Libyans storm militia building after giant protest in wake of attack on US consulate

If there's any good news over the Middle East activities in the past two weeks, this is one.

Libyans storm militia building after giant protest in wake of attack on US consulate - The Washington Post

Great staged event. I love these guys. They have more drama than the Kardashians. Truly I love their balls doing this even in " a show yourself moment we're pretending"

It was AQ that hit the embassy. The dude that led the attack was AQ.

All AQ.

Now way anyone is messing with an AQ headquarters unless they really hate their family.

"The invasion of its compound, which met little resistance, appeared to be part of a coordinated sweep of militia bases by police, government troops and activists following a mass public demonstration against militia units in Benghazi on Friday."

Libyan Islamist militia swept out of Benghazi bases - Yahoo! News

Sounds like CIA doing a CYA

Sounds like Frank doing his usual head in ass routine.
Would you support the military? Would you support our troops, or the presidebt? Good thing Honduras didn't have a majority of people like you. They would have been under Zeyala's communist dictatorship.

I cannot plan treason, not that opposing the presidebt is treason in any case. I can say that I would support our military.

My husband is a military officer, shit for brains. I work for law enforcement agencies.

The military works for the citizens, as do the coppers. If the people vote in a new president, they'll work for a new commander in chief. If the people vote in the same president, he will remain president.

Nobody in military circles would entertain your blathering about a military coup against a democratically elected commander in chief with anything but a bullet between your stupid eyes.

Stop having a temper tantrum because your candidate sucks. You don't have the skills for a coup. Hell, you barely have the skills to take a crap.
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Boy, what happened to the Left/Democrats? Such embarrassing frauds. Biggest Chickenhawk Warmongers in the Country now. They've lost all cred they may have had in the past. This Libyan War is an illegitimate War. Nothing at all to celebrate.

Why not present an actual argument, rather than pussy assed ad-hominen. You claim that the Libyan war was illegal. How? Should NATO not supported the people, who rose up against the terrorist dictator? I bet you, and Paulites, sucked on Bush's ass when he absolved Qaddafi.

If you want to take your insipid argument further, do so. How was the people's uprising against Qaddafi illegitimate? Are you sorry that NATO supported the Libyan people? To me, that was low hanging fruit. It wasn't a bullshit preemptive war based on lies, like Gulf of Tonkin or Iraq. It was more along the lines of Kosovo, i.e. one of support for human rights and avoiding crazy bloodshed.

We should have jumped in and supported Tutsi in Rwanda and Sudanese in the south of that country. We should have jumped in and helped the victims of El Salvador's death squads and the Jews of Eastern Europe. We could have done so without colonialist intent, and just to support our spirit of humanity.
First and foremost you ass wipe any one who knows me on any boards knows that I have been a major champion of Islamic rights and most importantly a champion of muslim women's rights for over a decade and a half.

I think you're a phony piece of shit. What has just occurred is a successful protest to take away power from those who hold extremist views, that essentially hurt the cause of women's rights. I've read your idiotic posts. You don't support Islamic rights. You use the oppression of women as a justification of your petty, pea brained hatred of those who worship differently from you.

So fuck you. Right from the get go. Fuck you.

Now to the Libyan situation the people that led the assault were AQ. I knew this from the get go. Why? Because I hang out in ME websites.

I have for ages. You are such a moron.

This "assault" against militia shit is a like a bad Monty Python skit. Who's writing for the WH these days?

This is pathetic.


Do you suck nut sacks at your Tea Bagging parties, with that filthy mouth?

I am what I am. Always have been.

I'm a different kinda Christian. I'm the one that turns the tables over. Like my Lord.

I don't turn the other cheek. I fight for my right to love my God and my Christ. I'm no freaking Christian "wimp version from lefties". Jehovah and Christ are heavy duty dudes.

Something about spreading it around TD... Great post.....
Would you support the military? Would you support our troops, or the presidebt? Good thing Honduras didn't have a majority of people like you. They would have been under Zeyala's communist dictatorship.

I cannot plan treason, not that opposing the presidebt is treason in any case. I can say that I would support our military.

My husband is a military officer, shit for brains. I work for law enforcement agencies.

The military works for the citizens, as do the coppers. If the people vote in a new president, they'll work for a new commander in chief. If the people vote in the same president, he will remain president.

Nobody in military circles would entertain your blathering about a military coup against a democratically elected commander in chief with anything but a bullet between your stupid eyes.

Stop having a temper tantrum because your candidate sucks. You don't have the skills for a coup. Hell, you barely have the skills to take a crap.

Then you admit that you are unaware that the oath of enlistment is to protect and defend the Constitution. There have been two uncovered plans within the military to replace the presidebt, which are certainly premature in any case. Are these the ONLY ones? Are they all composed of groups of five or six low level enlisted personnel with pop guns? You HOPE so. Replacement by the military is a danger that all dictators face, even democratically elected ones. To deny it is just to be unrealistic. It is also denying the very fact that such plots have already been discovered.
Then you admit that you are unaware that the oath of enlistment is to protect and defend the Constitution. There have been two uncovered plans within the military to replace the presidebt, which are certainly premature in any case. Are these the ONLY ones? Are they all composed of groups of five or six low level enlisted personnel with pop guns? You HOPE so. Replacement by the military is a danger that all dictators face, even democratically elected ones. To deny it is just to be unrealistic. It is also denying the very fact that such plots have already been discovered.

What color is your anus, Katz? You seem to have examined it closely.
This protest by peaceful Libyans was set up. The militia compound was already mostly empty.

A spokesman for Ansar al-Sharia, which some U.S. and Libya officials blame for the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last week in which the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed, said it had evacuated its bases "to preserve security in the city".

They knew it was coming.

Libyan Islamist militia swept out of Benghazi bases - Yahoo! News

That is if ANYTHING in our press can be believed.
This protest by peaceful Libyans was set up. The militia compound was already mostly empty.

A spokesman for Ansar al-Sharia, which some U.S. and Libya officials blame for the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last week in which the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed, said it had evacuated its bases "to preserve security in the city".

They knew it was coming.

Libyan Islamist militia swept out of Benghazi bases - Yahoo! News

That is if ANYTHING in our press can be believed.

The consulate was entirely unguarded with the exception of the State Department paying for Libyan militia who laid down their arms and fled at the first signs of the AQ attack.

Clinton and others have blatantly lied that 2 ex seals were protecting the ambassador as part of a security force in Benghazi.

Everything is a lie from the White House on down. Pigs. Freaking lying pigs. And anyone on this website who says that they back this administration is a pig who supports radical islamists.

And they need to be outed in real life.
This protest by peaceful Libyans was set up. The militia compound was already mostly empty.

A spokesman for Ansar al-Sharia, which some U.S. and Libya officials blame for the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last week in which the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed, said it had evacuated its bases "to preserve security in the city".

They knew it was coming.

Libyan Islamist militia swept out of Benghazi bases - Yahoo! News

That is if ANYTHING in our press can be believed.

The consulate was entirely unguarded with the exception of the State Department paying for Libyan militia who laid down their arms and fled at the first signs of the AQ attack.

Clinton and others have blatantly lied that 2 ex seals were protecting the ambassador as part of a security force in Benghazi.

Everything is a lie from the White House on down. Pigs. Freaking lying pigs. And anyone on this website who says that they back this administration is a pig who supports radical islamists.

And they need to be outed in real life.

They've lied about everything but because the Ambassador was executed instead of being held hostage the press can sweep it under the rug
This protest by peaceful Libyans was set up. The militia compound was already mostly empty.

A spokesman for Ansar al-Sharia, which some U.S. and Libya officials blame for the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last week in which the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed, said it had evacuated its bases "to preserve security in the city".

They knew it was coming.

Libyan Islamist militia swept out of Benghazi bases - Yahoo! News

That is if ANYTHING in our press can be believed.

Nothing in your press can be believed.

There was never a protest. It's all bullshit. But on the bright side, the world, the whole world watched as Susan Rice was on the hook lying her ass off.

Hillary comes off looking like more than the fool than she has in the past running cover for these morons.

(and I backed Hillary but with the new Monica book coming out I'm sure she is concentrating on throwing ashtrays at Bill's head right now)
wow, catzmeow is a woman, could of fooled me with that mouth

Classic attention whore...................

Anyone that understands behavioral analysis. could profile her quite easily. Tell her things about her childhood no one could possibly know.

Yes it is that simple.
If there's any good news over the Middle East activities in the past two weeks, this is one.

Libyans storm militia building after giant protest in wake of attack on US consulate - The Washington Post

Hundreds of protesters stormed the compound of one of Libya’s strongest armed Islamic extremist groups Friday, evicting militiamen and setting fire to their building as the attack that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans sparked a public backlash against armed groups that run rampant in the country and defy the country’s new, post-Moammar Gadhafi leadership.

Armed men at the administrative center for the Ansar al-Shariah militia, suspected to have led the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Benghazi consulate, first fired in the air to disperse the crowd, but eventually withdrew from the site with their weapons and vehicles after it was surrounded by waves of protesters shouting “No to militias.”

Great staged event. I love these guys. They have more drama than the Kardashians. Truly I love their balls doing this even in " a show yourself moment we're pretending"

It was AQ that hit the embassy. The dude that led the attack was AQ.

All AQ.

Now way anyone is messing with an AQ headquarters unless they really hate their family.

A staged event? And this is why you are just trash. Had this been 100s of protesters storming an us embassy you would have made 80nthreads about how obama was weak.

Fuck off twat.
If there's any good news over the Middle East activities in the past two weeks, this is one.

Libyans storm militia building after giant protest in wake of attack on US consulate - The Washington Post

Great staged event. I love these guys. They have more drama than the Kardashians. Truly I love their balls doing this even in " a show yourself moment we're pretending"

It was AQ that hit the embassy. The dude that led the attack was AQ.

All AQ.

Now way anyone is messing with an AQ headquarters unless they really hate their family.

A staged event? And this is why you are just trash. Had this been 100s of protesters storming an us embassy you would have made 80nthreads about how obama was weak.

Fuck off twat.

She's a pathetict twat. Why would it be staged? What a antisemetic piece of garbage she is
I think you're a phony piece of shit. What has just occurred is a successful protest to take away power from those who hold extremist views, that essentially hurt the cause of women's rights. I've read your idiotic posts. You don't support Islamic rights. You use the oppression of women as a justification of your petty, pea brained hatred of those who worship differently from you.

Do you suck nut sacks at your Tea Bagging parties, with that filthy mouth?

I am what I am. Always have been.

I'm a different kinda Christian. I'm the one that turns the tables over. Like my Lord.

I don't turn the other cheek. I fight for my right to love my God and my Christ. I'm no freaking Christian "wimp version from lefties". Jehovah and Christ are heavy duty dudes.

Something about spreading it around TD... Great post.....

Interesting that you're the kind of self proclaimed Christian that wants to MURDER for Christ. What makes you want to suck FatAssedCajun Dancer's ass hair?
This protest by peaceful Libyans was set up. The militia compound was already mostly empty.

A spokesman for Ansar al-Sharia, which some U.S. and Libya officials blame for the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last week in which the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans were killed, said it had evacuated its bases "to preserve security in the city".

They knew it was coming.

Libyan Islamist militia swept out of Benghazi bases - Yahoo! News

That is if ANYTHING in our press can be believed.

The consulate was entirely unguarded with the exception of the State Department paying for Libyan militia who laid down their arms and fled at the first signs of the AQ attack.

Clinton and others have blatantly lied that 2 ex seals were protecting the ambassador as part of a security force in Benghazi.

Everything is a lie from the White House on down. Pigs. Freaking lying pigs. And anyone on this website who says that they back this administration is a pig who supports radical islamists.

And they need to be outed in real life.

They've lied about everything but because the Ambassador was executed instead of being held hostage the press can sweep it under the rug

It's 9/11. Former Gitmo AQ member leading the assault. And Rice and Clinton and Carney say it's "spontaneous" over a movie?

Great staged event. I love these guys. They have more drama than the Kardashians. Truly I love their balls doing this even in " a show yourself moment we're pretending"

It was AQ that hit the embassy. The dude that led the attack was AQ.

All AQ.

Now way anyone is messing with an AQ headquarters unless they really hate their family.

Wow, you are seriously messed up. Seek help.
I am what I am. Always have been.

I'm a different kinda Christian. I'm the one that turns the tables over. Like my Lord.

I don't turn the other cheek. I fight for my right to love my God and my Christ. I'm no freaking Christian "wimp version from lefties". Jehovah and Christ are heavy duty dudes.

Something about spreading it around TD... Great post.....

Interesting that you're the kind of self proclaimed Christian that wants to MURDER for Christ. What makes you want to suck FatAssedCajun Dancer's ass hair?

I am...Self Proclaimed and all...... I was raised catholic. I have brown skin...Insult me go ahead....You can rub two brain cells together cant you. Can you try something imaginative. I feel like I am picking on the handicapped.
So what's your point? The Libyan War is an illegitimate War. It wasn't even taken before the U.S. Congress. Escalating this illegitimate War is nothing to celebrate.

Hey paul, it wasn't an "illegitimate war" to the Libyans.

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