Little League team Obama praised at WH caught cheating. Stripped of championship

Funny how when little leadgue does it it's a thing, but when the MLB imports atheletes from foreign countries that's cool. Probably why the NFL is so much more popular, still mostly actual Americans in there.
Umm, MLB has had entire franchises located outside of the US for decades.

When players for a city team like say the Oakland A's have players who can barely speak English, I assume they're recruiting from other countries.

The little league team only snagged players froma neighboring district (however that's defined.) They didn't bring people in from other countries though.
Funny how when little leadgue does it it's a thing, but when the MLB imports atheletes from foreign countries that's cool. Probably why the NFL is so much more popular, still mostly actual Americans in there.
Umm, MLB has had entire franchises located outside of the US for decades.

When players for a city team like say the Oakland A's have players who can barely speak English, I assume they're recruiting from other countries.

The little league team only snagged players froma neighboring district (however that's defined.) They didn't bring people in from other countries though.
MLB is a business and their job is to hire and pay the best players available. You can be sure if the NFL ever gained popularity outside of the US they would also hire non-Americans who are better players. In fact, it's the NFL's international unattractiveness and lack of popularity that makes it the only American sport with few or no non-Americans (kickers notwithstanding).
Sen. Christopher S. Bond (R) Missouri sponsored a Bill in 1998, transcript follows:

"A resolution (S. Res. 273) recognizing the historic home run record set by Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals on September 8, 1998...

...I see several colleagues on the floor who want to discuss it, but suffice it to say that Mark McGwire has made a historic contribution to baseball. He has brought the country together. The only thing we are talking about in Missouri is Mark McGwire, not a lot of the other problems. His dedication to leadership and family values, his spirit of community contribution and leadership mark him as an outstanding gentleman who I trust all of us in this body are willing to recognize."

Recognizing Mark Mcgwire Of The St. Louis Cardinals For Breaking The Historic Home Run Record Capitol Words


Republicans applaud the wrong people too, not just Democrats. But when you're trying to score political points praising professional athetes that's the risk yuo take. Some cheat.
And McGwire is not in the HOF for that reason.
It's an all-black team of course. If these kids were white obozo would have them shot.

Little League strips Chicago team of U.S. championship suspends coach - ESPN Chicago

feb 12 2015
Little League Baseball has stripped the U.S. championship from Chicago-based Jackie Robinson West and suspended its coach for violating a rule prohibiting the use of players who live outside the geographic area that the team represents, it was announced Wednesday.

Jackie Robinson West must vacate wins from the 2014 Little League Baseball International Tournament -- including its Great Lakes Regional and United States championships.

President Barack Obama, who had honored Jackie Robinson West with a White House ceremony, said Wednesday that he continues to be proud of the team and that he blames the problems on "dirty dealing" by adults.

"The president is proud of the way they represented their city and the way they represented the country," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at a briefing. "The fact is some dirty dealing by some adults doesn't take anything away from the accomplishments of those young men."
It's not President Obama's fault you were rejected from the girl's softball team when you wanted to play sports.
He wouldn't be allowed to even try out for the girls softball team even though that M'onet whatever girl took a boy's spot from the Philadelphia boys little league team. Double standard hypocrisy.
Funny how when little leadgue does it it's a thing, but when the MLB imports atheletes from foreign countries that's cool. Probably why the NFL is so much more popular, still mostly actual Americans in there.
there is a difference between a MLB team and a little league team MLB the guys being imported in, is allowed,all the teams can do the LL it aint allowed, you gotta be a kid living in the district of the league.........rules is rules....
That is a big advantage if you search out and find ringers from other areas. What a disappointment to the other teams.

It's as old as sports. Very very common and obozo again shows how stupid he is for supporting these cheaters before all the facts were in.

Not Little League. Not only are you not supposed to bring in ringers chosen from anywhere in the country, but the kids are supposed to be chosen at RANDOM from a local area.
Funny how when little leadgue does it it's a thing, but when the MLB imports atheletes from foreign countries that's cool. Probably why the NFL is so much more popular, still mostly actual Americans in there.
Funny how when little leadgue does it it's a thing, but when the MLB imports atheletes from foreign countries that's cool. Probably why the NFL is so much more popular, still mostly actual Americans in there.

Don't be stupid, LITTLE LEAGUE cannot be compared to Professional Sports.

Good lord.....and LL specifically spells out the boundaries from which you can get your players, there is no wiggle room and EVEYONE involved knows it.
Sen. Christopher S. Bond (R) Missouri sponsored a Bill in 1998, transcript follows:

"A resolution (S. Res. 273) recognizing the historic home run record set by Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals on September 8, 1998...

...I see several colleagues on the floor who want to discuss it, but suffice it to say that Mark McGwire has made a historic contribution to baseball. He has brought the country together. The only thing we are talking about in Missouri is Mark McGwire, not a lot of the other problems. His dedication to leadership and family values, his spirit of community contribution and leadership mark him as an outstanding gentleman who I trust all of us in this body are willing to recognize."

Recognizing Mark Mcgwire Of The St. Louis Cardinals For Breaking The Historic Home Run Record Capitol Words


Republicans applaud the wrong people too, not just Democrats. But when you're trying to score political points praising professional athetes that's the risk yuo take. Some cheat.

You are comparing doping with this Little League fiasco. :laugh:
It's an all-black team of course. If these kids were white obozo would have them shot.

Little League strips Chicago team of U.S. championship suspends coach - ESPN Chicago

feb 12 2015
Little League Baseball has stripped the U.S. championship from Chicago-based Jackie Robinson West and suspended its coach for violating a rule prohibiting the use of players who live outside the geographic area that the team represents, it was announced Wednesday.

Jackie Robinson West must vacate wins from the 2014 Little League Baseball International Tournament -- including its Great Lakes Regional and United States championships.

President Barack Obama, who had honored Jackie Robinson West with a White House ceremony, said Wednesday that he continues to be proud of the team and that he blames the problems on "dirty dealing" by adults.

"The president is proud of the way they represented their city and the way they represented the country," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at a briefing. "The fact is some dirty dealing by some adults doesn't take anything away from the accomplishments of those young men."

You got anything else besides being a lunatic? You and your racism gets real old.
It's an all-black team of course. If these kids were white obozo would have them shot.

Little League strips Chicago team of U.S. championship suspends coach - ESPN Chicago

feb 12 2015
Little League Baseball has stripped the U.S. championship from Chicago-based Jackie Robinson West and suspended its coach for violating a rule prohibiting the use of players who live outside the geographic area that the team represents, it was announced Wednesday.

Jackie Robinson West must vacate wins from the 2014 Little League Baseball International Tournament -- including its Great Lakes Regional and United States championships.

President Barack Obama, who had honored Jackie Robinson West with a White House ceremony, said Wednesday that he continues to be proud of the team and that he blames the problems on "dirty dealing" by adults.

"The president is proud of the way they represented their city and the way they represented the country," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters at a briefing. "The fact is some dirty dealing by some adults doesn't take anything away from the accomplishments of those young men."

You got anything else besides being a lunatic? You and your racism gets real old.
and if you call him out on his bullshit.....he puts you on ignore.....the rights version of dottie....
This has nothing to with Obama.

Pay attention, you nitwit. These are the same cheating kids who obozo invited to the WH.!!! There were lots of questions at the time about use of ringers but obozo didn't care. If they're black he supports them. Now take your disgusting white-hatred elsewhere. This board is for decent people.
You got anything else besides being a lunatic? You and your racism gets real old.

And you and your namecalling are getting old. You never address the issue on any thread. Looks like even you know you're in the wrong.

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