Liz Cheney's PAC spends $500,000 in Arizona to defeat GOP nominee Kari Lake

I'm sorry that you are so out to lunch on this topic. You just need to pipe down and stop proving your ignorance.

The courts have ruled that donations to political campaigns are a form of speech and thus cannot be restricted.

The courts are FULL OF SHIT on this point.

Speech is what comes out of your mouth

Money is the stuff in your wallet

Money is COMMERCE, by definition.

And FedGov has the Constitutional authority to REGULATE COMMERCE.

Specifically interstate commerce, which covers things like Cheney buying attack ads for an Arizona election.

Have you ever read the Citizens United decision? Why do I doubt you even know what that is?
Fuck you.

A fucking blindfolded ten year old knows the difference between speech and money. I'm sorry you've been brainwashed that way
The courts are FULL OF SHIT on this point.

Speech is what comes out of your mouth

Money is the stuff in your wallet

Money is COMMERCE, by definition.

And FedGov has the Constitutional authority to REGULATE COMMERCE.

Specifically interstate commerce, which covers things like Cheney buying attack ads for an Arizona election.

Fuck you.

A fucking blindfolded ten year old knows the difference between speech and money. I'm sorry you've been brainwashed that way

Take it up with the SCOTUS. Flag burning is also considered type of speech because it is a form of protest. I don't like it, but it is the way the Constitution is interpreted.

The federal government can regulate INTERSTATE commerce, but not local commerce which is a state function. If you think you can win, take Liz to court! Oh. wait! You don't have standing to do that.
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This ought to be totally illegal.

Someone from Wyoming influencing a governor's race in another state?

Citizens United needs to be overturned. Pronto.
Out of state money floods into every prominent race.
The courts are FULL OF SHIT on this point.

Speech is what comes out of your mouth

Money is the stuff in your wallet

Money is COMMERCE, by definition.

And FedGov has the Constitutional authority to REGULATE COMMERCE.

Specifically interstate commerce, which covers things like Cheney buying attack ads for an Arizona election.

Fuck you.

A fucking blindfolded ten year old knows the difference between speech and money. I'm sorry you've been brainwashed that way
I agree with the SC on this one. Money is what allows you to make your speech public.
She reminds her constituents who overwhelmingly voted her out that they made the right decision. This is the type of PAC spending that I imagine Kari will advertise, it only works in her favour.

Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) is targeting Arizona Republicans for defeat with a new $500,000 ad buy from her PAC attacking the GOP nominees for governor and secretary of state.

"I don't know that I have ever voted for a Democrat, but if lived in Arizona, I absolutely would," Cheney says in a new 30-second ad released Friday.

The ad, titled "Honor," features remarks Cheney gave earlier this month in Tempe, Arizona, at an event hosted by the McCain Institute. Speaking at Arizona State University, Cheney said that Arizona GOP gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake and Secretary of State nominee Mark Finchem should be defeated because they questioned the results of the 2020 presidential election.

"If you care about the survival of our republic, we cannot give people power who will not honor elections," Cheney says. "We must have elected officials who honor that responsibility."
just when I thought cheney couldn't do any worse.. for herself or her alleged party

Why do you call her a R?

she isn't even a typical RINO.. it's bad
I agree with the SC on this one. Money is what allows you to make your speech public.

Money is COMMERCE.

By definition.

Any time money changes hands, it's commerce and the IRS wants to know about it.

You have freedom of SPEECH. That means you can talk to your neighbors, and on the phone, and to reporters, and say anything you want without fear of reprisal.

But if you're PAYING someone to say it for you, that's commerce. You're engaging in a commercial financial transaction in a service economy.
Money is COMMERCE.

By definition.

Any time money changes hands, it's commerce and the IRS wants to know about it.

You have freedom of SPEECH. That means you can talk to your neighbors, and on the phone, and to reporters, and say anything you want without fear of reprisal.

But if you're PAYING someone to say it for you, that's commerce. You're engaging in a commercial financial transaction in a service economy.
When are you going to realize that you are wrong? Did you read the Citizens United decision or not? Educate yourself since you won't let anyone else do it.
Money is COMMERCE.

By definition.

Any time money changes hands, it's commerce and the IRS wants to know about it.

You have freedom of SPEECH. That means you can talk to your neighbors, and on the phone, and to reporters, and say anything you want without fear of reprisal.

But if you're PAYING someone to say it for you, that's commerce. You're engaging in a commercial financial transaction in a service economy.
so is writing a book and selling it speech or commerce?
Your Orange Jesus has raised $300,000,000 from you rubes to "stop the steal."

And he's spent $5 doing just that!


But keep whoring for whatever the fuck it is you pretend you believe in!
I believe that the United States of America is a free and sovereign nation. Not a diminished one blended into a demonic world government. For now, we can still spout this.
Yes. "Dark money". People complain about it.

We can't do anything about it as long as it's speech

But we can do a LOT about it once it becomes commerce.
The SC has already ruled that it's speech. I don't think you want the government controlling it.
Your Orange Jesus has raised $300,000,000 from you rubes to "stop the steal."

And he's spent $5 doing just that!


But keep whoring for whatever the fuck it is you pretend you believe in!
Not a hint of truth or rationality in your post.
The courts are FULL OF SHIT on this point.

Speech is what comes out of your mouth

Money is the stuff in your wallet

Money is COMMERCE, by definition.

And FedGov has the Constitutional authority to REGULATE COMMERCE.

Specifically interstate commerce, which covers things like Cheney buying attack ads for an Arizona election.

Fuck you.

A fucking blindfolded ten year old knows the difference between speech and money. I'm sorry you've been brainwashed that way
Nope. Money is obviously useful in being able to reach larger audiences. It’s the new soapbox.

The SCOTUS determination in Citizens United is spot on.

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