Kari Lake Admits She Defamed Election Worker; How much will she pay?

They DID show you their work. They put the election counts on the internet, and Trump took those video and lied about it. Shift changes were "sending the poll watcher home so they could cheat".

Guliani said two election workers exchanging a piece of gum, were using a zip drive to flip votes to Biden, and these people were attacked and threatened by the Cult, arrested, tried, and exonerated, when Guliani came forward and said he "made it all up".

Thousands of people certified their local counts, the county counts, the state counts, and the election results. They showed their work.
Quote Giuliani saying he made it up. I'll wait.
Karen Lake is a true American hero and blue blood patriot.

Richter should have to pay her for the honor of being defamed by her.

I did not admit that. Dang son, Trump has really scrambled your brains.

His cult must obey him at all time. P01135809 demands loyalty to him (that loyalty does NOT go both ways). They are NOT allowed to think for themself, he really brainwashes them.
Show you?
A link was offered.
Of a two page document --- big font format. An easy read.
And poster Lastamender cannot find Giuliani admitting what he said was false.

And for that the forum wastes hard-drive capacity?
Some here are just ill-prepared to lead a productive life in the adult world.
Karen Lake is a true American hero and blue blood patriot.

Richter should have to pay her for the honor of being defamed by her.

Sarcasm Warning.jpg

They keep saying the election was stolen, when you demand proof to support that claim, it somehow as if by magic never appears. Main because the election was NOT stolen.
60 judges dismissing evidence
Don't steal elections then.

The only people that believe 2020 was legit are a handful of WEF shills on the internet gaslighting Americans.

If you believe Biden got 81 million votes, you're retarded.

The average Democrat voter doesn't know it voted. Their ballots got harvested and filled out by WEF operatives.

The only people trying to steal the election are the MAGA Cult. That's been PROVEN. It's why they're going to jail.

The ONLY people who believe the election wasn't legit, live in Russia.

If you don't believe Biden got 81 million votes, you didn't live in the USA when Trump let covid run wild and a million people died as a result.

Only American idiots believe conspiracy theories.
Have to start proceedings to submit evidence
You have to state a case first. All MAGAs had were laughable affidavits. At preliminary hearings they produced nothing. In the defamation cases, election deniers had every opportunity to produce evidence and produced nothing. It would help if you faced reality.
You have to state a case first. All MAGAs had were laughable affidavits. At preliminary hearings they produced nothing. In the defamation cases, election deniers had every opportunity to produce evidence and produced nothing. It would help if you faced reality.
The evidence isn’t used until a trial

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