Lindsey Graham On Impeachment

Nadler and Biden are total fucking POS partisan hacks. They had the exact opposite opinion about impeachment of WJC.

They are scumbags with no principles.
Is Graham a hypocrite? I think we have long known he was.

Senator Robert Byrd said that Clinton's crimes did meet the level of impeachment but that he would not vote to impeach.

The (D)'s are foolish to expect the (R)'s to do what they would not do.
The Dems know fully what and who the Republicans are. They are no longer a mystery. They have exposed themselves as anti-country, and are self serving. "PERIOD"!

What were the (D)'s when they refused to impeach Clinton?
Protecting a guy because of a blow job. The same guy you were protecting from grabbing pussy and violating campaign finance laws by paying porn stars. The same guy who didn't compromise our national security while yours did.
What they said back then had nothing to do bribery of a foreign power. That is treason. Clinton was not involved in bribery of a foreign power.

Neither was Trump. Show me this bribery. Show me where Trump said he will not give them aid unless......

I'll wait right here for your evidence.
What they said back then had nothing to do bribery of a foreign power. That is treason. Clinton was not involved in bribery of a foreign power.

Neither was Trump. Show me this bribery. Show me where Trump said he will not give them aid unless......

I'll wait right here for your evidence.
We already did. Hundreds of times as a matter of fact.
Is Graham a hypocrite? I think we have long known he was.

Senator Robert Byrd said that Clinton's crimes did meet the level of impeachment but that he would not vote to impeach.

The (D)'s are foolish to expect the (R)'s to do what they would not do.
The Dems know fully what and who the Republicans are. They are no longer a mystery. They have exposed themselves as anti-country, and are self serving. "PERIOD"!

What were the (D)'s when they refused to impeach Clinton?
Protecting a guy because of a blow job. The same guy you were protecting from grabbing pussy and violating campaign finance laws by paying porn stars. The same guy who didn't compromise our national security while yours did.

This gets old. I didn't vote for Trump. Clinton committed perjury during a sexual assault trial.
Yes he does, just like Democrats had an entirely different opinion when Clinton was getting impeached. Want to hear what they said back then????

Yea...that lying about a private sexual affair is not something a President should be removed from office for

Judges hate when you lie in their courts after swearing to tell the truth. Bubba, being a lawyer, knew that.
Except a judge would be lying if he or she ignores the actual evidence exposed by the witnesses. And there are a lot of witnesses, while some need to be heard from and have not. Is the judge going to turn it into a sham to protect a criminal? We will soon see. We are going to see in all its ugliness, the true spirit for treason, when the Republicans flush this investigation down the toilet to protect a criminal. Who, for the second time was trying to cheat the American people out of a free and fair election.
That has nothing to do with Bubba lying under oath, the real reason for his impeachment.

And nice how you're already setting up excuses for when this whole thing goes down in flames and Trump runs the whole campaign season on, "not guilty", or better yet, "aquitted". You're willing to accuse the Republicans of unfairly protecting someone you consider a criminal, but have no problem with the kangaroo court that confirmed your already set opinion that he was guilty.
Evidence confirmed Trump's guilt through a dozen plus witnesses and Trump's own admission. Yea, republicans protect criminals now. It's what they do. They could give two shits about the rule of law if it means protecting their own selfish ends. You and the rest have fooled no one. We know the game and the drill now. Proceed as you always do. Shitting on this country.
Like I said, setting up excuses already. This whole thing has been a crock from the beginning, as it was broadcast before the president ever took office. The democrats have had the verdict in hand, just waiting for something to maybe pop up. They should have recused themselves.
On January 16, 1999, a Southern politician with a mop of faintly graying hair stood on the floor of the United States Senate and made a striking proclamation about what it meant to impeach a president.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role,” the politician said. “Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

That man was South Carolina’s own Lindsey Graham, then a 43-year-old, third-term Republican Congressman. The president in question was Bill Clinton.

What's Lindsey saying now?

He seems to have a different opinion huh...
Nadler's comment on Impeachment can be introduced if you like
What they said back then had nothing to do bribery of a foreign power. That is treason. Clinton was not involved in bribery of a foreign power.

Neither was Trump. Show me this bribery. Show me where Trump said he will not give them aid unless......

I'll wait right here for your evidence.
We already did. Hundreds of times as a matter of fact.

No, what you presented were interpretations and assumptions, nothing more. If you were a prosecutor in a court of law, the judge would throw the case out in less than sixty seconds.

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