Zone1 List ridiculous, heretical things the pope has said.. How about There is no Hell, just disappearance

Well that's THREE heresies right there!!!


A peaceful heart AS WELL AS....................

We must die TO OURSELVES.....empty of "things" is nihilist...Buddhism maybe...or some sects of it.

We are NOT God's eyes!!!!

Pleasant thoughts though.


You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about. Did you ever have something like a religious education? Did you or someone else who you love ever had any real problem? Or are you only rich and bored and like to fight in a virtual internet game which you call "life"?

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You have absolutelly not any idea what you try to speak about. Did you ever have something like a religious education? Did you or someone else who you love ever had any real problem? Or are you only rich and bored and like to fight in a virtual internet game which you call "life"?

Protestants lose their religion when dealing with Catholics...

that's telling
No such thing as a "better"Catholic; we're just Catholics...warts and all.

That is a very protestant statement. No, Christ, through His Church CHANGES us... if we let Him. And the condition of one Catholic can indeed be far superior to the condition of another...
I was asked by a prod once if I was saved. I responded that it was indeed my hope that, by the time I died, I would be. They seemed confused by that.

Another time I answered "How the Hell do I know".

Such a silly question.

It is a rather silly question because like everything else in life, it is a process (being saved). You can "be saved" one minute and commit some mortal sin the next and

there you go... If you don't bust your ass getting back into God's graces, you will end up in Hell
Protestants lose their religion when dealing with Catholics...

that's telling

My wife is a Lutheran - she never lost spiritually anything since we are together. And I wan by the way some short years ago from the Swedish protestants a catholic saint who I also love very much. Her name is Sancta Lucia.

Well if you're a Catholic whatever the Pope says goes. According to Catholic dogma the Pope is infallible and whatever they claim while sitting in the chair of Saint Peter is the truth.

There are a s*** load of Catholic ideas that completely contradict the teachings of Christ
Well if you're a Catholic whatever the Pope says goes. According to Catholic dogma the Pope is infallible and whatever they claim while sitting in the chair of Saint Peter is the truth.
Not quite. Popes and their general statements are not infallible. It is specific teachings that are infallible--and there have only been two infallible teachings in the history of the Papacy. It is the teachings that become 'infallible' meaning they may not be changed. The pope, himself is NOT infallible.

The two infallible teachings:
  • The Immaculate Conception of Mary (1850s)
  • The Assumption of Mary into heaven (1950s)
Pope Louis Seventh was out of order when he told Moslems to Fuck ,Off and eat Pork to develop their back bones .

Check this out

I stopped at the first lie I came to, which was uttered by OMG OMG OMG whoda thunk it???

the fake pope Francis

just more proof he is indeed fake.

He says that Islam teaches peace. this may take the freaking cake on biggest LIE he's ever told. I've read parts of the Koran (which btw made me not want to read the whole thing)
Well if you're a Catholic whatever the Pope says goes. According to Catholic dogma the Pope is infallible and whatever they claim while sitting in the chair of Saint Peter is the truth.

There are a s*** load of Catholic ideas that completely contradict the teachings of Christ
just more proof that Francis is NOT a pope.

Some of us know that... other Catholics hem and haw and try to make a square peg fit into a round hole. But there is no getting around it: we haven't had a real pope since Pius XII
Not quite. Popes and their general statements are not infallible. It is specific teachings that are infallible--and there have only been two infallible teachings in the history of the Papacy. It is the teachings that become 'infallible' meaning they may not be changed. The pope, himself is NOT infallible.

The two infallible teachings:
  • The Immaculate Conception of Mary (1850s)
  • The Assumption of Mary into heaven (1950s)
See Post 70 here
"they are not punished, those who repent obtain the fogivenss of God.. .but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no Hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls."

This contradicts both Catholic and most Protestant teaching
The ONLY thing that matters is this: does it contradict the SCRIPTURES.

You are unnecessarily tied to ORGANIZATIONS. You really need to examine everything in the light of SCRIPTURE, not what your favorite HUMANS say about God or the afterlife.
The ONLY thing that matters is this: does it contradict the SCRIPTURES.

You are unnecessarily tied to ORGANIZATIONS. You really need to examine everything in the light of SCRIPTURE, not what your favorite HUMANS say about God or the afterlife.
You don't know what I am

You speak out of total ignorance. Jesus founded a CHURCH and the Word says that a city on a hill (the Church) is visible, cannot be hidden.

People are being stupid when they believe, as most protestants do (whether they realize it or not), that Christ can establish a Church-- yet no one has to belong to it.....
Only God knows this kind of thing

What means you know absolutelly nothing about. But this is anyway not said in the spirit of god because what you say here would mean never to trust in other people and to see in everyone only liars. But if you see in everyone only liars then you are also not able to believe in god - others told you about - and so what you said here is a totally senseless statement - or a lie on its own - although this lie here could contain a deeper truth because who knows oneselve? For sure god knows oneself better than someone knows oneselve on the own.

Nevertheless I guess your form of logic here is more a kind of nihilism.
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The ONLY thing that matters is this: does it contradict the SCRIPTURES.

You are unnecessarily tied to ORGANIZATIONS. ...

And you are necessarily tied to all mankind who has masses of organisations with masses of people. All organisations in the world together have much more people than all mankind has people.

By the way: What contradicts "the scriptures"? Contradicts for example Harry Potter the theory of relativity? I guess "yes" - although I do not have an example in the moment. But if so - what means this? Harry Potter is fantasy - the theory of relativity natural science. Is fantasy "wrong" and physics "true"?
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Lefebvre was an extremist and never seen from anyone as a candidate for to become the bishop of Rome. I guess today exists some few single Lefebvreists per a million Catholics. And I guess this is what people fascinates who are Lefebvreist. They think they are able to dominate the Catholic church with their nonsense.
Lefebvre was a true Catholic. If you want to call the Vatican sect truly Catholic... that just shows your ignorance
I learned in school this: Jesus did not found the church - because of him was founded the church.
The Bible disagrees

Mt 16:18

Jesus said to Peter and the rest "I will build MY CHURCH and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."

sounds pretty clear... should be abundantly clear to those who actually believe Scripture or claim to

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