Live Now: Former CNN Employee Piers Morgan On Hannity, Says The Fake News Media is Out of Control!!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Piers Morgan who as you recall is not a conservative is outraged at the insanity of the leftwingnuts!
It takes guts to take a stand and speak the truth against his former employer and whackjobs from the NYT, WaPo, HufPo, weird neocons like McCain and qu33r Lindsey Graham, etc.!
when the Trump approval still hangs in at 65% next week,,,they will accuse Trump of hiring two inexpensive prostitutes to pee on a bed that Katy Perry slept on
Methinks Pierce is trying not to get deported !

But go ahead and hang your hat on a guy who made his money off British tabloid news . Oh the irony !
:clap2:to Piers Morgan, tell it like it is......I wonder if & when the lefties will realize this is how the rest of the world views this country right now.
when the Trump approval still hangs in at 65% next week,,,they will accuse Trump of hiring two inexpensive prostitutes to pee on a bed that Katy Perry slept on

Or did they pee on Katy Perry and then she slept on two prostitutes as if they were her inexpensive bed?
I've been saying for years that CNN 'Communist News Network/Clinton News Network' was Fake News. So it's good to see folks coming around on that. Morgan knows it more than most. He worked for CNN.
He just wants a job at pseudo-news headquarters a.k.a. GOP Echo-Chamber, is all.......
Piers Morgan who as you recall is not a conservative is outraged at the insanity of the leftwingnuts!

What's he doing on the FAKE news program aka Trump media network aka Sean Hannity program then?


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