Limbaugh hit the nail on the head years ago regarding liberal loons.

And it's quite clear that Obama's worst work came after HE became a junkie, eh buddy?


Obama's drug of choice was never an opiate. You need to find a better drug-pejorative for Obama.

Coke-head maybe?

At any rate, people say "never trust a junkie" but in my very limited experience heroin users are the most honest drug users in the patient base we deal with. They don't mind telling you they shoot up (and usually that they have Hep C).

It's the alcoholics you have to watch out for. They'll lie to you every time, until they are on day two of hospitalization and start withdrawing/hallucinating/drenching the bed in sweat.

Then you pretty much can figure it out.

Valium. Stat.
You left out the friggin' meth heads. Can't trust a meth head under any circumstance. My wifes courtroom is filled with them on a daily basis. Every crime you can possibly think of is being commited by them.
And it's quite clear that Obama's worst work came after HE became a junkie, eh buddy?


Obama's drug of choice was never an opiate. You need to find a better drug-pejorative for Obama.

Coke-head maybe?

At any rate, people say "never trust a junkie" but in my very limited experience heroin users are the most honest drug users in the patient base we deal with. They don't mind telling you they shoot up (and usually that they have Hep C).

It's the alcoholics you have to watch out for. They'll lie to you every time, until they are on day two of hospitalization and start withdrawing/hallucinating/drenching the bed in sweat.

Then you pretty much can figure it out.

Valium. Stat.
You left out the friggin' meth heads. Can't trust a meth head under any circumstance. My wifes courtroom is filled with them on a daily basis. Every crime you can possibly think of is being commited by them.

You know, I haven't dealt with many crankers. They seem to not present as much and if they do, they aren't staying long. Don't want to be away from their drugs I guess. Plus, crankers pretty much have two states of existence: Cranked up or sleeping.
First you try to give Clinton credit for the job growth from '80 to '92 when he WASN'T IN THE FUCKING WHITEHOUSE
I did no such thing. That was the Straw Man YOU created!

I said you were giving Reagan credit for jobs created during Clinton's term, which you did.

Straw Men and lies are the tactics of someone who knows they are wrong!
How am I wrong?....Reaganomics created more than 20 million jobs. BLS proves it. It's your abject hatred of Reagan that makes you willingly ignore the facts. To include the fact that jobs were still being created under Reagan's policy until Clinton instituted his own. And Clinton's policy contained some of Reagan's policies, and that drives you haters friggin' bonkers!

There is a reason why so many dem's identify themselves as Reagan democrats. It was his fiscal policy!.....Deal with it!

Funny thing is, you're up here whining about Limbaugh reffering to Al Gore (who is an idiot) as Algore etc, etc, while you're you are reffering to Reagan as 9/11 Reagan etc., etc.

Reagonomics ended in failure in Dec of 1982 with unemployment at 10.8% and having LOST 1 million jobs, BLS proves it. 9/11 Reagan then began to tax and spend like a Democrat. He rolled back 1/3 of his tax cuts and RAISED taxes 8 times in 6 years.

Total Federal Tax Collections (billions)

Year Constant (87 dollars)
1980 $728.1
1981 766.6 < Reagan tax cut passed in August
1982 738.2 < drop in total revenue
1983 684.3 < drop in total revenue
1984 730.4 < Reagan raises taxes
1985 776.6 < Reagan raises taxes again, 81 level recovered
1986 790.0 < Reagan raises taxes yet again
1987 854.1 < Reagan raises taxes some more
1988 877.3

Source - Internal Revenue Service.

Here is a list of Reagan's tax increases after his ONLY tax cut in 1981.

First term

1. Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982

2. Highway Revenue Act of 1982

3. Social Security Amendments of 1983

4. Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983

5. Deficit Reduction Act of 1984

Second term

6. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985

7. Tax Reform Act of 1986

8. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987
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Obama's drug of choice was never an opiate. You need to find a better drug-pejorative for Obama.

Coke-head maybe?

At any rate, people say "never trust a junkie" but in my very limited experience heroin users are the most honest drug users in the patient base we deal with. They don't mind telling you they shoot up (and usually that they have Hep C).

It's the alcoholics you have to watch out for. They'll lie to you every time, until they are on day two of hospitalization and start withdrawing/hallucinating/drenching the bed in sweat.

Then you pretty much can figure it out.

Valium. Stat.
You left out the friggin' meth heads. Can't trust a meth head under any circumstance. My wifes courtroom is filled with them on a daily basis. Every crime you can possibly think of is being commited by them.

You know, I haven't dealt with many crankers. They seem to not present as much and if they do, they aren't staying long. Don't want to be away from their drugs I guess. Plus, crankers pretty much have two states of existence: Cranked up or sleeping.
The methheads are the worst of the worst. They will do whatever they have to in order to get their fix. The longer they are up, the more they lose their grip on reality. Here in so-cal it has reached epidemic levels. As I said, my wifes courtroom is filled with 'em. The numbers of other types of drug abusers is nowhere near the level of methheads. It's truly sad. The midwest has a huge meth problem on their hands also.
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I did no such thing. That was the Straw Man YOU created!

I said you were giving Reagan credit for jobs created during Clinton's term, which you did.

Straw Men and lies are the tactics of someone who knows they are wrong!
How am I wrong?....Reaganomics created more than 20 million jobs. BLS proves it. It's your abject hatred of Reagan that makes you willingly ignore the facts. To include the fact that jobs were still being created under Reagan's policy until Clinton instituted his own. And Clinton's policy contained some of Reagan's policies, and that drives you haters friggin' bonkers!

There is a reason why so many dem's identify themselves as Reagan democrats. It was his fiscal policy!.....Deal with it!

Funny thing is, you're up here whining about Limbaugh reffering to Al Gore (who is an idiot) as Algore etc, etc, while you're you are reffering to Reagan as 9/11 Reagan etc., etc.

Reagonomics ended in failure in Dec of 1982 with unemployment at 10.8% and having LOST 1 million jobs, BLS proves it. 9/11 Reagan then began to tax and spend like a Democrat. He rolled back 1/3 of his tax cuts and RAISED taxes 8 times in 6 years.

Total Federal Tax Collections (billions)

Year Constant (87 dollars)
1980 $728.1
1981 766.6 < Reagan tax cut passed in August
1982 738.2 < drop in total revenue
1983 684.3 < drop in total revenue
1984 730.4 < Reagan raises taxes
1985 776.6 < Reagan raises taxes again, 81 level recovered
1986 790.0 < Reagan raises taxes yet again
1987 854.1 < Reagan raises taxes some more
1988 877.3

Source - Internal Revenue Service.

Here is a list of Reagan's tax increases after his ONLY tax cut in 1981.

First term

1. Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982

2. Highway Revenue Act of 1982

3. Social Security Amendments of 1983

4. Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983

5. Deficit Reduction Act of 1984

Second term

6. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985

7. Tax Reform Act of 1986

8. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987
And still, you provide no evidence that Reagan's economic policies didn't turn around the disaster of Jimmy Carter.

And why is that?.......Because the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming.....But you keep trying, i'll keep laughing!

Acoording to the bureau of labor statistics:

Under Reagan 5.3 million were created in his first 4 years. 10.8 million created in his last 4years. ....Under GHW Bush who continued Reagan's policies, 2.6 million were created. That would account for 18.7 million jobs. Another 1,8 million jobs were created, under Reaganomics, before Clinton enacted his policies.......Do the math!
So, are you still going to claim that Reagan's policies were a failure, and that it was Clinton who was responsible for creating those more than 18 million jobs from '80 t0 '92?...Are really going to go there?.....LMAO!
Thank you for proving my point. To fabricate 20 million jobs for Reagan you are including Bush I and the first year of Clinton, a total of 13 years.

Even using your OWN stupid FUZZY math, Clinton created more jobs in the 7 years you credit him with than the 13 years you credit St Ronnie with!!!! :rofl:

Of course, Reagan abandoned "Reagonomics" during the Reagan Recession of 1981 - 82. Reagonomics was a complete failure. Unemployment reached 10.8% and revenue fell.

He then rolled back 1/3 of his tax cuts and raised taxes 8 times in 6 years and that's when jobs were created and revenue doubled. In short Reagan became a Democrat, thus the term Reagan Democrats. :eusa_whistle: :rofl:

Your abject hatred of Reagan, and your loony liberal revionist history is just too damn funny!.....Fact is, Reaganomics was a smashing success. You can't argue that. But your attempts to are just too damn funny!

First you try to give Clinton credit for the job growth from '80 to '92 when he WASN'T IN THE FUCKING WHITEHOUSE, and then try to claim that Reagans economic policies failed, despite the fact that they are fully proven to be a success.

Don't worry though. I fully understand that your beloved Messiah is an abject failure on so many levels to this point, and all you are left with is BS spin and deflection away from having to admit that FACT!.....I won't hold it against ya'!

Go have yourself a "Beer summit".....maybe that'll change things for ya'!


Ronbo Reagan was a smashing success for WHOM? Certainly not the middle class or the small businessman. Reagan was the pied piper on the road to serfdom, which we are now living in the ashes of. There were two failed revolutions of extreme ideology that failed miserably in the 20th century. The Bolshevik revolution and the Reagan revolution.

Reagan started as a traitor and ended as the biggest socialist in history. A reverse Robin Hood.

Reagan spit in the face of every generation that preceded him, especially the greatest generation.
How am I wrong?....Reaganomics created more than 20 million jobs. BLS proves it. It's your abject hatred of Reagan that makes you willingly ignore the facts. To include the fact that jobs were still being created under Reagan's policy until Clinton instituted his own. And Clinton's policy contained some of Reagan's policies, and that drives you haters friggin' bonkers!

There is a reason why so many dem's identify themselves as Reagan democrats. It was his fiscal policy!.....Deal with it!

Funny thing is, you're up here whining about Limbaugh reffering to Al Gore (who is an idiot) as Algore etc, etc, while you're you are reffering to Reagan as 9/11 Reagan etc., etc.

Reagonomics ended in failure in Dec of 1982 with unemployment at 10.8% and having LOST 1 million jobs, BLS proves it. 9/11 Reagan then began to tax and spend like a Democrat. He rolled back 1/3 of his tax cuts and RAISED taxes 8 times in 6 years.

Total Federal Tax Collections (billions)

Year Constant (87 dollars)
1980 $728.1
1981 766.6 < Reagan tax cut passed in August
1982 738.2 < drop in total revenue
1983 684.3 < drop in total revenue
1984 730.4 < Reagan raises taxes
1985 776.6 < Reagan raises taxes again, 81 level recovered
1986 790.0 < Reagan raises taxes yet again
1987 854.1 < Reagan raises taxes some more
1988 877.3

Source - Internal Revenue Service.

Here is a list of Reagan's tax increases after his ONLY tax cut in 1981.

First term

1. Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982

2. Highway Revenue Act of 1982

3. Social Security Amendments of 1983

4. Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983

5. Deficit Reduction Act of 1984

Second term

6. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985

7. Tax Reform Act of 1986

8. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987
And still, you provide no evidence that Reagan's economic policies didn't turn around the disaster of Jimmy Carter.

And why is that?.......Because the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming.....But you keep trying, i'll keep laughing!

Reagonomics made it worse. When Carter left unemployment was 7.6%, 9/11 Reagan's economic policy jacked it up to 10.8% by the end of 1982. Way to go St Ronnie! Then Reagan came to his senses and abandoned his Voodoo Reaganomics and raised taxes and increased spending like a Keynesian Democrat and the economy turned around.
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What has Obama done?........Please show us!

Fact are facts. And we all know that you liberals just hate facts. Facts tend to blow your loony BS right out of the fucking water.


I'm asking you people to give evidence that he's turning the economy around.

Where's the jobs he promised?
Where's the shovel ready jobs he promised?
Where's all those shovel ready projects he promised?.... All they have done is put up signs all over the country that cost us taxpayers around 6 grand apiece. Nobody's doing any work around those signs.
Unemployments STILL hovering around 10%
Foreclosures are still happening in record numbers.
Banks aren't lending.
Stock markets still in the tank.
The poor aren't any better off.
The Blacks aren't any better off.
Nobody's any better off, except for the politicians.

And on and on and on.

Don't show us mundane shit. Show us the meat and potatos that show he's effectively leading this country.

I'll be waiting!


Looks like someone went and moved the goalposts. First it was 'show us a list of his accomplishments' now it's 'show us a list of his economic accomplishments/what he's done to be messiah to the economy' Which wasn't specified in your original question. I'm not surprised from someone who says liberals have no original thought and then makes an OP centered around the truth of someone else's words.
All of that stufff listed is standard issue for ANY president. They all accomplish something, mundane as it may be. Carter, after all, had his successes. But for the most part, he led this country into the toilet.

This president was elected on his promise that he knew how to turn this country around so, what has he done?

The most important and pressing issue is the economy. The economy is this country's life blood. This economy is headed for double dip recession. His policy's are not working.....In fact, they seem to be making things worse. So, Again, i'll ask for proof that he's actually doing anything to show true leadership.

But you weren't asking for economic accomplishments, just for what Obama's done since he became president, as I quoted and linked in my previous post. You're the one who asserted he's done nothing. RDD posted otherwise and now you clamor for specific kinds of accomplishments as proof he's done something.

But that's right, move them goalposts, try to get some of that mud off your face.
Reagonomics ended in failure in Dec of 1982 with unemployment at 10.8% and having LOST 1 million jobs, BLS proves it. 9/11 Reagan then began to tax and spend like a Democrat. He rolled back 1/3 of his tax cuts and RAISED taxes 8 times in 6 years.

Total Federal Tax Collections (billions)

Year Constant (87 dollars)
1980 $728.1
1981 766.6 < Reagan tax cut passed in August
1982 738.2 < drop in total revenue
1983 684.3 < drop in total revenue
1984 730.4 < Reagan raises taxes
1985 776.6 < Reagan raises taxes again, 81 level recovered
1986 790.0 < Reagan raises taxes yet again
1987 854.1 < Reagan raises taxes some more
1988 877.3

Source - Internal Revenue Service.

Here is a list of Reagan's tax increases after his ONLY tax cut in 1981.

First term

1. Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982

2. Highway Revenue Act of 1982

3. Social Security Amendments of 1983

4. Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983

5. Deficit Reduction Act of 1984

Second term

6. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985

7. Tax Reform Act of 1986

8. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987
And still, you provide no evidence that Reagan's economic policies didn't turn around the disaster of Jimmy Carter.

And why is that?.......Because the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming.....But you keep trying, i'll keep laughing!

Reagonomics made it worse. When Carter left unemployment was 7.6%, 9/11 Reagan's economic policy jacked it up to 10.8% by the end of 1982. Way to go St Ronnie! Then Reagan came to his senses and abandoned his Voodoo Economics and raised taxes and increased spending like a Keynesian Democrat and the economy turned around.

Don't forget Reagan looted Social Security to pay for his tax cuts.
And still, you provide no evidence that Reagan's economic policies didn't turn around the disaster of Jimmy Carter.

The economy was in expansion when Reagan became president. It was 6 months AFTER he became president that we went into recession. So if Reagan pulled us out of recession in late 82,

he was pulling us out of HIS recession.
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Don't forget Reagan looted Social Security to pay for his tax cuts.

Reagan wasnt in power during the 60s.

In 1982, taxes were raised on gasoline and cigarettes, but the deficit hardly budged. In 1983, the president signed the biggest tax rise on payrolls, promising to create a surplus in the Social Security system, while knowing all along that the new revenue would be used to finance the deficit.

The retirement system was looted from the first day the Social Security surplus came into being, because the legislation itself gave the president a free hand to spend the surplus in any way he liked. Thus began a massive transfer of wealth from the poor and the middle class, especially the self-employed small businessman, to the wealthy. The self-employment tax jumped as much as 66 percent.

In 1986, Reagan slashed the top tax rate further. His redistributionist obsession led to a perversity in the law. The wealthiest faced a 28 percent tax rate, while those with lower incomes faced a 33 percent rate; in addition, the bottom rate climbed from 11 percent to 15 percent. For the first time in history, the top rate fell and the bottom rate rose simultaneously. Even unemployment compensation was not spared. The jobless had to pay income tax on their benefits. A year later, the man who would not spare unemployment compensation from taxation called for a cut in the capital gains tax. Thus, Reagan was a staunch socialist, totally committed to his cause of wealth redistribution towards the affluent.

How much wealth transfer has occurred through Reagan's policies? At least $3 trillion.

The Social Security hike generated over $2 trillion in surplus between 1984 and 2007, and if it had been properly invested, say, in AAA corporate bonds it could have earned another trillion by now. At present, the fund is empty, because it has been used up to finance the federal deficits resulting from frequent cuts in income tax rates. If this is not redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich, what else is?

Thus, Reagan was the first Republican socialist - and a great one, because his wealth transfer occurred on a massive scale. His accomplishment dwarfs even FDR's, and if today the small businessman suffers a crippling tax burden, he must thank Reagan the redistributionist. However, FDR took pains to help the poor, while Reagan took pains to help the wealthiest like himself.

Reagan: The Great American Socialist
Because it doesn't take any guts to become a liberal.

No, it just takes intelligence and common sense.
I would expect more out of a first post by a nooby.

In other words, I am correct and you cannot come up with an intelligent reply.
I would expect more out of a first post by a nooby.

In other words, I am correct and you cannot come up with an intelligent reply.

Your first post didn't need a wasn't worthy of anything more than it got. :cuckoo:

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