like Obama, Joe Biden’s Obsession With Bipartisanship Doomed His Presidency From the Start

Biden signs the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill into law​

That's more than trump did in 4 years.

Joe's presidency will never be considered doom, just because of the infrastructure bill.
Poopeypants is a much better thief than Trump....this money will all go into the pockets of Dims and their ilk.

i agree completely with this


Joe Biden’s obsession with bipartisanship for its own sake made him a risky bet as leader. Now, with the prospects of the Build Back Better bill seemingly unraveling, it may have unraveled his presidency.

Officially, the Build Back Better (BBB) bill, once the centerpiece of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ ambitions, has merely been “shelved.” But with West Virginia senator Joe Manchin now nickel-and-diming Biden on even extending the Child Tax Credit — meant to be the most popular and uncontroversial part of the party’s agenda, and to date the only major new policy introduced by Biden — it’s hard to see how it could make a comeback between now and the midterms.

Of the many themes that thread their way through Biden’s history, two stick out. One is the vocal hostility to (nonmilitary) deficit spending and obsession with government debt that he was known for during his long decade in the Senate. The other is his almost total inability to stand up to the Right, usually by being steamrolled by Republican negotiators (a failure he’s then tended to cast as the noble art of compromise), or in the form of a hokey belief in bipartisanship for its own sake.

When the fucknis Joe Biden's 'partisanship' embrace going to happen?
When is he going to start trying to keep his promise to bring the country together....without it being under a Marxist tyrannical thumb?
Denounce January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol.
You mean the peaceful protest? why don't you denounce the Black LIES Splatter and AntiFAG riots from 2020? Oh but I forgot. They were "peaceful" protests while businesses, government buildings, and cities burned and you cheered them on! The 2020 "Selection" had too many red flags for it to be legitimate, Komrade!
Conservatives want another civil war. They serve the confederate flag. Traitors.
You serve the Soviet Flag. Joe ran as a moderate with many promises. He has lied on them all. He is left of the left right now. But that is not far enough left for the insane. Inflation can be ugly. If you are older you are an idiot. If you are younger, heed what I typed. Inflation and stagnation will make many poorer.
When Obama was trying to pass Obamacare the Republicans' said they wanted to participate and have a say. That was when Obama noted that they can come along but they had to get in the back. He never tried to be bipartisan. It was Obama that said "elections have consequences".
Republicans have not known the meaning of compromise since Rush Limbaugh and newt started... The Republicans almost stalled long enough that Obamacare was almost ruined.
You mean the peaceful protest? why don't you denounce the Black LIES Splatter and AntiFAG riots from 2020? Oh but I forgot. They were "peaceful" protests while businesses, government buildings, and cities burned and you cheered them on! The 2020 "Selection" had too many red flags for it to be legitimate, Komrade!
You even know you are lying. Congratulations
Republicans have not known the meaning of compromise since Rush Limbaugh and newt started... The Republicans almost stalled long enough that Obamacare was almost ruined.

Obama ruined Obamacare by allowing the pharmaceutical reps write it.
You serve the Soviet Flag. Joe ran as a moderate with many promises. He has lied on them all. He is left of the left right now. But that is not far enough left for the insane. Inflation can be ugly. If you are older you are an idiot. If you are younger, heed what I typed. Inflation and stagnation will make many poorer.
Inflation which is caused by idiot Republicans like you not getting vaccinated. End of story
Passed by the closest margins, and the biggest social reform since the 60s. There is nothing wrong with it except that caused by GOP obstruction.

Outside of the fact that absolutely nothing was done on the cost side and costs continue to rise.

We needed UHC.
Outside of the fact that absolutely nothing was done on the cost side and costs continue to rise.

We needed UHC.
We certainly were not going to get it. Our 60th vote was Lieberman and this was all you're going to get out of him. At any rate it was finally done and would work, in fact it does work. And it can certainly be fixed......

i agree completely with this


Joe Biden’s obsession with bipartisanship for its own sake made him a risky bet as leader. Now, with the prospects of the Build Back Better bill seemingly unraveling, it may have unraveled his presidency.

Officially, the Build Back Better (BBB) bill, once the centerpiece of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ ambitions, has merely been “shelved.” But with West Virginia senator Joe Manchin now nickel-and-diming Biden on even extending the Child Tax Credit — meant to be the most popular and uncontroversial part of the party’s agenda, and to date the only major new policy introduced by Biden — it’s hard to see how it could make a comeback between now and the midterms.

Of the many themes that thread their way through Biden’s history, two stick out. One is the vocal hostility to (nonmilitary) deficit spending and obsession with government debt that he was known for during his long decade in the Senate. The other is his almost total inability to stand up to the Right, usually by being steamrolled by Republican negotiators (a failure he’s then tended to cast as the noble art of compromise), or in the form of a hokey belief in bipartisanship for its own sake.

His presidency is in tact for 3 more years. Partisanship is the correct way to govern but republicans hate them so much you can't bring yourselves to help the country.
Bone head was the first to declare war on Obama when he said he would do anything to destroy any legacies he could. Trump set about destroying those legacies in his time purely to replace them with his disasters.
The pattern is republicans hate working with democrats because they feel they have a birth right to govern without opposition. Biden rightly so brings them into the discussion hoping to change things for the better knowing full well it annoys the shit out of them. They are embarrassed to show leadership because it involves sharing ideas with the left, who they hate.
Biden knows how to get up their nose and make them participate.

That aside, why shouldn't both parties work together? It might be you bitter twisted red necks who want continual war in Congress and it ends with riots at the capitol by right wing thugs who don't want their puppets mingling and obeying the unwashed masses.

Biden with his 40 years of bargaining us a lot more cunning than you think. He's one step ahead of dinosaurs like Mitch.
We certainly were not going to get it. Our 60th vote was Lieberman and this was all you're going to get out of him. At any rate it was finally done and would work, in fact it does work. And it can certainly be fixed......

It can't with so many Democrats in the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry.
It can't with so many Democrats in the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry.
Pure nonsense. Republicans defend the policy of no negotiations over drug prices, just let them charge what they want, corporations are our friends lol. You have no idea what is going on and no idea what should be done. Change the channel.

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