Linda McMahon Proposed Social Security "Sunset" At Tea Party Forum


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

By Matt Sledge

NEW YORK -- In little-noticed remarks at a Tea Party town hall meeting earlier this year, Republican Connecticut Senate candidate Linda McMahon proposed introducing a "sunset provision" into the Social Security Act.

McMahon, the former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, has consistently dodged questions about cutting government entitlement programs in her two Senate runs.

Speaking before a group of Tea Party supporters in Waterford, Conn. on April 20, however, McMahon said she would consider making major changes to Social Security, from raising the retirement age to means-testing benefits. She also proposed introducing a "sunset provision" -- the legislative term for putting an expiration date on a law unless it is renewed.

More: Linda McMahon Proposed Social Security "Sunset" At Tea Party Forum

Voters must demand specifics on issues - Connecticut Post

The Day - Candidates pitch views to Tea Party supporters in Waterford | News from southeastern Connecticut
Linda McMahon is just another dangerous teabagger. I hope Connecticut is paying close attention and keeps her out of the U.S. Senate.

By Matt Sledge

NEW YORK -- In little-noticed remarks at a Tea Party town hall meeting earlier this year, Republican Connecticut Senate candidate Linda McMahon proposed introducing a "sunset provision" into the Social Security Act.

McMahon, the former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment, has consistently dodged questions about cutting government entitlement programs in her two Senate runs.

Speaking before a group of Tea Party supporters in Waterford, Conn. on April 20, however, McMahon said she would consider making major changes to Social Security, from raising the retirement age to means-testing benefits. She also proposed introducing a "sunset provision" -- the legislative term for putting an expiration date on a law unless it is renewed.

More: Linda McMahon Proposed Social Security "Sunset" At Tea Party Forum

Voters must demand specifics on issues - Connecticut Post

The Day - Candidates pitch views to Tea Party supporters in Waterford | News from southeastern Connecticut

It would take 40-50 years to phase it out properly, but I got no problem with that.

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