Like Arsonist Helping to Put Out His Own Fire, Fauci Wants “Investigation” of Man-Made Origins of Wuhan-NIH Virus


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Fauci is a joke

Only libs are still fooled and impressed by him
Fauci very early in this pandemic looked like a Yes Man. He takes his orders from others as any obedient Yes Man would and never seemed to be a man of courage, principle or independent thinking.
Fauci very early in this pandemic looked like a Yes Man. He takes his orders from others as any obedient Yes Man would and never seemed to be a man of courage, principle or independent thinking.
Naw, Dr. Bureaucrat just got seduced by the media spotlight and will say whatever it takes to keep himself in it.

Just another sad tale of how our politics FUBAR’d yet another individual that used to have a perfectly good brain.
Fauci very early in this pandemic looked like a Yes Man. He takes his orders from others as any obedient Yes Man would and never seemed to be a man of courage, principle or independent thinking.
Naw, Dr. Bureaucrat just got seduced by the media spotlight and will say whatever it takes to keep himself in it.

Just another sad tale of how our politics FUBAR’d yet another individual that used to have a perfectly good brain.

I just looked into his role in the HIV thing, which I didn't follow closely because I'm not gay (no hate.) Apparently there is a lot more to it, they had treatments but he suppressed them because it would depress the market for the big pharma companies that were selling the drugs HE was pushing for. Or something like that. Just like he did with HCQ and Ivermectin now. Cold blooded technochractic murder really. If anyone can explain the HIV thing better would appreciate.
Both Fauci and his accomplice, Scarf Lady, know that retroviral elements can naturally integrate into the coronavirus genome without human assistance. Last we looked, HIV was a retrovirus.
Both Fauci and his accomplice, Scarf Lady, know that retroviral elements can naturally integrate into the coronavirus genome without human assistance. Last we looked, HIV was a retrovirus.

Can you put that in plain English please?
1.) find out who the Scarf Lady is.
2.) to read about retroviral elements integrating into the coronavirus genome, see the book, The Nidoviruses.
Darwinism strikes again. And it is the second time this department has lost an officer to Covid.

Sometimes being stupid is fatal. RIP.

1.) find out who the Scarf Lady is.
2.) to read about retroviral elements integrating into the coronavirus genome, see the book, The Nidoviruses.

1. I know who scarf lady is, Birx.

2. This is generally what I hear from gay community about Fauci. Is this representative?

Anthony Fauci, you are a murderer because you oversee government sponsored
clinical trials that test and retest combinations of immunosuppressive, toxic
therapies that kill people with HIV. The majority of U.S. clinical trials
involve worthless antivirals like AZT combined with some other drug
(generally another toxic antiviral). What these tests have proven is that you
are able to piss away billions of dollars testing dangerous compounds that DO
NOTHING to improve the quality of life, to stop opportunistic infections or
to extend survival for people with HIV. AZT, 3TC, ddI, ddC, d4T and the
current crop of protease inhibitors are nothing but poison. Ten years of the
plague has shown us that trying to kill the virus kills people with AIDS, and
you, Dr. Fauci, know it.

How long will it take you to start focusing on the immune system, how to
boost it and how to prevent the opportunistic infections that are killing
people with AIDS? Even you admit that "the immune response against HIV is
extremely powerful and is clearly more effective than any of the therapeutic
approaches currently available in controlling virus replication." Still , you
give your blessing to clinical trials of highly profitable toxins that
destroy PWAs' already compromised immune systems.

Fauci very early in this pandemic looked like a Yes Man. He takes his orders from others as any obedient Yes Man would and never seemed to be a man of courage, principle or independent thinking.

The question is who does he take his orders from? Gates? And where does Gates get his? I say Hillary is the mob boss running the Deep State show. Above her is Soros, Xi, and Lynne Rothschild. We just don't know.

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