Linda Sarsour Ditched by the Lizard

Actually, it’s the converse. GEICO has made a decision not to capitulate to the “woke” assholes.
No, the woke Zionists lobbied GEICO and forced their hands.

This corporation succumbed to wokeness.
Every person seeking a high U.S. political office must stand before the Juden people at AIPAC and swear allegiance to Israel and to defend it with the last drop of American soldiers blood.
Failure to do so, means the end of your political career.
It's almost like they're supernaturally blessed or something.
It really is amazing, isn’t it? A small nomadic tribe, persecuted and expelled and murdered wherever they go, has survived thousands of years of bigotry and oppression - against all odds. Does make you wonder.
Israel is obviously not a terrorist state. The land it is on was not stolen. And it’s leadership isn’t psychopathic. SunniBoi, that’s zero for three, otherwise known as a strikeout.
In my experience on this forum, he is one of the few antisemitic conservatives. Most of them are leftists.

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