Life and times on California welfare


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Many years ago , my dad became friends with some Mexican woman.
She had a decent job but lost it. after that, she pretty much retired.
She went on welfare for many years with at least 2 kids.
Her son ended up in and out of jail, and one of her kids had children, so now she's back on welfare, taking care of the grandkids.
She left her house in our area (I don't know why) and ended up in crappy Palmdale CA.
I found out she was paying a reduced mortgage of 500 bucks per month, while homes in the area were 3 or 4 times that.
My dad thought he was being a true humanitarian taking her and her family out for 5 dollar Little Cesar's pizza.
They finally confronted my dad and told him "We don't want that. We want this"
My dad was mad for a few weeks.
Now my dad and her family go all over the place when they go out to eat, places my dad would have never stepped foot in years ago.
I found out the city came in and installed swamp coolers in their house.
I found out their heater broke down, and some home warranty company, that there's no way they're paying for, came in and fixed it.
My dad said she went to the doctor for some minor cold or something, and they sent her home with medication and some kind of breathing machine.
My dad who pays for the best medical care he knows of, said her health care was better than his.
The bank kicked them out of their house, supposedly for no reason.
There was a big class action lawsuit against the banks, and they were supposed to get a big settlement. (which turned out to be a small settlement)
they ended up living with someone they knew.
I though, 'well I guess things caught up with them'.
I found out a couple months later, her grandkids were enrolled in private school , which they don't pay for either.
So I guess her house settlement came in, and my dad suggested moving to Nevada where the cost of living is cheaper. she spends her time gambling in the casino.
My mom was a single mother who supported 2 kids and worked her whole life.
She put my sister through private school.
My private school education ended because 1) I didn't care about school and 2) she couldn't afford it anymore.
She worried most of her life we were going to end up homeless.
My mother died about 4 years after she retired.
My mother had dignity.
These fking immigrants come here and retire in their 30's.
...and you know what I think about this government? I hope every one of them drops dead.

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