Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword!

Not as much as yours will when the land becomes tainted for good and nothing will grow there not even weeds
America will still be standing tall, Phoney, Lunatic Asylum Dweller...The English Colonialists like you and Britain who will die a slow death of a thousand wounds, for all your past thieveries.

Not if you force through laws aimed at making the Jews stateless again, as they will be used against the US to give the land back to the first nations. Then what will you do ?

By the way America is in hock to China and they might just foreclose, do you like boiled dog ?
Not as much as yours will when the land becomes tainted for good and nothing will grow there not even weeds
America will still be standing tall, Phoney, Lunatic Asylum Dweller...The English Colonialists like you and Britain who will die a slow death of a thousand wounds, for all your past thieveries.

Not if you force through laws aimed at making the Jews stateless again, as they will be used against the US to give the land back to the first nations. Then what will you do ?

By the way America is in hock to China and they might just foreclose, do you like boiled dog ?
go back to sunny Italy, where will you end up?

Nope I will stay where I am without hordes of muslims trying to take over.
I should be kind and yield to mental illness you seem to posses...Israel can not sustain a military assault by the Arabs if they actually attack. What would Israel's suicide response be, Nuke itself?

The odds of survival by the Sword is insanity of which you are an expert of sorts.

Then why have they tried in the past and failed, and the demographics were more in their favour then than they are now..

And yes if need be set nuclear devices to trigger right about the time 20 million arabs are marching into Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other holy places. Should send out a clear message even to you that you don't mess with the Jews if you want to see the gains. Imagine 20 million in one day followed by another 40 million over the next year, that would give you something to whine about wouldn't it.

Yes it is about time you accepted that you do have a mental illness and that you should really do something about it
Once the Zionists in Israel learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do, there will be peace for Israeli's from Palestinians. Down with Nutandyahoo for fueling this endless conflict with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinian squatters so they can remain to attack & kill Israelis.
I agree arm the Palestinians with nukes and modern weapons and we can take bets! Feed your Greed...MJ, Let the Games begin!

By all means do so and then watch as Israel explodes those nukes from afar and the world watches in horror. And you wont be able to blame the Jews for the deaths will you.
The Israeli people's greed to steal free Palestinian land has set up her final battle with Islam, not today, not tomorrow, but a certain date...

Israel has chosen the Sword over the Ploughshare and your children will suffer for it.

Not as much as yours will when the land becomes tainted for good and nothing will grow there not even weeds
America will still be standing tall, Phoney, Lunatic Asylum Dweller...The English Colonialists like you and Britain who will die a slow death of a thousand wounds, for all your past thieveries.

Not if you force through laws aimed at making the Jews stateless again, as they will be used against the US to give the land back to the first nations. Then what will you do ?

By the way America is in hock to China and they might just foreclose, do you like boiled dog ?
The Israeli people's greed to steal free Palestinian land has set up her final battle with Islam, not today, not tomorrow, but a certain date...

Israel has chosen the Sword over the Ploughshare and your children will suffer for it.

Not as much as yours will when the land becomes tainted for good and nothing will grow there not even weeds
America will still be standing tall, Phoney, Lunatic Asylum Dweller...The English Colonialists like you and Britain who will die a slow death of a thousand wounds, for all your past thieveries.

Not if you force through laws aimed at making the Jews stateless again, as they will be used against the US to give the land back to the first nations. Then what will you do ?

By the way America is in hock to China and they might just foreclose, do you like boiled dog ?
go back to sunny Italy, where will you end up?

Nope I will stay where I am without hordes of muslims trying to take over.

You need to make your mind up Phoney!

Only yesterday day you were bleating on about the "hordes of Muslims" up your way!

Not as much as yours will when the land becomes tainted for good and nothing will grow there not even weeds
America will still be standing tall, Phoney, Lunatic Asylum Dweller...The English Colonialists like you and Britain who will die a slow death of a thousand wounds, for all your past thieveries.

Not if you force through laws aimed at making the Jews stateless again, as they will be used against the US to give the land back to the first nations. Then what will you do ?

By the way America is in hock to China and they might just foreclose, do you like boiled dog ?
Not as much as yours will when the land becomes tainted for good and nothing will grow there not even weeds
America will still be standing tall, Phoney, Lunatic Asylum Dweller...The English Colonialists like you and Britain who will die a slow death of a thousand wounds, for all your past thieveries.

Not if you force through laws aimed at making the Jews stateless again, as they will be used against the US to give the land back to the first nations. Then what will you do ?

By the way America is in hock to China and they might just foreclose, do you like boiled dog ?
go back to sunny Italy, where will you end up?

Nope I will stay where I am without hordes of muslims trying to take over.

You need to make your mind up Phoney!

Only yesterday day you were bleating on about the "hordes of Muslims" up your way!


You need to take a course in English comprehension, and start stinging posts together. See how your islamonazi education of taking each line as a separate entity makes you look moronic all the time.
To clarify for you dumbo the gist was send everyone back to their country of origin, which means that I will still be here and all you muslims will be in the empty quarter struggling to exist.
Once the Zionists in Israel learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do, there will be peace for Israeli's from Palestinians. Down with Nutandyahoo for fueling this endless conflict with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinian squatters so they can remain to attack & kill Israelis.
I agree arm the Palestinians with nukes and modern weapons and we can take bets! Feed your Greed...MJ, Let the Games begin!

No nation will arm Palestinians. Least of all any Arab nation. But yes, great idea, let the games begin. And winner take all. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Sure MJ, exterminate the Palestinians take over the Mount, since you hail from Nazi Germany you can plan the details...After that, nuke it out with Iran, maybe take back Medina.

Hail MJ!!!
Once the Zionists in Israel learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do, there will be peace for Israeli's from Palestinians. Down with Nutandyahoo for fueling this endless conflict with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinian squatters so they can remain to attack & kill Israelis.
I agree arm the Palestinians with nukes and modern weapons and we can take bets! Feed your Greed...MJ, Let the Games begin!

No nation will arm Palestinians. Least of all any Arab nation. But yes, great idea, let the games begin. And winner take all. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Sure MJ, exterminate the Palestinians take over the Mount, since you hail from Nazi Germany you can plan the details...After that, nuke it out with Iran, maybe take back Medina.

Hail MJ!!!

You are the one threatening Israel with nukes and attack from Russia. Saying that the muslims will rise up as a body and wipe out the Jews and destroy Israel when they outnumber the Jews 10 million to one.

You cant even see that the arabs have had the advantage since 1923 and have not been able to use it because they don't trust each other.
Once the Zionists in Israel learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do, there will be peace for Israeli's from Palestinians. Down with Nutandyahoo for fueling this endless conflict with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinian squatters so they can remain to attack & kill Israelis.
I agree arm the Palestinians with nukes and modern weapons and we can take bets! Feed your Greed...MJ, Let the Games begin!

No nation will arm Palestinians. Least of all any Arab nation. But yes, great idea, let the games begin. And winner take all. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Sure MJ, exterminate the Palestinians take over the Mount, since you hail from Nazi Germany you can plan the details...After that, nuke it out with Iran, maybe take back Medina.

Hail MJ!!!

You are the one threatening Israel with nukes and attack from Russia. Saying that the muslims will rise up as a body and wipe out the Jews and destroy Israel when they outnumber the Jews 10 million to one.

You cant even see that the arabs have had the advantage since 1923 and have not been able to use it because they don't trust each other.
Israel has had a technological advantage and Western Munitions which have easily beaten back the backward armies of the arena...Technological advantage will never contain the political will of the masses who have never accepted Israel as nothing less than a Western Colonial plant.

Iraq, Iran, Vietnam and Afghanistan are prime examples of technology losing to strong persistent resistance.

Learn from History and stop posting from the Asylum.
Once the Zionists in Israel learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do, there will be peace for Israeli's from Palestinians. Down with Nutandyahoo for fueling this endless conflict with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinian squatters so they can remain to attack & kill Israelis.
I agree arm the Palestinians with nukes and modern weapons and we can take bets! Feed your Greed...MJ, Let the Games begin!

No nation will arm Palestinians. Least of all any Arab nation. But yes, great idea, let the games begin. And winner take all. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Sure MJ, exterminate the Palestinians take over the Mount, since you hail from Nazi Germany you can plan the details...After that, nuke it out with Iran, maybe take back Medina.

Hail MJ!!!

You are the one threatening Israel with nukes and attack from Russia. Saying that the muslims will rise up as a body and wipe out the Jews and destroy Israel when they outnumber the Jews 10 million to one.

You cant even see that the arabs have had the advantage since 1923 and have not been able to use it because they don't trust each other.
Israel has had a technological advantage and Western Munitions which have easily beaten back the backward armies of the arena...Technological advantage will never contain the political will of the masses who have never accepted Israel as nothing less than a Western Colonial plant.

Iraq, Iran, Vietnam and Afghanistan are prime examples of technology losing to strong persistent resistance.

Learn from History and stop posting from the Asylum.

Saudi has state of the art weapons courtesy of the US, Syria the same courtesy of Russia. Jordan has up to date weapons, so does Yemen, UAE and Pakistan. So you need to learn from current affairs and stop posting from the asylum as you are making a massive fool of yourself. The arab armies will fail every time as they fight for control instead of fighting the enemy, so the enemy is not fighting one army but lots of small ones fighting each other.
I agree arm the Palestinians with nukes and modern weapons and we can take bets! Feed your Greed...MJ, Let the Games begin!

No nation will arm Palestinians. Least of all any Arab nation. But yes, great idea, let the games begin. And winner take all. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Sure MJ, exterminate the Palestinians take over the Mount, since you hail from Nazi Germany you can plan the details...After that, nuke it out with Iran, maybe take back Medina.

Hail MJ!!!

You are the one threatening Israel with nukes and attack from Russia. Saying that the muslims will rise up as a body and wipe out the Jews and destroy Israel when they outnumber the Jews 10 million to one.

You cant even see that the arabs have had the advantage since 1923 and have not been able to use it because they don't trust each other.
Israel has had a technological advantage and Western Munitions which have easily beaten back the backward armies of the arena...Technological advantage will never contain the political will of the masses who have never accepted Israel as nothing less than a Western Colonial plant.

Iraq, Iran, Vietnam and Afghanistan are prime examples of technology losing to strong persistent resistance.

Learn from History and stop posting from the Asylum.

Saudi has state of the art weapons courtesy of the US, Syria the same courtesy of Russia. Jordan has up to date weapons, so does Yemen, UAE and Pakistan. So you need to learn from current affairs and stop posting from the asylum as you are making a massive fool of yourself. The arab armies will fail every time as they fight for control instead of fighting the enemy, so the enemy is not fighting one army but lots of small ones fighting each other.
Israeli General Disputes Israel's Unquestioned Military Superiority
June 30, 1998 | 05:00 GMT
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Israeli General Disputes Israel's Unquestioned Military Superiority


Israeli Major General Matan Vilnai, former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, said on Sunday night that Israeli defense doctrine is no longer "up-to-date." In a speech before defense specialists, Vilnai said that "It would be absolutely safe to say today, and I am not telling any secrets here, that our defense doctrine is not up-to-date, and it is probably incapable of providing an answer to the emerging threats the State of Israel has to confront. We think we are the neighborhood bully, to use a slang term, that no one would have the nerve to challenge us, and that should anyone challenge us, they will get such a beating that will teach them not to start anything next time." But, he went on to say, "The situation has changed. We no longer have the possibility of achieving a decisive victory, while the Arabs still have that option." This is extraordinary language from one of the highest ranking Israeli officers. While it should be remembered that Vilnai was passed over for promotion to chief of staff last month, when Shaul Mofaz was selected, this statement is not merely sour grapes. It is an assessment that has become increasingly common within the IDF as well as with foreign observers. Israeli strategy has had to accept two historical facts. First, since Israel is surrounded by potential enemies, Israel's worse case scenario consists of a simultaneous, surprise attack on all fronts by combined Arab forces. Second, Israeli forces cannot withstand a war of attrition. Israel's solution to these strategic problems has been to initiate conflicts themselves and to control the timing, location and sequence of engagements to the extent possible. Second, Israel sought to impose extremely tight timelines on
Once the Zionists in Israel learn to treat the Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do, there will be peace for Israeli's from Palestinians. Down with Nutandyahoo for fueling this endless conflict with peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinian squatters so they can remain to attack & kill Israelis.
I agree arm the Palestinians with nukes and modern weapons and we can take bets! Feed your Greed...MJ, Let the Games begin!

No nation will arm Palestinians. Least of all any Arab nation. But yes, great idea, let the games begin. And winner take all. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Sure MJ, exterminate the Palestinians take over the Mount, since you hail from Nazi Germany you can plan the details...After that, nuke it out with Iran, maybe take back Medina.

Hail MJ!!!

HUH??? "Exterminate the Palestinians"??? No way would I favor mass murder. The Palestinians need & well deserve their own Palestinian State far from any intervention by Israel. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their native homelands. Do you think maybe Mecca would be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.

Well yes, Christian & Jewish Palestinians were natives to the land. Not a single Muslim alive yet, let alone Muslim Palestinian land thieving invaders.
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.

And the catholics should go back to their native homelands in Rome where they came from shouldn't they................
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.

And the catholics should go back to their native homelands in Rome where they came from shouldn't they................
The early Catholics were Jews Phoney.
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.

Well yes, Christian & Jewish Palestinians were natives to the land. Not a single Muslim alive yet, let alone Muslim Palestinian land thieving invaders.

No, the Jews went from Europe to Palestine. The Christians and Muslims were the natives living on the land when the Europeans invaded. The European Jews stole the land from the Christians and Muslims.
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.

And the catholics should go back to their native homelands in Rome where they came from shouldn't they................
The early Catholics were Jews Phoney.

Nope they were Romans, that is why they were called Roman Catholics. You are getting mixed up with the early Christians who were Jews and followed Judaism.
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.

Well yes, Christian & Jewish Palestinians were natives to the land. Not a single Muslim alive yet, let alone Muslim Palestinian land thieving invaders.

No, the Jews went from Europe to Palestine. The Christians and Muslims were the natives living on the land when the Europeans invaded. The European Jews stole the land from the Christians and Muslims.

How can you steal something that is yours legally ?
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.

And the catholics should go back to their native homelands in Rome where they came from shouldn't they................
The early Catholics were Jews Phoney.

Nope they were Romans, that is why they were called Roman Catholics. You are getting mixed up with the early Christians who were Jews and followed Judaism.
Lying again...
  1. Origins of Peter as Pope | Catholic Answers
  2. Catholic Answers

    "[T]he Lord said to Peter, 'On this rock I will build my Church, I have given you ... the manifest intent of the Lord when he conferred this personally upon Peter?
    Peter the Rock | Catholic Answers Answers

    For a layman, I suppose I was reasonably well informed about my faith—at least I ... got to Matthew 16:18: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.
    Matthew 16 - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops › BibleUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishops

    For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. 18 And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the ...
    Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this ... Hub

    "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the .... It was embodied in no Catholic Creed, and never made an article of the ...
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.

And the catholics should go back to their native homelands in Rome where they came from shouldn't they................
The early Catholics were Jews Phoney.

Nope they were Romans, that is why they were called Roman Catholics. You are getting mixed up with the early Christians who were Jews and followed Judaism.
Lying again...
  1. Origins of Peter as Pope | Catholic Answers
  2. Catholic Answers

    "[T]he Lord said to Peter, 'On this rock I will build my Church, I have given you ... the manifest intent of the Lord when he conferred this personally upon Peter?
    Peter the Rock | Catholic Answers Answers

    For a layman, I suppose I was reasonably well informed about my faith—at least I ... got to Matthew 16:18: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.
    Matthew 16 - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops › BibleUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishops

    For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. 18 And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the ...
    Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this ... Hub

    "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the .... It was embodied in no Catholic Creed, and never made an article of the ...

Gosh I wonder what your idol Voltaire would say about all this. Heh Heh!
The Palestinians are native to Palestine. Mecca would not be appropriate as the Palestinians are also Christian. The Jews should go back to their native homelands in Europe, where they came from.

And the catholics should go back to their native homelands in Rome where they came from shouldn't they................
The early Catholics were Jews Phoney.

Nope they were Romans, that is why they were called Roman Catholics. You are getting mixed up with the early Christians who were Jews and followed Judaism.
Lying again...
  1. Origins of Peter as Pope | Catholic Answers
  2. Catholic Answers

    "[T]he Lord said to Peter, 'On this rock I will build my Church, I have given you ... the manifest intent of the Lord when he conferred this personally upon Peter?
    Peter the Rock | Catholic Answers Answers

    For a layman, I suppose I was reasonably well informed about my faith—at least I ... got to Matthew 16:18: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.
    Matthew 16 - United States Conference of Catholic Bishops › BibleUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishops

    For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. 18 And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the ...
    Matthew 16:18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this ... Hub

    "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the .... It was embodied in no Catholic Creed, and never made an article of the ...

Gosh I wonder what your idol Voltaire would say about all this. Heh Heh!
He hated all organized Religion including yours because Religion makes human fools who think they are chosen.

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