Live Not By Lies


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
Rod Dreher's latest book with more warnings for us from those who fled totalitarian nations:

Rod Dreherā€™s ā€˜Live Not By Liesā€™ Warns Of The New Totalitarianism

Excerpt from review...

The first half of Live Not By Lies is devoted to documenting that trend, the second half to providing strategies for combatting it. Dreherā€™s prescriptions echo those found in The Benedict Option, similarly emphasizing the importance of working to preserve and pass on a culture that is different from the worldā€™s.

There is good, practical advice here: cherish truth, but choose your battles; do your part to preserve cultural memory; donā€™t let the world rear your children for you; network with those who share your values; and make the family unit a starting point for accomplishing all these things. The Benedict Option has often been criticized as a call for Christians to withdraw into a monastic existence that shuns engagement with the world; I never saw that, and I donā€™t see it in Live Not By Lies, either. The message here is not to run away and hide but to stand up, and, if necessary, suffer for the sake of the truth.

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