Zone1 List ridiculous, heretical things the pope has said.. How about There is no Hell, just disappearance

Gods justice scales prove 100% there is no literal eternal suffering. Its all those religions that live in error who teach a literal eternal suffering.
says you

I believe the 2000 year old Church. The Vatican sect has only existed since 1962 or thereabouts. The real one.. well, some of us know which one that is.
I'm no expert for sure.... I walk on the line that hell does exist... mainly because I don't like surprises... lol
Everyone should have this attitude, whether he or she wants to believe in Hell or not. And no one really wants to, so that's not saying much of anything. People think that just because they don't believe in Hell (or just fill in the blanks), well, Wow.. it must disappear. . So saith I!!!!

The most conservative new priests in America are coming from South Africa where they still preach the commandments....
Maybe that's because Marcel Lefebvre (I call him the true pope, not Roncalli or John XXIII as he called himself) was assigned to Africa and worked there as a priest/bishop for many moons.

He should be called St Lefebvre IMO
That is a great chapter, this verse is one of my favorite in the entire Bible

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

But you kind of make my point here. That book was not "translated" until well after Peter and Paul were long gone. Like Constantine, the Catholic church needed a "scare tactic" to keep the uneducated masses in line. That is precisely the purpose of hell. To be honest, I work hard to follow the laws of Christ. Mostly, three--love justice, be kind, be humble. I hope that is enough to get me "in the club". But if it is hell I must face, then so be it. Because nothing will be a slap in the face like realizing I was the product of a "father" that was willing to render everlasting torment to their son.
God doesn't send anyone to Hell. People send themselves. And once they are there, they rage against God in a similar way as you seem to. they hate Him, likely because He actually allowed them to go where they chose to go. He did all He could to get them to Heaven, even dying on a Cross for them but they.. they wanted to do things their own way. And so they reaped what they sowed.

No one can question God. That doesn't mean people will not question Him. It just means that at some point they really should be logical and admit that God is not someone who bows to THEIR criticism or changes because THEY do not understand Him. And no, I am not saying I myself understand Him well... I would never lie like that.
says you

I believe the 2000 year old Church. The Vatican sect has only existed since 1962 or thereabouts. The real one.. well, some of us know which one that is.
Yes, the one that knows God. And his justice scales are in PERFECT balance= an eye for an eye. uncorruptable--So for 70-100 years of a unrepented sinful life God could not punish one for trillions x trillions x trillions etc of never ending years of suffering--There is 0 balance in that scenario, proving 100% its not literal. The true God set before all-LIFE OR DEATH( Deut 30:19) -- God is not the sadist you are being taught.
Yes, the one that knows God. And his justice scales are in PERFECT balance= an eye for an eye. uncorruptable--So for 70-100 years of a unrepented sinful life God could not punish one for trillions x trillions x trillions etc of never ending years of suffering--There is 0 balance in that scenario, proving 100% its not literal. The true God set before all-LIFE OR DEATH( Deut 30:19) -- God is not the sadist you are being taught.
I was not and never was taught by any Church that God is a sadist.

I learned that all on my own, through experience.

(said rather facetiously but there is many a truth said in....)

Let;s put it this way: He often seems to be that..
I was not and never was taught by any Church that God is a sadist.

I learned that all on my own, through experience.

(said rather facetiously but there is many a truth said in....)

Let;s put it this way: He often seems to be that..
God does righteous judgements He usually warns in advance. He has every right to say what goes in his creation.
God does righteous judgements He usually warns in advance. He has every right to say what goes in his creation.
you dont even know who God is. You are in a cult on your way to hell. REPENT.
you dont even know who God is. You are in a cult on your way to hell. REPENT.
You are mistaken. Probably because you fail to see Gods view of a cult= a house divided( 40,000 trinity religions) will not stand.
God does righteous judgements He usually warns in advance. He has every right to say what goes in his creation.
Human beings.. hard to believe .. but they have both a head and a heart (both damaged due to sin)

The head can know things that the heart does not "know"... or accept.. which is why salvation is a process, not a one-time event like some heretics say..
Matthew 13: 41, 42... "The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will weed out of His kingdom every cause of sin and all who practice lawlessness. And they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where therewill be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

I was taught in 12 years of Catholic schools and subsequently that there IS a hell, and it includes eternal pain - Flames? who knows? Vatican II taught that as a minimum, one who is not exposed to the teachings of Christ must believe in God, in an afterlife, and that a virtuous life is rewarded in the afterlife and an evil life is punished. Not "extinguished," punished.

Anyone purporting to be a Catholic and teaching that you just cease to exist after death if you are not saved is not teaching correct Catholic (or Biblical) doctrine. Even if that purported Catholic is the Pope.
Matthew 13: 41, 42... "The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will weed out of His kingdom every cause of sin and all who practice lawlessness. And they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where therewill be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

I was taught in 12 years of Catholic schools and subsequently that there IS a hell, and it includes eternal pain - Flames? who knows? Vatican II taught that as a minimum, one who is not exposed to the teachings of Christ must believe in God, in an afterlife, and that a virtuous life is rewarded in the afterlife and an evil life is punished. Not "extinguished," punished.

Anyone purporting to be a Catholic and teaching that you just cease to exist after death if you are not saved is not teaching correct Catholic (or Biblical) doctrine. Even if that purported Catholic is the Pope.
The heretics took over the visible Church. it looks like true Catholics have to be patient and wait for that injustice to be dealt with, likely by Christ Himself at the 2nd Coming.

The SSPX doesn't have the resources to have a Church built in every town like the heretical sect already has.. But hey... Jesus did tell us.. He warned us about this kind of thing.. in so many ways. For one, He said that few make it to Heaven.. so why should we be surprised when the majority takes over the Church and the majority is EVIL?

few things surprise some of us much anymore.
Human beings.. hard to believe .. but they have both a head and a heart (both damaged due to sin)

The head can know things that the heart does not "know"... or accept.. which is why salvation is a process, not a one-time event like some heretics say..
Yes one must endure until their end to be saved. Endure living to do Jesus' Fathers will( Matt 7:21) over self, in this satan ruled system.
yeh, this brings up the point that many Christians make: If you are wrong about Christ and His laws/commandments, you haven't lost anything after death but if someone convinces himself Jesus doesn't exist.. that could end up very badly, so.. yeh, it never ceases to amaze me how nonchalant people can be about what happens after death (or maybe it's just an act.. when they're alone, maybe they quake in their boots or something.. LOL).
Hell is far worse that burning for eternity; it is being without God's presence/love/etc for eternity. And KNOWING that you made that choice YOURSELF!!!

Yes one must endure until their end to be saved. Endure living to do Jesus' Fathers will( Matt 7:21) over self, in this satan ruled system.
Jesus defeated satan; done deal. What we have now is human free will at work. Some choose Satan and his works; others do NOT!!!

Jesus rules the World; he earned that right!!! (See Resurrection for details).

Maybe that's because Marcel Lefebvre (I call him the true pope, not Roncalli or John XXIII as he called himself) was assigned to Africa and worked there as a priest/bishop for many moons.

He should be called St Lefebvre IMO
I have both; part of the Church plus leaning to the teaching of Christ via Lefebvre though still respecting the now in the Popal Throne; if any wrongs are being done then God will hold to account. I will not change one iota of my belief in what the Church has taught since and through Christ.


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