Lindsey Graham tests positive for COVID

Now, there's a guy I would like to see as president. I suppose I'm the only one who feels that way, but I just love me some Lindsey.

Glad he was vaccinated. He has only a mild case.

99% of people worldwide have mild conditions when they have the virus.


Currently Infected Patients

15,138,618 (99.4%)
in Mild Condition

91,386 (0.6%)
Serious or Critical



Vaccine likely to have made no difference.
99% of people worldwide have mild conditions when they have the virus.


Currently Infected Patients

15,138,618 (99.4%)
in Mild Condition

91,386 (0.6%)
Serious or Critical



Vaccine likely to have made no difference.
Thank you Doctor!
Sounds like he is fairing better than many Veterans are who were given the covid vax.

Judicial Watch: New VA Records Document COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reports among Veterans; Agency Withholds Detailed Reports; CRT Wording in Vaccine Plan

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it received 75 pages of records from the Department of Veterans Affairs detailing the adverse reactions veterans had to the COVID-19 vaccines. As of April 2021, Veteran’s Health Services reported 895 serious reactions which included: 20 cardiac arrests, 36 strokes, 15 cases of deep vein thrombosis, 10 heart attacks, and 19 pulmonary embolisms. They also reported over 26,000 less serious reactions. The agency withheld individual report details, citing alleged privacy and related issues.

Additionally, the documents included a section focused entirely on race titled “Addressing health inequities.”

The documents were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on April 14, 2021, for:
A Covid virus in everyone's pot!
Wasn't this one of Joe's running themes?
99% of people worldwide have mild conditions when they have the virus.
This has been the case since this novel coronavirus was first seen. It amazes me that so many who have chosen to be vaccinated are unaware of this fact, or that there is no way of knowing if they'd have been one of the very few who developed serious disease or sequelae with or without a "vaccine".

I wonder how many times they'll keep getting vaccinated or "boosted" before they begin to question the state narrative?

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