Little Rock ATF Incident Update: Agents Were Not Wearing Body Cameras as per ATF Policy


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Of course not. Under Democrats control laws are for little people. They were there for one purpose, and bodycams would be evidence.

So how many of them have been reprimanded? Fired? Arrested and charged?

Yeah that's what I thought.

Arkansas Republican Senators Tom Cotton and John Boozman are pushing for answers about ATF’s March 19thSWAT raid, during which Little Rock Airport executive Bryan Malinowski was shot and killed in his own home.

“The Department of Justice confirmed to us last night that the ATF agents involved in the execution of a search warrant of the home of Bryan Malinowski weren’t wearing body cameras. We will continue to press the Department to explain how this violation of its own policy could’ve happened and to disclose the full circumstances of this tragedy. Mr. Malinowski’s family and the public have a right to a full accounting of the facts,” the Senators said in a joint statement released Friday.

The list of ATF atrocities isn't hard to find. The Ruby Ridge debacle during George Bush Sr. Waco during the Clinton administration and Operation Fast/Furious during Obama.
Ruby Ridge, where they shot a bunch of Nazis and Waco where some pedophile cultists offed themselves?
No shock you enjoy burning children alive.

I'm not the one who burned those little cultists alive, their own families did, because they couldn't live without fake Jesus.

Hmmmm... I'm wondering how many suicides we are going to see after Trump loses.

Since we can openly shoot NAZIS, I’m game.
Every supporting Jew hater gets a 9mm to the head.
Well, since the Jews are now acting like Nazis, it's hard to tell the difference.
these jackbooted Thugs will have Family injured & killed in the Migrant Crime Tsunami
I'm not the one who burned those little cultists alive, their own families did, because they couldn't live without fake Jesus.

Hmmmm... I'm wondering how many suicides we are going to see after Trump loses.

Well, since the Jews are now acting like Nazis, it's hard to tell the difference.
You’re the freak cheering the government intentionally burned all those children alive.
Of course not. Under Democrats control laws are for little people. They were there for one purpose, and bodycams would be evidence.

So how many of them have been reprimanded? Fired? Arrested and charged?

Yeah that's what I thought.

Arkansas Republican Senators Tom Cotton and John Boozman are pushing for answers about ATF’s March 19thSWAT raid, during which Little Rock Airport executive Bryan Malinowski was shot and killed in his own home.

“The Department of Justice confirmed to us last night that the ATF agents involved in the execution of a search warrant of the home of Bryan Malinowski weren’t wearing body cameras. We will continue to press the Department to explain how this violation of its own policy could’ve happened and to disclose the full circumstances of this tragedy. Mr. Malinowski’s family and the public have a right to a full accounting of the facts,” the Senators said in a joint statement released Friday.

You guys should, like, organize some protests against state-sponsored violence, or something.
You did say state sponsored violence and you acknowledged.
No, I was speaking to the perspective of the OP. "You guys".... not, "we". Go check.

Though I do think the public has an absolute right to know exactly what happened. A man is dead.
Ruby Ridge , 14 year ( Son of Property owner ) old boy and BATF Agent run into each other on a rough Wooded trail and Shoot each other causing Stand off in which Unarmed Wife of Property owner is shot dead by a sniper who is safely 200 Yards away as she stood in Cabin Doorway holding her under 2 year old child .
You’re the freak cheering the government intentionally burned all those children alive.
Except three investigations of Waco all concluded the Davidians started the fires.

I can see you’re not a fan of history
Sure I am. I just know the difference between History and garbage.

No, those are places where United States citizens were executed without due process. Some of those citizens were children.
Can't get upset about Dead Nazis or dead Pedophile Cultists. Sad that they put their children in danger, I guess.
Except three investigations of Waco all concluded the Davidians started the fires.

Sure I am. I just know the difference between History and garbage.

Can't get upset about Dead Nazis or dead Pedophile Cultists. Sad that they put their children in danger, I guess.
Oh wow. 3 investigations done by the people who started the fires by shooting combustible tear gas into the house with 40mph winds and 10% humidity.
Oh wow. 3 investigations done by the people who started the fires by shooting combustible tear gas into the house with 40mph winds and 10% humidity.
The tear gas was fired in the morning.

The fires didn't start until the afternoon.

The third investigation was done by Republican John Danforth, and he came to the same conclusion the earlier ones did. The Davidians set the fires.
The tear gas was fired in the morning.

The fires didn't start until the afternoon.

The third investigation was done by Republican John Danforth, and he came to the same conclusion the earlier ones did. The Davidians set the fires.
So all the smoke an hour and a half after the Tear gas insertion was tear gas lingering ?

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