Zone1 List ridiculous, heretical things the pope has said.. How about There is no Hell, just disappearance

Human beings.. hard to believe .. but they have both a head and a heart (both damaged due to sin)

The head can know things that the heart does not "know"... or accept.. which is why salvation is a process, not a one-time event like some heretics say..
I was asked by a prod once if I was saved. I responded that it was indeed my hope that, by the time I died, I would be. They seemed confused by that.

Another time I answered "How the Hell do I know".

Such a silly question.

Marcel Maybe that's because Marcel Lefebvre (I call him the true pope,

Lefebvre was an extremist and never seen from anyone as a candidate for to become the bishop of Rome. I guess today exists some few single Lefebvreists per a million Catholics. And I guess this is what people fascinates who are Lefebvreist. They think they are able to dominate the Catholic church with their nonsense.
I guess the real story is somewhere else. In former times everyone thought he will come into the underworld - into hell - after the own death. But since Christians exists something else makes much more sense and is growing with them. For the physicists and philosopher Harald Lesch for example the centre of the Christian message is the sentence "Do not fear". And without any doubt - how also Benedict XVI always again made clear - the "atom" of the Christian belief is the indivisible breath of love.
I guess the real story is somewhere else. In former times everyone thought he will come into the underworld - into hell - after the own death. But since Christians exists something else makes much more sense and is growing with them. For the physicists and philosopher Harald Lesch for example the centre of the Christian message is the sentence "Do not fear". And without any doubt - how also Benedict XVI always again made clear - the "atom" of the Christian belief is the indivisible breath of love.
What is "an indivisible breath of love"?? The central message is Agape.....

Lefebvre was an extremist and never seen from anyone as a candidate for to become the bishop of Rome. I guess today exists some few single Lefebvreists per a million Catholics. And I guess this is what people fascinates who are Lefebvreist. They think they are able to dominate the Catholic church with their nonsense.
I like Lefebvre; VERY traditional and a bit of a rebel. Telling the "establishment" not to go too modern is quite right. There are things that make us Catholic, and they must NEVER be compromised or watered down.

I like Lefebvre; VERY traditional

Totally wrong word in case of Lefebvre. Without tradition no progress.

and a bit of a rebel. Telling the "establishment" not to go too modern is quite right. There are things that make us Catholic, and they must NEVER be compromised or watered down.


Sorry. But to leave the Catholic church and to become a Lefebvreist makes no one to a "better" Catholic.
What is "an indivisible breath of love"?

¿Do you really ask this?

Very very short: God made Adam and gave him his breath. And when he made Eve she got this breath in unity with Adams rib.

And my 'question' now: Do you really think you are "traditional"? Which spirit do you carry with your hands and your mind into what kind of future? Never forget: God is always new. You don't know the question of tomorrow which you will have to answer - others, yourselve and god.

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Jesus defeated satan; done deal. What we have now is human free will at work. Some choose Satan and his works; others do NOT!!!

Jesus rules the World; he earned that right!!! (See Resurrection for details).

Yes Jesus is sitting on his throne-possibly 1% on earth listen to him.
Totally wrong word in case of Lefebvre. Without tradition no progress.

Sorry. But to leave the Catholic church and to become a Lefebvreist makes no one to a "better" Catholic.
No such thing as a "better"Catholic; we're just Catholics...warts and all.

¿Do you really ask this?

Very very short: God made Adam and gave him his breath. And when he made Eve she got this breath in unity with Adams rib.

And my 'question' now: Do you really think you are "traditional"? Which spirit do you carry with your hands and your mind into what kind of future? Never forget: God is always new. You don't know the question of tomorrow which you will have to answer - others, yourselve and god.

The "Breath of Life"....The Holy spirit...what is YOUR meaning??? Seems some nonsense without context!!

And yes; I really ask this as it has a specific meaning to you. Only you?

No such thing as a "better"Catholic; we're just Catholics...warts and all.


You are a Lefebvreist. With other words: you follow the weird ideas of a relativelly unimportant French bishop.

Why do you think Lefebvreists are Catholics at all? Marcel Lefebvre was excommunicated from John Paul II because he founded an own church by consecrating bishops. Do you think every bishop in the Holy Church should consecrate bishops? What do you think Pope Pius had done with him? Exactly - you got it: He had reduced his status to the status of a layman. Reason why I think so: Pius had been really a strict traditionalist and not a fake-conservative revolutionist like Marcel Lefebvre had been. Pius did do in his time what was good for the church. Lefebvre did do in his time what was bad for the church.
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The "Breath of Life"....The Holy spirit...


I spoke only about the indivisible breath of love which binds all human beings together. But who is able to love is also able to find god. Perhaps this is what god gave us all: the ability to communicate with the help of love over all distances, all times and all ideas. Also with the Holy Spirit.

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indivisible breath of love

At this point it makes no sense. Are you talking about Agape or "The breath of God" as in breathing into Adam?? Wasn't that life giving AIR?? The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith wants to know?? (OK; I just made that up; they don't really want to know).


I spoke only about the indivisible breath of love which binds all human beings together. But who is able to love is also able to find god. Perhaps this is what god gave us all: the ability to communicate with the help of love over all distances, all times and all ideas. Also with the Holy Spirit.

Well that's THREE heresies right there!!!


A peaceful heart AS WELL AS....................

We must die TO OURSELVES.....empty of "things" is nihilist...Buddhism maybe...or some sects of it.

We are NOT God's eyes!!!!

Pleasant thoughts though.

Pope Louis Seventh was out of order when he told Moslems to Fuck ,Off and eat Pork to develop their back bones .

I spoke only about the indivisible breath of love which binds all human beings together. But who is able to love is also able to find god. Perhaps this is what god gave us all: the ability to communicate with the help of love over all distances, all times and all ideas. Also with the Holy Spirit.

Interesting chap; though not a Heretic he had WRONG ideas. Hmmm....others have been in that situation more recently: Pierre Teilhard De Chardin. I was captivated by some of his writing but some didn't seem quite right. Uni days a long time ago. You thinking of the Noosphere?? Interesting speculation but really?


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Pope Louis Seventh was out of order when he told Moslems to Fuck ,Off and eat Pork to develop their back bones .
luiza...that's VERY NAUGHTY!!!!! St Francis came THAT CLOSE!!!!!!!! Sigh.........such is life. Even the Muzzies wanted to claim him as a prophet; well I think so anyway.

. You thinking of the Noosphere?? Interesting speculation but really?

Don't knock the Noosphere .

My private hero is a big Vernadsky fan and I am likely to buy his book on this and related energy thinking -- possibly today .
indivisible breath of love

At this point it makes no sense. Are you talking about Agape

Agape, Eros, Caritas, ... what do you not [like to] understand when you hear the word "love"?

or "The breath of God" as in breathing into Adam?? Wasn't that life giving AIR?? The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith wants to know?? (OK; I just made that up; they don't really want to know).


What for heavens sake is your real problem? We have billions of lifes who wrote millions of books in thousands of years. When will you begin to start to understand a simple sentence which is not directly in your own horizon, "Catholic"?

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