Lindsey Graham thinks talking to the average American is "communistic".

Eh, this is standard hyperbole. Tasteless and ill-tempered but you get this sort of thing all over the political spectrum.
From Graham's statement:

" 'Would you like to meet the dear leader and ask him anything you would like?' " Graham mocked. " ..."How does she get away with this? I don't know," Graham said, joking that Clinton wasn't invited to the two-day GOP confab because "you can ask questions."

Graham is talking out his ass. He contradicts himself. He says she's like the "dear leader" and says you can "ask anything you would like", but then says Clinton wasn't invited to the Republican confab because "you can ask questions." Which is it? Can she be asked questions or can't she? If you're Lindsey Graham, it's apparently depends on which side of your mouth you're talking!!!
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Lindsey Graham is a progressive republican and an idiot of the first order.
There is no listening tour. Everyone is a hand picked democrat operative. It's a sham.

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