Live: Senate hearing while Trump calls for end to Ukraine War: "1st come the tanks then come the nukes, get this crazy war ended now. so easy to do"

It is called Donald Trump fellating his pimp Vlad in plain sight.
Trump wanted to lift sanctions on Putin & disdained US intel community’s finding Russia had intervened on his behalf in the election. You’re wrong about Putin, Trump told Pompeo, according to an account Pompeo later offered to Republican insiders. No, Pompeo said. You’re wrong.

Trump surrendered to the Taliban

Shook hands with a dictator that killed Americans, and we are still at war with

Took sides with our number one enemy

Turned a blind eye to the murder of an American journalist

Gave up Crimea without a whisper

Sold the countrys secrets to our enemies

Your guy, right mikey?


President Biden surrendered to the Taliban.


Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? Nukes are a sure fire way to end up in WWIII, as well as a sure fire way to do serious damage to everyone on the planet, not just those who are targeted by the bombs. Why do I say this? 20 years of experience in the U.S. Navy, in which I was an NBC (later known as CBR) team member. Also loaded nukes onto the FA-18 platform. Had to learn a great deal about nuclear warfare and the results of said actions.
The only good thing I have gotten out of this conversation is the realization that there is at least, one less peacenik member in the NBC OR CBR military community. FJB and his go-along-to-get-along agenda.
The only good thing I have gotten out of this conversation is the realization that there is at least, one less peacenik member in the NBC OR CBR military community. FJB and his go-along-to-get-along agenda.

All I've gotten out of this conversation is that you don't know squat about military matters. NBC is the same thing as CBR, just that they updated the name to CBR.
It is called Donald Trump fellating his pimp Vlad in plain sight.
Putin, the guy Joe Biden helped to buy Suicide Drones from Iran to klll Ukrainians with?
Putin, the man Joe Biden helped to get 100 Russian Nuclear Scientists into Iran to help Iran build Nukes?
Maybe you should quit worshipping your dirty diaper senile god and look at him for what he really is and has always been.

A Traitor, a Conman, a Molestor and Hair Sniffer of his own Children, and a greedy sell out puppet who cares nothing for America and who thinks free crack pipes for your children are a good idea.

The Fraud Joe Biden is the worst thing that ever happened to America and The World.
hahha yeah we should of gone to war with Iran....geez....

Iran has almost got nukes now because Obama and Xiden have aided and abetted their development. There is a reason Iran interferered in the 2020 election to help Xiden win.

Well, that's nutty and dishonest.
Calling for nuclear attacks as a follow up to tank attacks? That's not leadership, that's insanity.

Ever think that the reason no other world leader is echoing his "solution" is because they know it's a no win situation?

And, the only reason Trump think's it's "easy" is because he has no clue.

Aiming a shotgun and shooting a fly on your wall at 10 ft. away is easy, and yes, it will take care of the annoying fly, but it will also do major damage to your house.

Calling for nukes to follow tanks in the Ukraine war is much like using a shotgun to kill a fly on your wall.
With that spin, I can see why misinformation flies about.
As I was explaining to a dumb ass in a different thread.

Trump talks so far over the head of the dumb ass left that you have to just make up what you think he means.

Trump is slamming Biden's sending tanks and slamming the fact that this could lead to nukes.

Not promoting the use of nuke.

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