like Obama, Joe Biden’s Obsession With Bipartisanship Doomed His Presidency From the Start

As I said - Fuck the Confederacy. They’re treasonous losers. Every confederate flag should be burned.
They don't fit the definition in the Constitution. However, Lincoln does.

But you just admitted that you don't care about facts.
When Obama was trying to pass Obamacare the Republicans' said they wanted to participate and have a say. That was when Obama noted that they can come along but they had to get in the back. He never tried to be bipartisan. It was Obama that said "elections have consequences".
Yes. Obama said elections have consequences after being elected in 2008 but he never seemed to believe that come 2010, 2012, 2014, & 2016.

i agree completely with this


Joe Biden’s obsession with bipartisanship for its own sake made him a risky bet as leader. Now, with the prospects of the Build Back Better bill seemingly unraveling, it may have unraveled his presidency.

Officially, the Build Back Better (BBB) bill, once the centerpiece of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ ambitions, has merely been “shelved.” But with West Virginia senator Joe Manchin now nickel-and-diming Biden on even extending the Child Tax Credit — meant to be the most popular and uncontroversial part of the party’s agenda, and to date the only major new policy introduced by Biden — it’s hard to see how it could make a comeback between now and the midterms.

Of the many themes that thread their way through Biden’s history, two stick out. One is the vocal hostility to (nonmilitary) deficit spending and obsession with government debt that he was known for during his long decade in the Senate. The other is his almost total inability to stand up to the Right, usually by being steamrolled by Republican negotiators (a failure he’s then tended to cast as the noble art of compromise), or in the form of a hokey belief in bipartisanship for its own sake.
I'm not sure you understand. Republicans don't even have anything to do with it. First, Biden has NOT been bipartisan in any way. Second, people like Manchn, Sinema, and a handful of others are not Republicans. He can't just railroad right over their votes.
Nope. Not when those forts are located on your territory.

On sounds like the definition of treason to me. You definitely would have been one of the fools dying for the greedy idiot corrupt megarich slave holder conservative assholes...

To Abolish slavery isn't why Lincoln invaded Virginia, moron. Lincoln admitted that much.
No he did it to keep the Union together. He did nothing to deserve the reaction his election got. Of course the southern conservative base was ignorant like today and fear mongerered into believing all kinds of crap... Slavery was a stupid unnecessary thing by that time....
I'm not sure you understand. Republicans don't even have anything to do with it. First, Biden has NOT been bipartisan in any way. Second, people like Manchn, Sinema, and a handful of others are not Republicans. He can't just railroad right over their votes.
Yes he is quite an evil person for wanting tax cuts for the poor and regular people and cheap college and training and getting people health care. Horrible just horrible. You are a brain washed functional moron.
No he did it to keep the Union together.
Sort of like the way an abusive husband tries to keep his marriage together. - by beating the crap out of his wife.

He did nothing to deserve the reaction his election got. Of course the southern conservative base was fear monitored into believing all kinds of crap... Slavy was a stupid unnecessary thing by that time....

You're point?
Yes he is quite an evil person for wanting tax cuts for the poor and regular people and cheap college and training and getting people health care. Horrible just horrible. You are a brain washed functional moron.
Free stuff for everyone. Income tax cuts for people who don't pay income taxes. One thing you seem to forget is that politicians don't give you a thing without taking it from someone else first.

i agree completely with this


Joe Biden’s obsession with bipartisanship for its own sake made him a risky bet as leader. Now, with the prospects of the Build Back Better bill seemingly unraveling, it may have unraveled his presidency.

Officially, the Build Back Better (BBB) bill, once the centerpiece of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ ambitions, has merely been “shelved.” But with West Virginia senator Joe Manchin now nickel-and-diming Biden on even extending the Child Tax Credit — meant to be the most popular and uncontroversial part of the party’s agenda, and to date the only major new policy introduced by Biden — it’s hard to see how it could make a comeback between now and the midterms.

Of the many themes that thread their way through Biden’s history, two stick out. One is the vocal hostility to (nonmilitary) deficit spending and obsession with government debt that he was known for during his long decade in the Senate. The other is his almost total inability to stand up to the Right, usually by being steamrolled by Republican negotiators (a failure he’s then tended to cast as the noble art of compromise), or in the form of a hokey belief in bipartisanship for its own sake.
laughable…neither were interested in bipartisanship
Free stuff for everyone. Income tax cuts for people who don't pay income taxes. One thing you seem to forget is that politicians don't give you a thing without taking it from someone else first.
Stuff that every other modern country already gets and more of course, since they don't have a brainwashed idiotic conservative party like the GOP-All stuff to give us a fair economy for a change. Idiot..... We are turning into a horribly unequal and hopeless banana Republic thanks to the giveaway to the rich GOP and its brainwashed boobs...
Stuff that every other modern country already gets and more of course, since they don't have a brainwashed idiotic conservative party like the GOP-All stuff to give us a fair economy for a change. Idiot..... We are turning into a horribly unequal and hopeless banana Republic thanks to the giveaway to the rich GOP and its brainwashed boobs...
How can they get anymore than what they produce, and they produce less than we do.
Nope. Not when those forts are located on your territory.

To Abolish slavery isn't why Lincoln invaded Virginia, moron. Lincoln admitted that much.
No noAnd no he did not poop in his pants, brainwashed functional moron. Try changing the channel someday lol...
How can they get anymore than what they produce, and they produce less than we do.
They tax the rich and giant corporations more like their fair share and have a well educated populace that can get the good jobs while we sell hamburgers to each other.
They tax the rich and giant corporations more like their fair share and have a well educated populace that can get the good jobs while we sell hamburgers to each other.
The correct answer is that they can't. Taxing means taking from one and giving it to another. Corporations are owned by people. When you tax them, you tax people. The rich own the means of production. When you tax them you tax away the means of production and piss it down the government sewer.

Your bailing water out of one end of the tub but pouring it into the other. It's a zero sum game. The government imposes a fee on very transaction.

This is the idiocy you endorse.

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