Lithium is in Short Supply for EV Cars and Guess Who’s Preventing the Mining of Lithium

A battery plant is going in, next to the Ford Electric truck plant Off I-40 here is West Tennessee. Suppose Koch is wanting to supply that?

The Enchem America plant? Possibly, but I couldn't find any links between the Kochs and Enchem. They're a Korean company.
Yep. It’s straight out of something you’d see in the Babylon Bee. Democrats ban fossil fuels and prevent alternative energy.
Absent in the article was any mention of democrats. It's about the whole state of Maine regulating mining.

But hey, the cult told you to make up a story, so you did. Good cultist.
The Enchem America plant? Possibly, but I couldn't find any links between the Kochs and Enchem.
They'll have to get their lithium from somewhere and it's a straight shot to Southwest Arkansas on I-40. It would make sense.
Little wonder considering how terrible Lithium mining can be (as well as most other metals that go into EV batteries.) The mines for cobalt, magnesium, and iron are just as ugly. Just a few lithium mines around the world.


Democrats used to hate strip mining back in the 1970s.. they are silent about it now, as well as the contaminated water
Lithium is obtained from brines, which are pumped. The pictures you show are of copper deep pit mines.

Come on, don't be so gullible.
Okay you google lithium mines and see what comes up. Just search Photos Lithium mines. Then do the same for cobalt, manganese, copper, iron, etc.

I've also done that for cobalt, magnesium, iron, copper etc.

Check this out:
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Democrats used to hate strip mining back in the 1970s.. they are silent about it now, as well as the contaminated water
We lived a number of years in southeast Kansas where a large amount of strip coal mining was done. They used an enormous shovel to dig long deep pits. And because 1) the land wasn't good for farming or ranching, the state didn't make them fill in the holes after the coal was extracted. And because the water table was so high there the pits promptly filled up with ground water. So the state went in and stocked them with game fish--bass, etc.--and it made for wonderful fishing. No ground water contamination problem. That is one case where mining had a happy ending for everybody.

This is Big Brutus that did most of the digging. We got to watch it work a number of times. Local tourist attraction. :)

Lithium is in Arkansas? Do tell!
I found it interesting, the Maine deposits were found by gem seekers and that Arkansas is home to the only diamond mine in country and indeed home of a state park for that reason.

As you are no doubt aware, there are a good deal of known Lithium deposit sites in the US, many untapped due to environmental issues or simply environmentalists and their nature to doubt any possible miner extraction anywhere, being possible without destruction, outweighing benefit.

I have heard the Arkansas thing is of drilling and extraction from brine water at deep depth, though I have no real clear idea the feasibility or effects.
I found it interesting, the Maine deposits were found by gem seekers and that Arkansas is home to the only diamond mine in country and indeed home of a state park for that reason.

As you are no doubt aware, there are a good deal of known Lithium deposit sites in the US, many untapped due to environmental issues or simply environmentalists and their nature to doubt any possible miner extraction anywhere, being possible without destruction, outweighing benefit.

I have heard the Arkansas thing is of drilling and extraction from brine water at deep depth, though I have no real clear idea the feasibility or effects.
Point is, there’s less than 1% lithium available to support the US going all EV, and Democrats are demanding that won’t change.

That says Democrats are only interested in destroying the American economy.
Yep. It’s straight out of something you’d see in the Babylon Bee. Democrats ban fossil fuels and prevent alternative energy.

Gem Hunters Found the Lithium America Needs. Maine Won’t Let Them Dig It Up​

All the limousine liberals would rather children be enslaved to work in the mines in foreign countries so they can virtue signal by driving their electric cars than have to look at a mine in their own state
All the limousine liberals would rather children be enslaved to work in the mines in foreign countries so they can virtue signal by driving their electric cars than have to look at a mine in their own state
Yep. It’s straight out of something you’d see in the Babylon Bee. Democrats ban fossil fuels and prevent alternative energy.

Gem Hunters Found the Lithium America Needs. Maine Won’t Let Them Dig It Up​

I read this a few weeks ago. Just boggles the mind. This is yet just one more thing that boggles the mind.

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