Little League team Obama praised at WH caught cheating. Stripped of championship

This is crazy!!!

Jesse Jackson Accuses Little League of Persecution - Breitbart

On Wednesday, Jesse Jackson accused Little League International of persecuting Chicago’s Jackie Robinson Little Leaguers after the organization stripped the team of its United States championship for using players from outside of the district’s boundaries.

“This is persecution,” Jackson reportedly said at a Wednesday press conference. “This is not right, it is unnecessary and it is not fair.”
This has nothing to with Obama.

Pay attention, you nitwit. These are the same cheating kids who obozo invited to the WH.!!! There were lots of questions at the time about use of ringers but obozo didn't care. If they're black he supports them. Now take your disgusting white-hatred elsewhere. This board is for decent people.

You aren't real bright are you?

Tell me, when did the kids visit
There was a cat run over in the street the other day.

Neighbor blamed Obama's lawless America.

True story.

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