LIVE on CNN: Dear Leader Obama is having a wonderful lecture on guns to us peasants!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Thoughts as the Great One educates us.....

He says he's never owned a gun.

He made an immediate joke about his skeet shooting skills with the 12 Guage at Camp David (did they do a background check on him before they let him hold it??)
Oh damn.....within first minute he's addressing Chicago thug gang violence. Figured he'd ignore this again.

Now...he's saying in Iowa his wife saw a rural farm and said "You know....if I lived this far away I'd want a gun".

WOW. I must say....I'm with him so far...
He is now saying Americans live in many different realities.

Yes. I agree......that's why states should decide this issue.

Honestly....he's fair so far.....
He just said 30,000 deaths a year and 20,000 are suicide.

Which leaves 10,000 by murder or accident. Which urban ghettos account for most.

Oh damn....CNN host just called him on the "gun show loophole" myth!! Said only 1% of felons get em from there.
Damn Anderson Cooper!!! Just called him on the father/son sale example and asked will they have to register as dealers and do background check!!

Obama: "Uh uh uh......" And he changes the subject to Congress and the DOJ.
He's comparing car safety to gun control now. Now he's comparing toys and medicine to guns. Says we try to make those safer...why not guns.
Chris Kyles wife is now being interviewed and she just told Obama that new laws do not stop violence.

She said "by the nature of their crime....they will not follow the laws".

She say laws will only stop those with morals who follow laws.
She says we are at an all time low for murder rate and an all time high for gun ownership! Nice.

She's says I want the hope to protect myself and carry whatever gun in want.

*all time low of national murder rate, yes. Spiking rate in black ghettos. More and more....gun murder is becoming a mostly black ghetto problem.
He just said it's no different than how traffic enforcement won't stop all deaths but will reduce them. I agree with him. Now...he should stop demonizing cops who do the petty traffic enforcement which saves lives.
A rape victim is now telling Obama that she wants a gun and it's a responsibility as a parent to own a firearm....and tells Obama he's making her and her kids less safe.

HOLY SHIT....cant believe she's not in jail now! How is CNN allowing this!!!??
He just told her "there are questions on whether or not a firearm in the home would protect you"!!!! Good God! Hey motherfucker....if she shot his ass it would!

THIS COCKSUCKER just told this rape victim it's smart to be sure her attacker didn't have a gun!

This motherfucker....just told a woman it's questionable whether a gun would've helped her and it's important to be sure her attacker wasn't armed.

Wow. Just wow.
I'm not watching it, but the problem with Obama is..he says one thing...then does the exact opposite.
Oh damn....a sheriff is now telling him toys and cars and aspirin aren't written in the Constitution. Then says no mass shooting was done by a black market gun purchase or stolen gun. He wants Obama to explain why....since his laws wouldn't stop shit.

Obama joked "sure you don't want to go to Congress?"

Sheriff says simple no and tries to keep the discussion going.
Now he's saying how people in communities (the ghetto) can't discipline other people's kids anymore or talk to police and have no morality because snitches and do gooders might get shot.

Hmmm. How did we have a moral breakdown in our youth????
Gotta credit CNN. They are doing a very good job. Very balanced and getting opinions from all sides.
Any more?? Surprised by cnn.

Got a bit stale....some budget talk and he explained a registration is too.....

Oh wait...he was just asked by an astronaut (Giffords husband) to explain how guns will be confiscated! Stand by. And yeah...CNN doing a very well produced event.
OH SHIT !!!!! Obama commented on the "conspiracy that he is gonna take guns"....

ANDERSON. COOPER JUST SAID "Is it fair to call it a conspiracy??" in a manner of asking kinda do wanna take guns!

Obama just turned and scolded Anderson Cooper! He got angry and said "What are you saying!? YES it's fair to call it a conspiracy"......and Cooper doubled down and said people just don't trust you!

Oh my....that was a good one...
Liberals might put Cooper and CNN on the black list for this event....

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