successful protest to take away power from those who hold extremist views, that essentially hurt the cause of women's rights. I've read your idiotic posts. You don't support Islamic rights. You use the oppression of women as a justification of your petty, pea brained hatred of those who worship differently from you.

Do you suck nut sacks at your Tea Bagging parties, with that filthy mouth?

I am what I am. Always have been.

I'm a different kinda Christian. I'm the one that turns the tables over. Like my Lord.

I don't turn the other cheek. I fight for my right to love my God and my Christ. I'm no freaking Christian "wimp version from lefties". Jehovah and Christ are heavy duty dudes.

You're full of shit. If we were to be the type of Christians that turned over the tables of the money changers, we'd be toppling Wall Street. We'd be feeding and clothing our poor, healing our sick, visiting those in prison. I do turn the other cheek of forgiveness. You seem to enjoy the intergenerational wars of omerta.

You're a different kind of Christian. You spit on the message of Christ, and devote yourself to hate and perpetual war, in hopes for bringing End Times. I bet your ass scabs have 666 in their DNA sequence.

You've missed the message kid. You are the blind one.

Wall Street should have been toppled. For crying out loud I was a liberal when a liberal meant something.

Its all bullshit now. True liberals are more like the tea party these days.
Without even reading the thread I'm going to predict that the nutters on the right are upset that moderate Libyans are kicking the extremists to the curb.


Even better. Tiny Dancer is pretending that Obama coordinated these protests to assist with his presidential race.


You're way behind. Didn't you know that Lil Ol Lady had beat you to the punch. Come on girl.


This is a vast right wing consipracy. It was a vast right winger who produced the movie to make Obama look bad on foreign policy.

According to Lil ol lady's link we did this to make the ambassador die and make Obama plummet in the polls.

Hey get up to speed with your freaking talking points douche.

Oh, I see. YOu're trying to catch up to LilOlLady. Good work. You're looking even more crazy/stupid than she does right now.
We really must deserve what we're going to get. The gullibility of the American public is astounding.

Shouldn't you be stocking upon on hollow points, dehydrated food, and kevlar for the treason party you have planned on November 7?
If there's any good news over the Middle East activities in the past two weeks, this is one.

Libyans storm militia building after giant protest in wake of attack on US consulate - The Washington Post

Hundreds of protesters stormed the compound of one of Libya’s strongest armed Islamic extremist groups Friday, evicting militiamen and setting fire to their building as the attack that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans sparked a public backlash against armed groups that run rampant in the country and defy the country’s new, post-Moammar Gadhafi leadership.

Armed men at the administrative center for the Ansar al-Shariah militia, suspected to have led the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Benghazi consulate, first fired in the air to disperse the crowd, but eventually withdrew from the site with their weapons and vehicles after it was surrounded by waves of protesters shouting “No to militias.”

Great staged event. I love these guys. They have more drama than the Kardashians. Truly I love their balls doing this even in " a show yourself moment we're pretending"

It was AQ that hit the embassy. The dude that led the attack was AQ.

All AQ.

Now way anyone is messing with an AQ headquarters unless they really hate their family.

"The invasion of its compound, which met little resistance, appeared to be part of a coordinated sweep of militia bases by police, government troops and activists following a mass public demonstration against militia units in Benghazi on Friday."

Libyan Islamist militia swept out of Benghazi bases - Yahoo! News

Sounds like CIA doing a CYA
We really must deserve what we're going to get. The gullibility of the American public is astounding.

Shouldn't you be stocking upon on hollow points, dehydrated food, and kevlar for the treason party you have planned on November 7?

Would you support the military? Would you support our troops, or the presidebt? Good thing Honduras didn't have a majority of people like you. They would have been under Zeyala's communist dictatorship.

I cannot plan treason, not that opposing the presidebt is treason in any case. I can say that I would support our military.
Boy, what happened to the Left/Democrats? Such embarrassing frauds. Biggest Chickenhawk Warmongers in the Country now. They've lost all cred they may have had in the past. This Libyan War is an illegitimate War. Nothing at all to celebrate.

No one even talks about it as a war from the left. YIKES. It's like an illusion. A mirage.

Obama's now killed more men in a short time than Bush did in 8 years in A. Libs won't realize this or claim it as an untruth.

I'm heartbroken over Afghanistan. I really was one of those fools who thought we could turn centuries around.

I am a fool. I admit it. I am a fool.

Why did I first hate Ron Paul when I first learned about him? Because he told the truth. He said the battle for hearts and minds could never be won.

My husband and was always, gee that guy is amazing, too bad about his foreign policy....

In the end, Paul was right. This hurts to say this for me. But he was right.
I don't know, but aside from being saddened at the death of our four AMericans it's been rather fun watching the idiots rip, tear and burn their countries down. How smart is that? Wonder how many vacations have been booked to Egypt the last couple of weeks? They were already poor now like the morons they are they're making themselves poorer.

Of course that seems like fun to you. To me, it looks more like people are putting their asses on the line for governments that supports freedom and democratic ideals.

ME democracy? freedom? Lol.
Even better. Tiny Dancer is pretending that Obama coordinated these protests to assist with his presidential race.


You're way behind. Didn't you know that Lil Ol Lady had beat you to the punch. Come on girl.


This is a vast right wing consipracy. It was a vast right winger who produced the movie to make Obama look bad on foreign policy.

According to Lil ol lady's link we did this to make the ambassador die and make Obama plummet in the polls.

Hey get up to speed with your freaking talking points douche.

Oh, I see. YOu're trying to catch up to LilOlLady. Good work. You're looking even more crazy/stupid than she does right now.

Please tell me you understand that this was her premise? Not mine?

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