Live To 1000?

Read something similar a while back saying the first person who'll live to 150 is already alive. 1000? Uh no. The brain only has so much space for memories and as we see it begins faulting and suffering 'disk crashes' a lot earlier than even 150. Could probably preserve life to 1000 but you'd be on full life support and non-functional.

Only way to extend life into the centuries range is to replace organs and parts as they fail. Can do that comparatively easily. But the brain can't be swapped out and unless we figure out how to delay deterioration or offload memories into a computer or something lifespan will max out somewhere.
Possibility depicted well in "The Island" where human clones live thinking they're survivors of some apocalypse when (spoiler alert...) they're just 'spare parts' for uber-wealthy amoral types. Someone has an accident need a new heart or whatever, the clone's told they're being moved to a pristine island paradise when really they're killed and harvested.
When we die some great being eats our souls and expect us to be stupid and not defend ourselves from such an attack.

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