Listen, terror supporting scum: Bashar is here to stay

Get informed before you post something. Over 11 million out of 15 million eligible voters voted and the international observers said it was a democratic and fair election.

In order to even be a candidate you had to have wide support within parliament. This ensured that only Assad could win. He had no real opposition because true opposition was not allowed to exist. Calling this democracy would be like calling Zimbabwe's government democratic.
President Assad´s overwhelming popularity cannot be abused to "prove" it wasn´t a democratic election. The election was a clear validation of Assad´s presidency and even if the system would allow terrorist candidates, what it doesn´t for obvious reasons, the result would be exactly the same.
As for the rules about how a candidate can run, it is reasonable that at least a part of the people´s representation should support him.

Placing scores of restrictions on who can run and how and then claiming that the results would have been exactly the same in an open election during peacetime is pretty dishonest. That's not the way that democracy works.

Do you think life would be better for Syrians under the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood?

I think that the Syrian people have a right to the freedom of expression and the freedom of speech as well as the right to engage politically within a robust, representative, and accountable central government.
That´s the case in Syria.

Article 34 of the Syrian constitution:
Every citizen shall have the right to participate in the political, economic, social and cultural life and the law shall regulate this.

Article 42 of the Syrian constitution:
1. Freedom of belief shall be protected in accordance with the law;

2. Every citizen shall have the right to freely and openly express his views whether in writing or orally or by all other means of expression.

Article 43 of the Syrian constitution:
The state shall guarantee freedom of the press, printing and publishing, the media and its independence in accordance with the law.

Article 44 of the Syrian constitution:
Citizens shall have the right to assemble, peacefully demonstrate and to strike from work within the framework of the Constitution principles, and the law shall regulate the exercise of these rights.
No. If he cared at all about representative rule then it wouldn't have taken years of civil war for him to even pretend to have an electoral mandate to rule.
The times of presidential elections are not subject to arbitrariness.
And yet they are completely arbitrary as far as ideology goes in this case. You defeat your own argument.
No. If he cared at all about representative rule then it wouldn't have taken years of civil war for him to even pretend to have an electoral mandate to rule.
The times of presidential elections are not subject to arbitrariness.
And yet they are completely arbitrary as far as ideology goes in this case. You defeat your own argument.
That could really replaced by an empty post, man.

The no wasn't to not knowing is was to your question of whether or not that constituted democracy. It does not. Not even close.
Why not? Shall members of the parliament only be stinking rich guys from elitist origins in order to represent a democracy?

One's profession has little to do with whether or not said person is part of a democracy. That's not how democracy works. Gaddafi ruled that way too with his "people's congresses" and his government was far from democratic as well.

The no wasn't to not knowing is was to your question of whether or not that constituted democracy. It does not. Not even close.
Why not? Shall members of the parliament only be stinking rich guys from elitist origins in order to represent a democracy?

One's profession has little to do with whether or not said person is part of a democracy. That's not how democracy works. Gaddafi ruled that way too with his "people's congresses" and his government was far from democratic as well.
Libya enjoyed direct democracy and Africa´s highest Human Development Index.

The no wasn't to not knowing is was to your question of whether or not that constituted democracy. It does not. Not even close.
Why not? Shall members of the parliament only be stinking rich guys from elitist origins in order to represent a democracy?

One's profession has little to do with whether or not said person is part of a democracy. That's not how democracy works. Gaddafi ruled that way too with his "people's congresses" and his government was far from democratic as well.
Libya enjoyed direct democracy and Africa´s highest Human Development Index.

No it didn't.
Now, you do.

The no wasn't to not knowing is was to your question of whether or not that constituted democracy. It does not. Not even close.
Why not? Shall members of the parliament only be stinking rich guys from elitist origins in order to represent a democracy?

One's profession has little to do with whether or not said person is part of a democracy. That's not how democracy works. Gaddafi ruled that way too with his "people's congresses" and his government was far from democratic as well.
Libya enjoyed direct democracy and Africa´s highest Human Development Index.

No it didn't.
Yes, it did.
The no wasn't to not knowing is was to your question of whether or not that constituted democracy. It does not. Not even close.
Why not? Shall members of the parliament only be stinking rich guys from elitist origins in order to represent a democracy?

One's profession has little to do with whether or not said person is part of a democracy. That's not how democracy works. Gaddafi ruled that way too with his "people's congresses" and his government was far from democratic as well.
Libya enjoyed direct democracy and Africa´s highest Human Development Index.

No it didn't.
Yes, it did.

Care to have a formal debate concerning it in the new structured discussion sub-forum? The topic can be "Did Libya enjoy a direct democracy under Gaddafi?"
Why not? Shall members of the parliament only be stinking rich guys from elitist origins in order to represent a democracy?

One's profession has little to do with whether or not said person is part of a democracy. That's not how democracy works. Gaddafi ruled that way too with his "people's congresses" and his government was far from democratic as well.
Libya enjoyed direct democracy and Africa´s highest Human Development Index.

No it didn't.
Yes, it did.

Care to have a formal debate concerning it in the new structured discussion sub-forum? The topic can be "Did Libya enjoy a direct democracy under Gaddafi?"
There is no forum rule preventing you from opening such a topic.
One's profession has little to do with whether or not said person is part of a democracy. That's not how democracy works. Gaddafi ruled that way too with his "people's congresses" and his government was far from democratic as well.
Libya enjoyed direct democracy and Africa´s highest Human Development Index.

No it didn't.
Yes, it did.

Care to have a formal debate concerning it in the new structured discussion sub-forum? The topic can be "Did Libya enjoy a direct democracy under Gaddafi?"
There is no forum rule preventing you from opening such a topic.

I'll set it up then.
There will never be peace in Syria as long as Assad remains. If he cared at all for his country (and he doesn't) he would have stepped down long ago.

If I were ASSAD----I would do the world a favor and commit suicide. I do not know how a DOCTOR can tolerate himself having caused so much death and destruction. Being a doctor is not easy-----that disgusting pig actually worked hard as a resident in Opthalmology----he had the lives of people in his now blood soaked hands. The very thought of him in an operating room----sickens me. I have spent time in operating rooms-------the experience SHOULD humanize a person

Speaking of doctors, IRosie............

Syria regime blamed for killing more than 600 doctors: rights group

Last year, a medical worker was killed every other day in Syria and a hospital was bombed or shelled every four days (File photo: AP)

By AFP | New York
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Syrian government forces are responsible for killing more than 600 doctors and medical workers during the four-year war, Physicians for Human Rights said Wednesday, calling the attacks a crime against humanity.

The New York-based rights group accused President Bashar al-Assad’s forces of “systematically” targeting hospitals, clinics and medical personnel since the conflict began in 2011.

Over the past four years, a total of 610 medical personnel were killed, 139 of whom were tortured or executed, according to the report.

Continue reading at:

ISIS started up after the Arab Spring, way after your idol mowed down peaceful protestors.

How Isis came to be World news The Guardian
We know exactly, how ISIS appeared and how "peaceul" the protestors in Syria were...

Does this sound familiar?
"BAGHDAD — Gun battles erupted in cities with Sunni majorities across Iraq on Tuesday after security forces from the Shiite-led government stormed a Sunni protest encampment in a village near the northern city of Kirkuk. The clashes left dozens dead and wounded, and raised fears that the sectarian civil war that is roiling Syria might spill into Iraq.

The fiercest fighting was at the encampment in a town called Hawija, where Sunni gunmen fought government forces throughout the day. At least 42 people were killed, 39 of them civilians, and more than 100 wounded."

Were you there, Little Boy, at the time to see how the protestors were acting? Meanwhile, others have a different opinion than you have.
Surely, you were there...
Far away from the rage of the Syrian people you tear open your terrorist supporting yap...

"The Syrian military began pulling out of the southwestern town of Daraa on Thursday after a mission to "restore security and calm," state TV reported.

Government troops have been battling pro-reform protesters over the past month and a half. The human rights group Amnesty International says more than 500 people were killed during the clashes and thousands more were rounded up for questioning.

"Scores were arrested and huge amounts of up-to-date weapons and ammunition in several places were confiscated, which helped bring back the sense of safety to the residents of the city," a Syrian military source told the SANA news agency about the Daraa mission."
State TV says Syrian military starts to leave Daraa -

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria
The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime and the torture and savagery have not stopped.

Mideast Syria


The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime -- children who had written anti-Assad slogans on a wall in the city of Daraa -- and the torture and savagery have not stopped.
An estimated 220,000 people have died and millions have been displaced since Assad responded with brutal force to the peaceful anti-government protests that followed. Assad’s atrocities and brutal tactics against the Syrian people, including torture, murder, chemical weapons, barrel bombings, and starvation as a weapon of war have aided and abetted the rise of violent extremists like ISIL, which seek to exploit the chaos and destruction inside Syria.

Continue reading at:

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria?
See, what I mean, tinydancer? Nothing but terrorist propaganda, is what Terror-Sally can post.

Oh, Little Pipsqueak, you are really so funny. Maybe I can get you a gig at the Comedy Store. Even thought you would like to see articles suppressed when it is derogatory to your idol, there is no way you are able to stop it.

Syria enters fifth year of bloody civil conflict total death toll more than 215 000 - Middle East News Top Stories - The Straits Times?
ISIS started up after the Arab Spring, way after your idol mowed down peaceful protestors.

How Isis came to be World news The Guardian
We know exactly, how ISIS appeared and how "peaceul" the protestors in Syria were...

Does this sound familiar?
"BAGHDAD — Gun battles erupted in cities with Sunni majorities across Iraq on Tuesday after security forces from the Shiite-led government stormed a Sunni protest encampment in a village near the northern city of Kirkuk. The clashes left dozens dead and wounded, and raised fears that the sectarian civil war that is roiling Syria might spill into Iraq.

The fiercest fighting was at the encampment in a town called Hawija, where Sunni gunmen fought government forces throughout the day. At least 42 people were killed, 39 of them civilians, and more than 100 wounded."

Were you there, Little Boy, at the time to see how the protestors were acting? Meanwhile, others have a different opinion than you have.
Surely, you were there...
Far away from the rage of the Syrian people you tear open your terrorist supporting yap...

"The Syrian military began pulling out of the southwestern town of Daraa on Thursday after a mission to "restore security and calm," state TV reported.

Government troops have been battling pro-reform protesters over the past month and a half. The human rights group Amnesty International says more than 500 people were killed during the clashes and thousands more were rounded up for questioning.

"Scores were arrested and huge amounts of up-to-date weapons and ammunition in several places were confiscated, which helped bring back the sense of safety to the residents of the city," a Syrian military source told the SANA news agency about the Daraa mission."
State TV says Syrian military starts to leave Daraa -

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria
The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime and the torture and savagery have not stopped.

Mideast Syria


The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime -- children who had written anti-Assad slogans on a wall in the city of Daraa -- and the torture and savagery have not stopped.
An estimated 220,000 people have died and millions have been displaced since Assad responded with brutal force to the peaceful anti-government protests that followed. Assad’s atrocities and brutal tactics against the Syrian people, including torture, murder, chemical weapons, barrel bombings, and starvation as a weapon of war have aided and abetted the rise of violent extremists like ISIL, which seek to exploit the chaos and destruction inside Syria.

Continue reading at:

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria?
Al-Qaeda will award you with the highest terrorist medal.

So tell us, Little Boy -- what medal will your idol Assad be giving you for being so devoted to him?
We know exactly, how ISIS appeared and how "peaceul" the protestors in Syria were...

Does this sound familiar?
"BAGHDAD — Gun battles erupted in cities with Sunni majorities across Iraq on Tuesday after security forces from the Shiite-led government stormed a Sunni protest encampment in a village near the northern city of Kirkuk. The clashes left dozens dead and wounded, and raised fears that the sectarian civil war that is roiling Syria might spill into Iraq.

The fiercest fighting was at the encampment in a town called Hawija, where Sunni gunmen fought government forces throughout the day. At least 42 people were killed, 39 of them civilians, and more than 100 wounded."

Were you there, Little Boy, at the time to see how the protestors were acting? Meanwhile, others have a different opinion than you have.
Surely, you were there...
Far away from the rage of the Syrian people you tear open your terrorist supporting yap...

"The Syrian military began pulling out of the southwestern town of Daraa on Thursday after a mission to "restore security and calm," state TV reported.

Government troops have been battling pro-reform protesters over the past month and a half. The human rights group Amnesty International says more than 500 people were killed during the clashes and thousands more were rounded up for questioning.

"Scores were arrested and huge amounts of up-to-date weapons and ammunition in several places were confiscated, which helped bring back the sense of safety to the residents of the city," a Syrian military source told the SANA news agency about the Daraa mission."
State TV says Syrian military starts to leave Daraa -

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria
The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime and the torture and savagery have not stopped.

Mideast Syria


The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime -- children who had written anti-Assad slogans on a wall in the city of Daraa -- and the torture and savagery have not stopped.
An estimated 220,000 people have died and millions have been displaced since Assad responded with brutal force to the peaceful anti-government protests that followed. Assad’s atrocities and brutal tactics against the Syrian people, including torture, murder, chemical weapons, barrel bombings, and starvation as a weapon of war have aided and abetted the rise of violent extremists like ISIL, which seek to exploit the chaos and destruction inside Syria.

Continue reading at:

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria?
Al-Qaeda will award you with the highest terrorist medal.

So tell us, Little Boy -- what medal will your idol Assad be giving you for being so devoted to him?
I should get the medal for practised freedom of information and speech from all those western countries.
There will never be peace in Syria as long as Assad remains. If he cared at all for his country (and he doesn't) he would have stepped down long ago.

If I were ASSAD----I would do the world a favor and commit suicide. I do not know how a DOCTOR can tolerate himself having caused so much death and destruction. Being a doctor is not easy-----that disgusting pig actually worked hard as a resident in Opthalmology----he had the lives of people in his now blood soaked hands. The very thought of him in an operating room----sickens me. I have spent time in operating rooms-------the experience SHOULD humanize a person

Speaking of doctors, IRosie............

Syria regime blamed for killing more than 600 doctors: rights group

Last year, a medical worker was killed every other day in Syria and a hospital was bombed or shelled every four days (File photo: AP)

By AFP | New York
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Syrian government forces are responsible for killing more than 600 doctors and medical workers during the four-year war, Physicians for Human Rights said Wednesday, calling the attacks a crime against humanity.

The New York-based rights group accused President Bashar al-Assad’s forces of “systematically” targeting hospitals, clinics and medical personnel since the conflict began in 2011.

Over the past four years, a total of 610 medical personnel were killed, 139 of whom were tortured or executed, according to the report.

Continue reading at:

We know exactly, how ISIS appeared and how "peaceul" the protestors in Syria were...

Does this sound familiar?
"BAGHDAD — Gun battles erupted in cities with Sunni majorities across Iraq on Tuesday after security forces from the Shiite-led government stormed a Sunni protest encampment in a village near the northern city of Kirkuk. The clashes left dozens dead and wounded, and raised fears that the sectarian civil war that is roiling Syria might spill into Iraq.

The fiercest fighting was at the encampment in a town called Hawija, where Sunni gunmen fought government forces throughout the day. At least 42 people were killed, 39 of them civilians, and more than 100 wounded."

Were you there, Little Boy, at the time to see how the protestors were acting? Meanwhile, others have a different opinion than you have.
Surely, you were there...
Far away from the rage of the Syrian people you tear open your terrorist supporting yap...

"The Syrian military began pulling out of the southwestern town of Daraa on Thursday after a mission to "restore security and calm," state TV reported.

Government troops have been battling pro-reform protesters over the past month and a half. The human rights group Amnesty International says more than 500 people were killed during the clashes and thousands more were rounded up for questioning.

"Scores were arrested and huge amounts of up-to-date weapons and ammunition in several places were confiscated, which helped bring back the sense of safety to the residents of the city," a Syrian military source told the SANA news agency about the Daraa mission."
State TV says Syrian military starts to leave Daraa -

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria
The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime and the torture and savagery have not stopped.

Mideast Syria


The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime -- children who had written anti-Assad slogans on a wall in the city of Daraa -- and the torture and savagery have not stopped.
An estimated 220,000 people have died and millions have been displaced since Assad responded with brutal force to the peaceful anti-government protests that followed. Assad’s atrocities and brutal tactics against the Syrian people, including torture, murder, chemical weapons, barrel bombings, and starvation as a weapon of war have aided and abetted the rise of violent extremists like ISIL, which seek to exploit the chaos and destruction inside Syria.

Continue reading at:

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria?
See, what I mean, tinydancer? Nothing but terrorist propaganda, is what Terror-Sally can post.

Oh, Little Pipsqueak, you are really so funny. Maybe I can get you a gig at the Comedy Store. Even thought you would like to see articles suppressed when it is derogatory to your idol, there is no way you are able to stop it.

Syria enters fifth year of bloody civil conflict total death toll more than 215 000 - Middle East News Top Stories - The Straits Times?
Oh, SOHR proudly presents its own numbers of how many people had to pay with their lifes for the West´s terrorist´s war on human rights.
There will never be peace in Syria as long as Assad remains. If he cared at all for his country (and he doesn't) he would have stepped down long ago.

If I were ASSAD----I would do the world a favor and commit suicide. I do not know how a DOCTOR can tolerate himself having caused so much death and destruction. Being a doctor is not easy-----that disgusting pig actually worked hard as a resident in Opthalmology----he had the lives of people in his now blood soaked hands. The very thought of him in an operating room----sickens me. I have spent time in operating rooms-------the experience SHOULD humanize a person

Speaking of doctors, IRosie............

Syria regime blamed for killing more than 600 doctors: rights group

Last year, a medical worker was killed every other day in Syria and a hospital was bombed or shelled every four days (File photo: AP)

By AFP | New York
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Syrian government forces are responsible for killing more than 600 doctors and medical workers during the four-year war, Physicians for Human Rights said Wednesday, calling the attacks a crime against humanity.

The New York-based rights group accused President Bashar al-Assad’s forces of “systematically” targeting hospitals, clinics and medical personnel since the conflict began in 2011.

Over the past four years, a total of 610 medical personnel were killed, 139 of whom were tortured or executed, according to the report.

Continue reading at:

Were you there, Little Boy, at the time to see how the protestors were acting? Meanwhile, others have a different opinion than you have.
Surely, you were there...
Far away from the rage of the Syrian people you tear open your terrorist supporting yap...

"The Syrian military began pulling out of the southwestern town of Daraa on Thursday after a mission to "restore security and calm," state TV reported.

Government troops have been battling pro-reform protesters over the past month and a half. The human rights group Amnesty International says more than 500 people were killed during the clashes and thousands more were rounded up for questioning.

"Scores were arrested and huge amounts of up-to-date weapons and ammunition in several places were confiscated, which helped bring back the sense of safety to the residents of the city," a Syrian military source told the SANA news agency about the Daraa mission."
State TV says Syrian military starts to leave Daraa -

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria
The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime and the torture and savagery have not stopped.

Mideast Syria


The conflict in Syria began four years ago this week (March 15). It began after the torture of children by the Assad regime -- children who had written anti-Assad slogans on a wall in the city of Daraa -- and the torture and savagery have not stopped.
An estimated 220,000 people have died and millions have been displaced since Assad responded with brutal force to the peaceful anti-government protests that followed. Assad’s atrocities and brutal tactics against the Syrian people, including torture, murder, chemical weapons, barrel bombings, and starvation as a weapon of war have aided and abetted the rise of violent extremists like ISIL, which seek to exploit the chaos and destruction inside Syria.

Continue reading at:

Four Years Of Savagery In Syria?
See, what I mean, tinydancer? Nothing but terrorist propaganda, is what Terror-Sally can post.

Oh, Little Pipsqueak, you are really so funny. Maybe I can get you a gig at the Comedy Store. Even thought you would like to see articles suppressed when it is derogatory to your idol, there is no way you are able to stop it.

Syria enters fifth year of bloody civil conflict total death toll more than 215 000 - Middle East News Top Stories - The Straits Times?

Oh, SOHR proudly presents its own numbers of how many people had to pay with their lifes for the West´s terrorist´s war on human rights.

My goodness, Little Boy, if Assad would have followed the lead of Jordan and Morocco, there wouldn't now be a Civil War with thousands upon thousands dead. However, it is realized that Assad wants to keep the dynasty going. By the way, since you are Assad's public relations guy in Germany, what can you do to get this story quashed? It certainly doesn't make him look like the Good Guy.

U.S. deeply disturbed by reports of chemical weapons in Syria -Kerry?

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