List of companies exempted from Obamacare - Must be over 1000!!!

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4 years ago obozo told us his health care plan would apply to everyone!!!!
What's the point of requiring everyone to buy insurance and then exempting some people from the law?
What's the point of requiring everyone to buy insurance and then exempting some people from the law?

because then you are in control of everybody who does NOT support you....

see how it works in a socialist world...? you pay the government one way or another...
What is the monetary amount that the bribes represented?

Care to total all campaign contributions from the companies and institutions listed? It's probably in the billions.
Then there's the votes from grateful exemption recipients. How many employees do you suppose are involved in those 750 exemptions.
Apparently, I am exempt. Being retired, I seem to qualify as "low income" and live in a state that rejected Medicaid expansion.

Who's exempt?

According to HHS, prisoners, undocumented immigrants, and Indian tribal members will be exempt from the penalties. Members of certain religious sects or health care sharing ministries also can apply for a religious exemption.

Other U.S. residents who will be exempt include:

Certain low-income individuals: Those who cannot afford coverage, or live in states that have opted out of the Medicaid expansion;
People who have no plan options in their state's health insurance exchange.
Other individuals who meet certain criteria: Specifically, individuals who have suffered a hardship or a coverage gap of three or fewer months.
: Specifically, individuals who have suffered a hardship or a coverage gap of three or fewer months.

And we clearly see why the GOP must suppress their reactionary bozos on the far right or the Dems will sweep in 2014 and 2016, and our nation will be transformed beyond recognition.
As is my habit every 2 days, I have read a couple of FakeSmarmy's posts.
This time, I paid attention to his signature. I even followed his link that doesn't seem to point to what he claims it does.

Just more lies and irrelevant blather.

Above post as deserving as any other...
Those are waivers that run out next year, so they can keep their crummy health plans that nobody actually uses. Duping the ignorant again.

HAHAHA. Hey stupid. The exemptions will be extended forever - as long as they keep paying the bribes to the dems.

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