Lincoln Project’s New Executive Director has long history of hating ‘sputtering lunatic’ Joe Biden


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
But I thought they were liberals on disguise.
this gives the Lincoln project more credibility to talk against Trump and his crazies.
Well, maybe he can start a movement amongst the liberals.....on the count of 3 lets all shout THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES

A ain't a fan of Biden either. But we had to send Rump down the road regardless. There is nothing that Biden can do that can't be undone later. And if we can get a functional Congress again, there is nothing he can do that they can't fix. Wow, that last sentence obviously was a raving lunatic moment.
Fuck all those Anti-Trump lunatics and kid diddlers.

Now they will pretend they hate Biden, even though their whole group was built on electing him and protecting their human trafficking market. I guess they are going for the “disenfranchised” Biden voters to grift for more money. Those trips down to Caribbean islands cost money.
Well, maybe he can start a movement amongst the liberals.....on the count of 3 lets all shout THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES

So the people you hate aren't all the same... WOW!!! Just WOW!!!!

So now you have shown that you believe you are right and everyone else is wrong...
But I thought they were liberals on disguise.
this gives the Lincoln project more credibility to talk against Trump and his crazies.
Calm down, take down your Trump centerfolds and move on. Maybe a new poster of Pinochijoe in his Depends will do it for you.
Well, maybe he can start a movement amongst the liberals.....on the count of 3 lets all shout THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES

The Lincoln Project is all about hate.....They offer no affirmative policy position of any value.
What credibility the Lincoln Project had has been shot to hell they served their purpose as useful idiots and were tossed onto the garbage pile.
Well, maybe he can start a movement amongst the liberals.....on the count of 3 lets all shout THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES

A ain't a fan of Biden either. But we had to send Rump down the road regardless. There is nothing that Biden can do that can't be undone later. And if we can get a functional Congress again, there is nothing he can do that they can't fix. Wow, that last sentence obviously was a raving lunatic moment.
Take off that facediaper, too much CO2 to your brain

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