Liz Cheney's re-election chances are looking bleak. Trails by 29 points. 71% Unfavorable rating in home state. OUCH!


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
November can't come fast enough to get this one out of office.

  • 2022 Wyoming House Race Polls: The latest Liz Cheney polls show Hageman leading Cheney by a massive 29% points
  • A new Cygnal survey shows that just 27% of Wyoming voters have a favorable opinion of Liz Cheney, and 71% hold an unfavorable opinion of Cheney. In a new poll released by YouGov, Liz Cheney’s favorability amongst registered voters rose to 36%.
  • On Google Search, the gap has widened between Hageman and Cheney with Cheney leading by a wide margin.
  • On Social Media sentiment: Hageman now leads Cheney
  • 75% of Democrats approve of Cheney’s performance as the Vice-Chair of the Jan 6th Committee, while 61% of Republicans disapprove of the same.
  • Cheney’s only hope is that the open primary will bring a significant number of Independent and Democratic party voters though only about 70k of 260k Wyoming voters voted for Joe Biden in 2020.
  • Cheney has raised more than $10 m for her campaign
November can't come fast enough to get this one out of office.

  • 2022 Wyoming House Race Polls: The latest Liz Cheney polls show Hageman leading Cheney by a massive 29% points
  • A new Cygnal survey shows that just 27% of Wyoming voters have a favorable opinion of Liz Cheney, and 71% hold an unfavorable opinion of Cheney. In a new poll released by YouGov, Liz Cheney’s favorability amongst registered voters rose to 36%.
  • On Google Search, the gap has widened between Hageman and Cheney with Cheney leading by a wide margin.
  • On Social Media sentiment: Hageman now leads Cheney
  • 75% of Democrats approve of Cheney’s performance as the Vice-Chair of the Jan 6th Committee, while 61% of Republicans disapprove of the same.
  • Cheney’s only hope is that the open primary will bring a significant number of Independent and Democratic party voters though only about 70k of 260k Wyoming voters voted for Joe Biden in 2020.
  • Cheney has raised more than $10 m for her campaign

Cheney doesn't care. She's taken it upon herself to be one of the Democrat's "suicide bombers."

As long as she takes out Trump and anyone within his proximity, she'll have a little plaque on the Democrat's wall of fame.
November can't come fast enough to get this one out of office.

  • 2022 Wyoming House Race Polls: The latest Liz Cheney polls show Hageman leading Cheney by a massive 29% points
  • A new Cygnal survey shows that just 27% of Wyoming voters have a favorable opinion of Liz Cheney, and 71% hold an unfavorable opinion of Cheney. In a new poll released by YouGov, Liz Cheney’s favorability amongst registered voters rose to 36%.
  • On Google Search, the gap has widened between Hageman and Cheney with Cheney leading by a wide margin.
  • On Social Media sentiment: Hageman now leads Cheney
  • 75% of Democrats approve of Cheney’s performance as the Vice-Chair of the Jan 6th Committee, while 61% of Republicans disapprove of the same.
  • Cheney’s only hope is that the open primary will bring a significant number of Independent and Democratic party voters though only about 70k of 260k Wyoming voters voted for Joe Biden in 2020.
  • Cheney has raised more than $10 m for her campaign
Ignore the people that elected you so that you can bash Donald Trump 24/7. Liz Piggy's bacon is fried.
Cheney doesn't care. She's taken it upon herself to be one of the Democrat's "suicide bombers."

As long as she takes out Trump and anyone within his proximity, she'll have a little plaque on the Democrat's wall of fame.

What I find insane is the fact that Ms. Cheney is running for reelection.

What's the point , even assuming she wins.

The results of midterms will either be a Republican victory or a Democrat victory.

And neither result will enable the woman to bring home anything to Wyoming legislatively.

I can't see the Republican Leadership giving her a chairmanship, or even a key committee, if they win the election.
What I find insane is the fact that Ms. Cheney is running for reelection.

What's the point , even assuming she wins.

The results of midterms will either be a Republican victory or a Democrat victory.

And neither result will enable the woman to bring home anything to Wyoming legislatively.

I can't see the Republican Leadership giving her a chairmanship, or even a key committee, if they win the election.

She's been workplace-radicalized by her fellow associates.
I think those numbers are too high. Not too long ago (late June) I saw polls where her approval rating among Republicans was in the single digits.
She won't regain her popularity in time for the 22 election but that's a stepping stone that's not essential to her. Trump is dead but Trumpism is very alive and dangerous now and getting moreso as the panel tears down the pack of lies he created.

The extremist element will attempt revenge and fail but that will be good for the survival of democracy.
I'm waiting for the left to say that once she starts campaigning all of this will turn around for her. :auiqs.jpg:
Her onw party will spell out her fortunes. But you can put her on the back burner until the violence and revenge plays out in your country.
Imagine being a GOP candidate or a creepy Canadian and hitching your reputation on her.

When you have such deep pocket funding by the Neo-Cons and even sweetheart media pumping your tired and you STILL can't drop a layup, what does that say about citizens trust in her as a human being, let alone a leader?
November can't come fast enough to get this one out of office.

  • 2022 Wyoming House Race Polls: The latest Liz Cheney polls show Hageman leading Cheney by a massive 29% points
  • A new Cygnal survey shows that just 27% of Wyoming voters have a favorable opinion of Liz Cheney, and 71% hold an unfavorable opinion of Cheney. In a new poll released by YouGov, Liz Cheney’s favorability amongst registered voters rose to 36%.
  • On Google Search, the gap has widened between Hageman and Cheney with Cheney leading by a wide margin.
  • On Social Media sentiment: Hageman now leads Cheney
  • 75% of Democrats approve of Cheney’s performance as the Vice-Chair of the Jan 6th Committee, while 61% of Republicans disapprove of the same.
  • Cheney’s only hope is that the open primary will bring a significant number of Independent and Democratic party voters though only about 70k of 260k Wyoming voters voted for Joe Biden in 2020.
  • Cheney has raised more than $10 m for her campaign
Poor Liz Cheney. She never understood that going after integrity is not welcome in the new Nazi party.

The only thing allowed is marching goose-step with the orange fuhrer. Heil!!
November can't come fast enough to get this one out of office.

  • 2022 Wyoming House Race Polls: The latest Liz Cheney polls show Hageman leading Cheney by a massive 29% points
  • A new Cygnal survey shows that just 27% of Wyoming voters have a favorable opinion of Liz Cheney, and 71% hold an unfavorable opinion of Cheney. In a new poll released by YouGov, Liz Cheney’s favorability amongst registered voters rose to 36%.
  • On Google Search, the gap has widened between Hageman and Cheney with Cheney leading by a wide margin.
  • On Social Media sentiment: Hageman now leads Cheney
  • 75% of Democrats approve of Cheney’s performance as the Vice-Chair of the Jan 6th Committee, while 61% of Republicans disapprove of the same.
  • Cheney’s only hope is that the open primary will bring a significant number of Independent and Democratic party voters though only about 70k of 260k Wyoming voters voted for Joe Biden in 2020.
  • Cheney has raised more than $10 m for her campaign
She will lose her seat and tell everyone that is was worth it to stand up for her priciples, but the truth is she went on a witch hunt rather than doing something that actually helped people. She squandered her amazing opportunity to make a difference and slung mud instead. What a wretched woman.
She won't regain her popularity in time for the 22 election but that's a stepping stone that's not essential to her. Trump is dead but Trumpism is very alive and dangerous now and getting moreso as the panel tears down the pack of lies he created.

The extremist element will attempt revenge and fail but that will be good for the survival of democracy.

Long live the dictatorship of the proletariat, eh comrade?

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