Limbaugh call Palin Memoir "One of the Most Substantive Books I've Read"

Limbaugh Calls Palin Memoir "One of Most Substantive Policy Books I've Read"

Yep I expect this is sadly true.

It's amazing.El Rushbo says something at 2:55 P M and Ed Shultz and the rest are quoting him a few hours later. El Rushie must laugh himself to sleep every night. If this guy is just a joke why do they spend so much time reacting to every time he scratches an itch.

Why? Because the loony fringe whinge on the far right think Rush knows what he is talking about. He certainly understands your type's fears, and he milks you all like a dairy herd. He has all the profit from your unwillingness to bravely face the future and accept what is and has been and how it can be different.

Instead, you cry about how you all are misunderstood. Grow up, Rozman!

Talk about being milked? How does it feel to be led, like a bunch of sheep to the Obama slaughter house? You are about ready to get milked and milked much much more in the higher taxes you are gonna pay for the socialistic guy who wants to " spread the wealth," that means your wealth too, there are no exemptions for liberals.:lol::lol:

" Socialism works fine until you run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher

" If you are 20 and not a liberal you don't have a heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal you don't have a brain." Winston Churchill
It always makes me laugh to hear liberals say she wasn't "qualified" to be in the White House. Yet she had the same experience if not more than the Hussein, and she was only running for VP.

Then again, I keep forgetting the Hussein is "uniquely qualified"....whatever the hell that means.

Two years as governor is more experience that four years in the Senate? Last time I checked, 4 > 2.

Governors actually have to make decisions, they can't just vote present the way Barry did the few times he showed up for the job the idiots of Illinois hired him for. Senators are nothing but followers with 0 accountability, what a "Who Gives A Shit?" job.

Right on- he is still not accountable- everything and anything is Booooooooooooosh's fault.

The passage of the no stimulus stimulus bill was done in haste, as he promised it would not go above 8%, now it's 10.2% and rising. He has not yet figured out a way to blame Boooooooooooooosh for this, but I am sure he will come up with something.:lol:

Maybe something like the " Devil made me do it," only now it will be " Booooooooooooooooosh made me do it." :lol::lol:
Who actually wrote the book?

And I do not believe it was Palin.

Having ghost writers is common. Bill Shatner did not write many if any of his books. Bill Quick actually wrote most of them.

Who actually writes everything Barry reads off his teleprompters? He has repeatedly proven he can't talk his way out of a wet paper bag when he goes it rogue, without his nanny prompters. As for Home Depot's Joe "Anuerysm" Biden, nothing needs to be said, Barry won't let him.

Who wrote "Dreams Of My Father" for Barry?

William Ayers
Libs must wake up each morning dreading that latest facebook update. :lol:

It's amazing.El Rushbo says something at 2:55 P M and Ed Shultz and the rest are quoting him a few hours later. El Rushie must laugh himself to sleep every night. If this guy is just a joke why do they spend so much time reacting to every time he scratches an itch.

Why? Because the loony fringe whinge on the far right think Rush knows what he is talking about. He certainly understands your type's fears, and he milks you all like a dairy herd. He has all the profit from your unwillingness to bravely face the future and accept what is and has been and how it can be different.

Instead, you cry about how you all are misunderstood. Grow up, Rozman!

Talk about being milked? How does it feel to be led, like a bunch of sheep to the Obama slaughter house? You are about ready to get milked and milked much much more in the higher taxes you are gonna pay for the socialistic guy who wants to " spread the wealth," that means your wealth too, there are no exemptions for liberals.:lol::lol:

" Socialism works fine until you run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher

" If you are 20 and not a liberal you don't have a heart. If you are 40 and still a liberal you don't have a brain." Winston Churchill
One thing you can be sure of with CON$, their "quotes" are completely made up!!!!

You do know Churchill was a Conservative at 20 and was a Liberal at 40, don't you?
Some of you fuckers are really pathetic. Palin's book was selling thousands before it was ever printed. Jealousy gets you nowhere but laughed at and ridiculed.


I've seen the advertisements and promotions to get it FREE or for less than $5.00 if joining some Rightie organization.
It always makes me laugh to hear liberals say she wasn't "qualified" to be in the White House. Yet she had the same experience if not more than the Hussein, and she was only running for VP.

Then again, I keep forgetting the Hussein is "uniquely qualified"....whatever the hell that means.

Two years as governor is more experience that four years in the Senate? Last time I checked, 4 > 2.

I think the quitting part jumps her way ahead in the experience department.
[SIZE=+1]Fox News vs Bible Spice[/SIZE]
This must sting a bit. Sarah Palin's newest conspiracy theory on the "disturbing" redesign of U.S. coins was too much, even for Fox News -- on Tuesday night, Fox fact-checked Palin. Last Friday, while speaking at a Wisconsin Right to Life fundraising banquet -- attendees were barred from bringing cell phones, cameras, laptops -- Palin rolled out the latest: an anti-Christian conspiracy in the redesign of U.S. coins. Palin waded into the subject by remarking that there had been a lot of "change" of late -- for example, the redesign of U.S. currency which moved the once-centered text "In God We Trust" to the edge of coins. "Who calls a shot like that?" Palin demanded on Friday. "Who makes a decision like that?" As Fox News anchor Bret Baier noted: President Bush, that's who. Baier commented on the not-so-hidden subtext of Palin's speech: "Unsaid but implied was that the Obama White House was behind such a move to secularize the nation's currency." Baier added: "In actuality the coin's design was commissioned in 2005, when Republicans controlled congress, and was approved by President Bush."
Regarding the 4 yrs in the Senate (Obama) vs Palin's 2 yrs as governor....

Did Obama accomplish anything?


Did Palin? You better believe it.

"“Just look at the bills she put her name on,” says John Bitney, her policy director during her first year as governor. “They speak for themselves.” The bills involved a new arrangement for building a natural gas pipeline, higher taxes on oil companies, and new ethics rules covering the governor’s administration and the legislature.

Those were her major initiatives. Next on Palin’s list of priorities were maintaining the solvency of the pension program for teachers, cutting spending in the state’s capital budget, and assuring that parents who home school their children aren’t discriminated against by state regulations.."

"As governor, Palin has appointed a commissioner of education and nine members of the state board–without applying a litmus test on creationism or evolution. And there’s been no effort, either by Palin or her appointees, to add creationism to the curriculum..."

Palin the Pragmatic
She was also the chairwoman of the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission, but resigned:

"She resigned from her job as chairwoman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in protest against Randy Ruedrich, a fellow commissioner and state Republican Party chairman.

"She was unsettled and unhappy that he was conducting party business on state time," says Joe Balash, Gov. Palin's special assistant. Mr. Reudrich was later fined $12,000 for violating state ethics laws."

Palin Has Long Experience Dealing With Big Oil in Home State -

What are Obama's accomplishments again?

Oh yeah. He held out for partial birth abortion, tells us to pipe down about radical muslims, and refers to babies as mistakes that women shouldn't be forced to live with. And is putting untold numbers of our troops in Afghanistan at very high risk for refusing to act on the recommendations of the general HE chose to replace the previous one.
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Who actually wrote the book?

And I do not believe it was Palin.

Having ghost writers is common. Bill Shatner did not write many if any of his books. Bill Quick actually wrote most of them.

Who actually writes everything Barry reads off his teleprompters? He has repeatedly proven he can't talk his way out of a wet paper bag when he goes it rogue, without his nanny prompters. As for Home Depot's Joe "Anuerysm" Biden, nothing needs to be said, Barry won't let him.

Who wrote "Dreams Of My Father" for Barry?

William Ayers


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