Zone1 List ridiculous, heretical things the pope has said.. How about There is no Hell, just disappearance

Well, there is that psg about how.. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but after that, can do no harm. Be afraid of the one who can cast both body and soul into Hell... or words to that effect.. But really, God only tosses someone into Hell because that person has CHOSEN Hell... so we're right back to the same point..
Lefebvre was a true Catholic.

Hmm - From my point of view I am a Catholic asshole - because it needs also an asshole like me. And I do not have any problem to shit on Marcel Lefebvre - the brainwashing traitor of the Holy Church.

If you want to call the Vatican sect truly Catholic...

I have a Swiss heart. I love freedom and democracy, Gessler.

that just shows your ignorance

And if you take a more concrete look at my "ignorance" then you will see an eye taking a look at you through the hair cross pointer of my crossbow. And when I do not fire an arrow into your bums than you thank this specially the very peaceful popes Benedict XVI and Francis. John Paul II had perhaps only said "Do whatever you like to do while I take a look into the other direction".

By the way: The Pope I admired most in my whole life had been John XXIII.

The Bible disagrees

Mt 16:18

Jesus said to Peter and the rest "I will build MY CHURCH and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."

Okay - you convinced me, Mr. Hellgate. One of my teachers had perhaps been wrong. Nice to hear 'the truth' from an enemy of the Holy Church.

sounds pretty clear... should be abundantly clear to those who actually believe Scripture or claim to

I prefer every Catholic who is 'wrong' - with or without bible - instead to have to discuss with people who think the bible is a god and they are the prophet of the bible - even if some of them are sometimes right. Fortunatelly I am only a Catholic and not a theologist.

And by the way: When did Jesus really found the church? Or did do so Peter ... and Paul? What was really wrong when my teacher told me: "Jesus did not found the church - because of Jesus was founded the church". Jesus always in his whole life 'only' had been a Jew and never had been a Christian - but he was "the Christ".

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I'm no expert for sure.... I walk on the line that hell does exist... mainly because I don't like surprises... lol
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Something to consider in a spiritual way....
You're gonna be just fine! The Serpent of Old, wants to make you believe you are not, even with repentance...make you believe that Christ's death and sacrifice can't wash you clean from sin, before entrance to Heaven.... so, you might as well, keep on sinning kinda thing, and not change and not repent because it is a waste of time, God doesn't want you, thinking......!

He's a Deceiver, don't let him fool ya! :D

The End.

Now back to physical life!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Something to consider in a spiritual way....
You're gonna be just fine! The Serpent of Old, wants to make you believe you are not, even with repentance...make you believe that Christ's death and sacrifice can't wash you clean from sin, before entrance to Heaven.... so, you might as well, keep on sinning kinda thing, and not change and not repent because it is a waste of time, God doesn't want you, thinking......!

He's a Deceiver, don't let him fool ya! :D

The End.

Now back to physical life!
I love that... well said....@Care4all
And you thought I was bad.


I think you are not a Christian at all. I think what you say about the Christian religion has only a political motivation. I do not think you are bad (=not good). I think you are malicious.

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I think you are not a Christian at all. I think what you say about the Christian religion has only a political motivation. I do not think you are bad (=not good). I think you are malicious.

You aren't a very good judge of character then. I'm the least political person on this board.
I'm what, asshole?

And allknowing.
Hardly. I just have a conscientiously thought out world view because I put the work into it And apparently it makes you jealous. Vanity is Satan's favorite sin.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear in that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the World.
There is nothing enlightening about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel unsure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
As we let our own Light shine,
we consciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."

Marianne Williamson
Return to Love
Hardly. I just have a conscientiously thought out world view because I put the work into it And apparently it makes you jealous. Vanity is Satan's favorite sin.

Satan and I have a common element. We both love god. That's why I will close every hell as soon as possible.
"I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free."

Nikos Kazantzakis

Translation: "I am an arrogant asshole and an idiot." I know for example what's fear since I was on a toilet in East-Berlin and while I was pissing someone behind me said "Hello, I'm from the Stasi". Or did he only say "Stasi!"? Indeed I remember only "Stasi!" and what a fear such a short word is able to produce.
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Satan and I have a common element. We both love god. That's why I will close every hell as soon as possible.
I'll have to take your word for that. Because if you loved God, you wouldn't question others loving God like you do me.

It has been my experience that the things that most upset us in others are the things that most upset us in ourselves.
Translation: "I am an arrogant asshole and an idiot."
The Greek word for repent is "metanoia." Metanoia means to change your mind. Our thoughts, the flow of consciousness which determines our behaviors, can change. Metanoia has to do with moral activity, but goes beyond that. Jesus was teaching that we could change our mind about how we treat people. We don’t have to be unforgiving, cynical and cruel. We can change our mind about being negative. We can think positive thoughts and walk in faith instead of doubt. We can change our minds about sin. Rather than being caught in the strongholds of consistent habits of lust or selfishness, for example, we can experience freedom and selflessness. Jesus would not have told us to change unless it was possible and attainable. The Bible is full of words that speak about change. Repentance, metamorphosis, transformation, conversion, resurrection, rebirth, renewal, regeneration, healing and transfiguration.

Jesus taught everyone how to become the best version of themselves. Being perfect does not mean doing perfect things. It means to BE perfect. To exist perfectly. So when one makes mistakes - which we all will - we should be truthful to ourselves about ourselves. That's how we exist perfectly. It's an ongoing process. So I don't feel bad about taking accountability for being a sinner. You should try it sometime.
That's why I will close every hell as soon as possible.
That is a textbook example of the dunning effect. It is usually better to under estimate one's self rather than to over estimate one's self.
I'll have to take your word for that. Because if you loved God, you wouldn't question others loving God like you do me.

What for heaverns sake do you try to discuss wth me, atheist? That human beings are idiots? I know this because I'm a human being on my own,.

It has been my experience that the things that most upset us in others are the things that most upset us in ourselves.

It's only an empty phrase which you use. It's not even a prejudice which you have. You use such fake-wisdom sentences like weapons - that's all.

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