List of Current Moderators

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Once a forum starts to tip to the left, the authoritarians make sure that only leftists become mods.
The way it rolled, a lefty mod 'tolerated' cons, even though they were in the majority and producing topics that generated lots of visits and responses to the forum. Time went on this mod started making comments against cons and so on. Then on J6, he wacked all the major con posters. Gone, no following of rules of conduct, no warnings, just gone.

Went the same on another forum loaded with biased mods, during the Obama's run. Screwed that forum up so bad, it nearly collapsed, admin stepped in a canned all the lefty rules, etc, who were in a huge majority.
I know you say that jokingly. But I think you could put aside your own political views when you needed to do so. That would make a good mod.
That is why I turned down Mod years ago

I have too much fun poking Conservatives with a stick
Didn’t want to give that up
Been on a couple forums where they flipped from Con to wasn't pretty.
Alas the fear is that this one is headed that way. And you're right. It won't be pretty. I don't know everybody's sociopolitical leanings though but it seems five moderators for a board the size of USMB will not be adequate unless they spend all their time here 24/7 and who in their right mind would do that?
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Meister is still here posting as a member. I think it's a little uncanny many of you are just now realizing he hasn't been a mod for a couple months.
Observation: if it is the alt right, MAGA, or hard GOP reds who are complaining, then good on Meister for stepping into the night.
Should I, I say, should I apply for the job guys....?

Nope. They require a basic understanding of the RULES of English grammar
Meister is still here posting as a member. I think it's a little uncanny many of you are just now realizing he hasn't been a mod for a couple months.

You are not fooling anyone.

Meister is still a Mod and has gone undercover. He is a Super Secret Mod who reports only to Mr Big, the Chairman of USMB.
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