like Obama, Joe Biden’s Obsession With Bipartisanship Doomed His Presidency From the Start

Nope. The Confederates were committing treason. Burn that flag, now.
No they weren't, you dumb turd. You even refused to quote the Constitution accurately because you know that Confederates didn't match the definition of treason. Lincoln did. Lincoln made war on states of the union.
No they weren't, you dumb turd. You even refused to quote the Constitution accurately because you know that Confederates didn't match the definition of treason. Lincoln did. Lincoln made war on states of the union.
Yes they were. And those motherfuckers lost.
Yes he is quite an evil person for wanting tax cuts for the poor and regular people and cheap college and training and getting people health care. Horrible just horrible. You are a brain washed functional moron.
LOL. You've got your presidents confused. It was Trump who gave tax cuts to just about everyone. Where is Biden requesting a tax cut for the poor? The only tax cuts he has planned is for the rich by wanting to increase the SALT cap.
Inflation which is caused by idiot Republicans like you not getting vaccinated. End of story
When people like yourself never open up their minds to many ways of thinking, this is what we end up with. To hell and high water, you will vote Democrat. And the Democrat you vote for will follow his/her marching orders because they are now Progressives. This is the true cult. A godless one with many of the promoters not even willing to die for it even if they get violent. They just believe they are right.
When people like yourself never open up their minds to many ways of thinking, this is what we end up with. To hell and high water, you will vote Democrat. And the Democrat you vote for will follow his/her marching orders because they are now Progressives. This is the true cult. A godless one with many of the promoters not even willing to die for it even if they get violent. They just believe they are right.
The problem is all the facts you are brainwashed with are lies. Vaccines are safe effective and are great, masks work 70% effective, GOP is the only party in the world that denies global warming election security you name it. The GOP has been running a huge giveaway to the rich the last 30 years and a horrible propaganda machine. Rupert Murdoch is scum and can only do this here now. Luckily he and Trump are about dead thank God. Just horrible... Meanwhile we have hundreds of media outlets around the world that agree with what we say and you have one Fox News and the post New York post and the Wall Street journal Murdoch's newspapers. Seriously you are the worst thing that has happened to American politics ever.

i agree completely with this


Joe Biden’s obsession with bipartisanship for its own sake made him a risky bet as leader. Now, with the prospects of the Build Back Better bill seemingly unraveling, it may have unraveled his presidency.

Officially, the Build Back Better (BBB) bill, once the centerpiece of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ ambitions, has merely been “shelved.” But with West Virginia senator Joe Manchin now nickel-and-diming Biden on even extending the Child Tax Credit — meant to be the most popular and uncontroversial part of the party’s agenda, and to date the only major new policy introduced by Biden — it’s hard to see how it could make a comeback between now and the midterms.

Of the many themes that thread their way through Biden’s history, two stick out. One is the vocal hostility to (nonmilitary) deficit spending and obsession with government debt that he was known for during his long decade in the Senate. The other is his almost total inability to stand up to the Right, usually by being steamrolled by Republican negotiators (a failure he’s then tended to cast as the noble art of compromise), or in the form of a hokey belief in bipartisanship for its own sake.
Last I heard, Manchen is a democrat.
When people like yourself never open up their minds to many ways of thinking, this is what we end up with. To hell and high water, you will vote Democrat. And the Democrat you vote for will follow his/her marching orders because they are now Progressives. This is the true cult. A godless one with many of the promoters not even willing to die for it even if they get violent. They just believe they are right.
We are willing to die for American democracy which you people are screwing around with based on pure imaginary garbage propaganda, super duper.
Biden campaigned as a moderate and a uniter. He has proven in his first year that was a complete deception. He is the most divisive, most radical, most anti-American President we have ever had. I realize he is basically a meat puppet mouthing the words of his divisive radical anti-American Party but he is President and has to own his own words and actions.
Oh, shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you're yapping about. You've never had a political talking point in your life that wasen't pounded into your head by Fox News.

Don't you have a MAGA costume that needs washing?
Pretty pretty much bought off by big oil big coal big health etc, you know, like all Republicans...
You omitted the FACT that many people he represents are supported by employment in the coal industry. He's doing his job. Boo hoo.

i agree completely with this


Joe Biden’s obsession with bipartisanship for its own sake made him a risky bet as leader. Now, with the prospects of the Build Back Better bill seemingly unraveling, it may have unraveled his presidency.

Officially, the Build Back Better (BBB) bill, once the centerpiece of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ ambitions, has merely been “shelved.” But with West Virginia senator Joe Manchin now nickel-and-diming Biden on even extending the Child Tax Credit — meant to be the most popular and uncontroversial part of the party’s agenda, and to date the only major new policy introduced by Biden — it’s hard to see how it could make a comeback between now and the midterms.

Of the many themes that thread their way through Biden’s history, two stick out. One is the vocal hostility to (nonmilitary) deficit spending and obsession with government debt that he was known for during his long decade in the Senate. The other is his almost total inability to stand up to the Right, usually by being steamrolled by Republican negotiators (a failure he’s then tended to cast as the noble art of compromise), or in the form of a hokey belief in bipartisanship for its own sake.
Trying to pass a massive new expansion of government entitlements with razor thin margins in both the House and Senate is what doomed Joe Biden's Administration from the start, BB! Why they ever thought they had the mandate for something like that calls into question their political intelligence!
You omitted the FACT that many people he represents are supported by employment in the coal industry. He's doing his job. Boo hoo.
It is a very dirty and dying industry, and West Virginia would be better off voting for cheap college and training for good jobs... Like Hillary said. But carry on getting screwed over by the greedy idiot GOP.
Trying to pass a massive new expansion of government entitlements with razor thin margins in both the House and Senate is what doomed Joe Biden's Administration from the start, BB! Why they ever thought they had the mandate for something like that calls into question their political intelligence!
Your battle to screw yourself and your family and friends is impressive. After 34 years of GOP total giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else, all the stuff is incredibly overdue and already exists in every other modern country, super duper
It is a very dirty and dying industry, and West Virginia would be better off voting for cheap college and training for good jobs... Like Hillary said. But carry on getting screwed over by the greedy idiot GOP.
Your battle to screw yourself and your family and friends is impressive. After 34 years of GOP total giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else, all the stuff is incredibly overdue and already exists in every other modern country, super duper
I'm curious, you think that the Democrats are doing better things for the poor and Middle Class this year than the GOP had done before? You liberals are subjecting them to rampant inflation that is battering poorer Americans worse than anything they've seen since the early 80's! Talk about a "screw job"!
I'm curious, you think that the Democrats are doing better things for the poor and Middle Class this year than the GOP had done before? You liberals are subjecting them to rampant inflation that is battering poorer Americans worse than anything they've seen since the early 80's! Talk about a "screw job"!
Of course you don't know what is in lol the social infrastructure bill... But yes improvements to healthcare daycare preschool cheap insulin free community college would have been great. And some of it still will be.

And of course the inflation is because of the supply chain crisis which is caused around the world by conservative idiocy propaganda against vaccines masks you name it.... So people don't dare to work. Especially in the United States... Great job! Goes great with the stupidest wars ever allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence, a corrupt bubble and bust again in 2008 like 1987 and 1929 And now 2021. Too bad the GOP base is brainwashed and has no clue what is going on. The GOP has done nothing for regular people since 1987 when they cut the top tax rate from 50 to 28 and here we are with no money to invest in America and Americans. We need a tax cut for regular people and a big hike for the incredibly bloated mega rich and giant corporations that don't pay a damn thing. What a scam...
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Of course you don't know what is in lol the social infrastructure bill... But yes improvements to healthcare daycare preschool cheap insulin free community college would have been great. And some of it still will be.

And of course the inflation is because of the supply chain crisis which is caused around the world by conservative idiocy propaganda against vaccines masks you name it.... So people don't dare to work. Especially in the United States... Great job! Goes great with the stupidest wars ever allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence, a corrupt bubble and bust again in 2008 like 1987 and 1929 And now 2021. Too bad the GOP base is brainwashed and has no clue what is going on. The GOP has done nothing for regular people since 1987 when they cut the top tax rate from 50 to 28 and here we are with no money to invest in America and Americans. We need a tax cut for regular people and a big hike for the incredibly bloated mega rich and giant corporations that don't pay a damn thing. What a scam...
You do realize that when Reagan cut the top tax rate from 50 to 28 that he actually increased the amount of tax revenue that the Federal Government took in, Franco?

You could take every dime from the "bloated mega rich" and it wouldn't come CLOSE to paying for the entitlements you on the left are obligating the US to pay!
You do realize that when Reagan cut the top tax rate from 50 to 28 that he actually increased the amount of tax revenue that the Federal Government took in, Franco?

You could take every dime from the "bloated mega rich" and it wouldn't come CLOSE to paying for the entitlements you on the left are obligating the US to pay!
Turns out what Democrats want would pay for themselves in no time with better train people for better jobs fewer people on welfare etc etc, brainwashed functional more on. Every other modern country manages it and we have the best natural resources by far of any country. We're just screwing it up under GOP giveaway to the rich and lack of investment in America and Americans. Really stupid stuff for idiotic mega rich fools. The GOP and its zombies....
Properly said, "BBB" is said "Buhhhh Buhhhhhhhh Buhyhhhhhhhhhhh. As by one whose brain has withered away. Right, PRESIDENT Xiden?

Yeah, you. You with the soiled diapers and drool stained tie.........
Turns out what Democrats want would pay for themselves in no time with better train people for better jobs fewer people on welfare etc etc, brainwashed functional more on. Every other modern country manages it and we have the best natural resources by far of any country. We're just screwing it up under GOP giveaway to the rich and lack of investment in America and Americans. Really stupid stuff for idiotic mega rich fools. The GOP and its zombies....
Care to take a crack at explaining why when the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office when Barack Obama was elected...that they did NONE of those things? What they actually DID was to put a record number of people on Food Stamps! Or was that the GOP's fault too?

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