List of Al Qaeda leaders killed by Obama


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Obama expanded the area of drone strikes upon taking office.

The list of senior terrorists killed during the Obama presidency is fairly extensive.

There’s Osama bin Laden, of course, killed in May.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader Anwar al-Awlaki as of today.

Earlier this month officials confirmed that al Qaeda’s chief of Pakistan operations, Abu Hafs al-Shahri, was killed in Waziristan, Pakistan.

In August, ‘Atiyah ‘Abd al-Rahman, the deputy leader of al Qaeda was killed.

In June, one of the group’s most dangerous commanders, Ilyas Kashmiri, was killed in Pakistan. In Yemen that same month, AQAP senior operatives Ammar al-Wa’ili, Abu Ali al-Harithi, and Ali Saleh Farhan were killed. In Somalia, Al-Qa’ida in East Africa (AQEA) senior leader Harun Fazul was killed.

Administration officials also herald the recent U.S./Pakistani joint arrest of Younis al-Mauritani in Quetta.

Going back to August 2009, Tehrik e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mahsud was killed in Pakistan.

In September of that month, Jemayah Islamiya operational planner Noordin Muhammad Top was killed in Indonesia, and AQEA planner Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan was killed in Somalia.

Then in December 2009 in Pakistan, al Qaeda operational commanders Saleh al-Somali and ‘Abdallah Sa’id were killed.

In February 2010, in Pakistan, Taliban deputy and military commander Abdul Ghani Beradar was captured; Haqqani network commander Muhammad Haqqani was killed; and Lashkar-e Jhangvi leader Qari Zafar was killed.

In March 2010, al Qaeda operative Hussein al-Yemeni was killed in Pakistan, while senior Jemayah Islamiya operative Dulmatin - accused of being the mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombings – was killed during a raid in Indonesia.

In April 2010, al Qaeda in Iraq leaders Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi were killed.

In May, al Qaeda’s number three commander, Sheik Saeed al-Masri was killed.

In June 2010 in Pakistan, al Qaeda commander Hamza al-Jawfi was killed.

The Terrorist Notches on Obama’s Belt - ABC News
They were killed by assassination after making it to obama's kill list. Of course we don't really know if they were killed since we're getting the news from obama's regime through obama's media.
Have you noticed? That is the SAME EXACT list of al Qaeda leaders that Republicans "let go"? Starting with Bin Laden. Coincidence?
Do you have a list of the innocents killed by drones?
if this was bush theyd be calling for head for killing people, omg hw freaking hyprocritcal of the libs.
Have you noticed? That is the SAME EXACT list of al Qaeda leaders that Republicans "let go"? Starting with Bin Laden. Coincidence?

OH yell the someones being held at gitmo, the place liberals bitched about being opened, by the way has it closed yet? There was a executive order for it's closer.
Waiting for the GSR or the blood spatter evidence that shows Obamalama killed anyone

I love how they LOVE to give him credit, when the only thing he had to do with any of this is the 'ok'... While the military and individual soldiers are brushed over like they had nothing to do with it... when in actuality it was 99.999% them
Here's what ABC News stated on September 11, 2006:

More than 5,000 terrorists have been captured or killed in the five years since the 9/ll attacks, CIA director Gen. Michael Hayden said today. Hayden’s remarks were made in a videotape statement distributed to CIA employees around the world. Hayden called the 9/ll attacks "an unforgettable blow" from a "plot we had not been able to prevent." Since then, he said, "Al-Qa’ida’s core operational leadership has been decimated, and their successors are in hiding or on the run."

LINK: CIA: 5,000 Terrorists Captured or Killed - ABC News

Here is why it is not such a good idea to KILL terrorists as opposed to bringing them in alive:

"Dead Terrorists Tell No Tales"

...................The problem is that Obama is increasingly using drone strikes as a substitute for operations to bring terrorist leaders in alive for questioning -- and that is putting the country at risk. As one high-ranking CIA official explained to me, in an interview for my book Courting Disaster, "In the wake of 9/11, [the CIA] put forward a program that had a lethal component to strike back at the people who did this. But the other component was to prevent this kind of catastrophe from happening again. And for that, killing people -- especially killing senior al Qaeda leaders -- is potentially counterproductive in that we can't know or learn of future attacks. You can't kill them all, and you don't want to kill them all from an intelligence standpoint. We needed to know what they knew."

LINK: Dead Terrorists Tell No Tales | Foreign Policy
Dean do you think using drones is a safe way to fight a war?

Saddam dead - More than 3,000 Americans dead, more than 37,000 maimed for life. 100,000 Iraqis dead. Three trillion dollars.

Qaddafi dead - 0 Americans dead, 0 Americans wounded. A few million dollars.

The difference, Qaddafi actually attacked the US. Saddam didn't.

I'm sorry, what was your question again?
Dean do you think using drones is a safe way to fight a war?

Saddam dead - More than 3,000 Americans dead, more than 37,000 maimed for life. 100,000 Iraqis dead. Three trillion dollars.

Qaddafi dead - 0 Americans dead, 0 Americans wounded. A few million dollars.

The difference, Qaddafi actually attacked the US. Saddam didn't.

I'm sorry, what was your question again?
First none of this gibberish answered the question
do you think using drones is a safe way to fight a war?
Qaddafi dead - 0 Americans dead, 0 Americans wounded. A few million dollars.
Now what did we do to kill Qaddafi and when was he a threat to America's national security?
Osama wasn't 'armed' so why is he dead? What intel could have been gathered? Oh yeah, Obama doesn't care about that.
Dean do you think using drones is a safe way to fight a war?

Saddam dead - More than 3,000 Americans dead, more than 37,000 maimed for life. 100,000 Iraqis dead. Three trillion dollars.

Qaddafi dead - 0 Americans dead, 0 Americans wounded. A few million dollars.

The difference, Qaddafi actually attacked the US. Saddam didn't.

I'm sorry, what was your question again?
First none of this gibberish answered the question
do you think using drones is a safe way to fight a war?
Qaddafi dead - 0 Americans dead, 0 Americans wounded. A few million dollars.
Now what did we do to kill Qaddafi and when was he a threat to America's national security?

We supported Al queda in their drive to oust the Libyan leader.

As I remember when Reagan bombed him for attacking us the response from people like Dean was "shame shame".
Pretty impressive

And yet, Republicans still claim he is soft on terrorism

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