The 'J' in J6 Stands for 'Joke,' as the Congressional Committee Leans Heavily on Produced Theatrics

Democrat Star Jan 6 Witness: ‘Someone in Authority Left the Door Open’ at Capitol, "Mob Walked In’’

9 Jun 2022 ~~ By Jordan Dixon Hamilton

Nick Quested, the Democrat’s star witness for the January 6 Committee’s first primetime public hearing, claimed that “someone in authority left the door open” at the U.S. Capitol.
Quested is a British filmmaker who followed the Proud Boys in the days leading up to and on January 6, 2021. Quested confirmed reports that the January 6 Committee would call him to testify as a witness during the committee’s first of six primetime televised hearings.
However, in a since-deleted Instagram post, Quested speculated that someone “in authority” opened the door for the protesters to come inside in a “deliberate act.”
Quested’s film crew reportedly obtained footage of a meeting between Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio and Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes. The two organizations are likely to be at the forefront of the committee’s Thursday hearing.

As Speaker of the House, she is solely responsible for the security of the Capitol building.
The doors of the Capitol were electronically shut. Only Pelosi and the Sargeant of Arms had the authority to unlock those doors.
Strolling around the Capitol Building and given tours by Capitol police does not constitute sedition.
What happened to the thousands of weapons those white supremacists needed to over \throw this government.
Indeed, with all the AR-15's in the hands of Americans not one was found at the scene of the protest other than those possessed by the Capitol Police.
if you think that was a violent attempt to overthrow the government then you are a MORON. The more than 450 riots caused thousands of injuries to Law enforcement struck with frozen bottles of water, bricks and Molotov cocktails. I don’t know but I would think if I were really trying to overthrow a government I would bring more than a few signs and a bullhorn. Kind of puts a hole in the theory of the Maoist Democrats doesn’t it? T

Putting these hearings in prime time is proof that it is a partisan ploy because the left is going to get crushed in November.

When Biden is impeached, I hope all the hearings are in Prime Time.

Jan. 6 report: Capitol Police found ‘sweeping blunders’

on Pelosi’s watch

Still lacking explanation for why Congress refused Trump's plan for more security

9 Jun 2022 ~~ By Bob Unruh
Just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's partisan congressional committee is preparing to lobby the American public, through public hearings, that President Trump should be punished for "inciting" the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol, a report has revealed that Capitol Police during an internal review found sweeping intelligence and security failures under Pelosi's watch.
The committee is partisan because when it was established, the minority GOP nominated its members for a seat on the panel, and Pelosi refused. Instead, she picked two GOP players in Congress who openly have advocated for punishment for Trump.
The report comes from 44 submissions from frontline police commanders and officers and more.
Just the News noted Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill, the ranking member of the House Administration Committee, said the report raises serious concerns, but Democrats who control Congress seem unwilling to investigate them.
"The recently revealed After-Action report confirms what I’ve been saying for years, that Speaker Pelosi and Congressional Democrats are not focused on the serious security failures that occurred under their watch," Davis told Just the News. "Not only did the United States Capitol Police admit that their open source intelligence capabilities were essentially dismantled under a change in leadership within the Intelligence Division prior to 1/6, but the report clearly shows they had knowledge of the potential for violence yet failed to take the necessary steps to protect the Capitol."
Bernard Kerik, a former NYPD commissioner, reviewed the report at the request of Just the News and said it was "crazy" that Democrats in Congress refused to allow for "any preemptive plans" to deal with protests.
He warned that nothing will change until there is new leadership in Congress.
The report also blames issues such as poor communications, staffing levels, equipment and the facts that Senate doors didn't lock properly and elevators weren't secured.

Nancy Pelosi was the "creator" of the Jan. 6th D.C. setup - she "owns" it. She was asked to have the National Guard on duty and she rejected it - "for her own agenda purpose".
How do the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies explain Trump’s request that Pelosi order MORE security if he was orchestrating a “coup” or “insurrection? Short of proof that all possible “security” forces were in on the plot, this kills their narrative.
if Trump were attempting a coup, why did he ask for 10,000 National Guardsmen to be deployed or in reserve? Was he trying to disrupt his own coup?
Pelosi rejected that request, and rejected requests from capital police, logic suggests that Pelosi was hoping for exactly the kind of riot that ensued.
You can read the full report here:
PM/DSA Dem Commie Leftist leadership knew of the plan to hold a "Stop The Steal" rally on the 6th and that President Trump had been invited to speak; they knew of the ANTIFA/Occupy plan to infiltrate and false flag the event and create chaos. They wanted no interference with their plan to make it look like insurrectionists and the President like an instigator.
Why hasn't Ray Epps been arrested? He took part in the assault on DC cops.
Democrats Ignore Their Own Role in Capitol Breach

Had Democrats had created a commission of 5 Republicans and 5 Democrats with the speaker selecting the Democrats and the minority leader selecting the Republican members than there might be some credibility to the "findings" and the claim that the panel is unbiased. But the way things are, I see this for what it is. - A witch hunt with the sole purpose of keeping Trump from running in 2024.
The funniest line in the article:
"Democrats and their media allies gave Trump supporters plenty of reasons to believe their man would never get a fair shake by mercilessly maligning the president as a Russian agent and the second coming of Adolf Hitler."​
Second coming? More like 24th. As far back as I can remember, the Democrats have thought of everyone they disagreed with as Hitler. Nixon was Hitler and Reagan and Bush, and McCain and Romney until they switched loyalties, and North, and Meese and numerous others. The implication that this is the first time that Democrats saw someone they didn't like as Hitler is Pants on Fire False. It's been so common that they even had to invent the long-forgotten Godwin's Law, which declared that you automatically lost any argument in which you compared your enemy to Hitler.

Tucker Carlson:

Jan. 6 panel is ‘lying and we are not going to help them do it’

Watched a little of the hearing. So, they ended footage of rioters fighting with the police, with a voice over of Trump obviously taken out of context saying a crowd was “full of love”. He obviously was not talking about the rioters.
Then they took Trump being harassed by a reporter at the debate in September about the Proud Boys until he finally said “ok Proud Boys stand back and stand by” then they proceeded to claim this motivated the PB to do things over the next 3 months.
Totally ridiculous hatchet job.
Meanwhile Democrats condone the attempted assassination of S.C. Justice Kavanaugh and do nothing to stop future attacks on the members of SCOTUS.

Jan. 6 report: Capitol Police found ‘sweeping blunders’

on Pelosi’s watch

Still lacking explanation for why Congress refused Trump's plan for more security

9 Jun 2022 ~~ By Bob Unruh
Just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's partisan congressional committee is preparing to lobby the American public, through public hearings, that President Trump should be punished for "inciting" the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol, a report has revealed that Capitol Police during an internal review found sweeping intelligence and security failures under Pelosi's watch.
The committee is partisan because when it was established, the minority GOP nominated its members for a seat on the panel, and Pelosi refused. Instead, she picked two GOP players in Congress who openly have advocated for punishment for Trump.
The report comes from 44 submissions from frontline police commanders and officers and more.
Just the News noted Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill, the ranking member of the House Administration Committee, said the report raises serious concerns, but Democrats who control Congress seem unwilling to investigate them.
"The recently revealed After-Action report confirms what I’ve been saying for years, that Speaker Pelosi and Congressional Democrats are not focused on the serious security failures that occurred under their watch," Davis told Just the News. "Not only did the United States Capitol Police admit that their open source intelligence capabilities were essentially dismantled under a change in leadership within the Intelligence Division prior to 1/6, but the report clearly shows they had knowledge of the potential for violence yet failed to take the necessary steps to protect the Capitol."
Bernard Kerik, a former NYPD commissioner, reviewed the report at the request of Just the News and said it was "crazy" that Democrats in Congress refused to allow for "any preemptive plans" to deal with protests.
He warned that nothing will change until there is new leadership in Congress.
The report also blames issues such as poor communications, staffing levels, equipment and the facts that Senate doors didn't lock properly and elevators weren't secured.

Nancy Pelosi was the "creator" of the Jan. 6th D.C. setup - she "owns" it. She was asked to have the National Guard on duty and she rejected it - "for her own agenda purpose".
How do the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies explain Trump’s request that Pelosi order MORE security if he was orchestrating a “coup” or “insurrection? Short of proof that all possible “security” forces were in on the plot, this kills their narrative.
if Trump were attempting a coup, why did he ask for 10,000 National Guardsmen to be deployed or in reserve? Was he trying to disrupt his own coup?
Pelosi rejected that request, and rejected requests from capital police, logic suggests that Pelosi was hoping for exactly the kind of riot that ensued.
You can read the full report here:
PM/DSA Dem Commie Leftist leadership knew of the plan to hold a "Stop The Steal" rally on the 6th and that President Trump had been invited to speak; they knew of the ANTIFA/Occupy plan to infiltrate and false flag the event and create chaos. They wanted no interference with their plan to make it look like insurrectionists and the President like an instigator.
Why hasn't Ray Epps been arrested? He took part in the assault on DC cops.

These clowns put this everywhere and still could barely net 20 million eyeballs. They're trying to fluff it up like this was pretty good but it was not. People are done with this; no one cares. We are getting DESTROYED by gas and food prices. Now we will destroy the Dems in the ballot box--and they know it.
And what does that have to do with this thread, foolish leftard troll?
Holy fuck.
It was a response to a comment about party's.

"hahahaha comical, coming from the party of old Adam "Parody" Shifty'.

You ARE that dense.
huh? is your post moe parody? did you donate so that group could monitor the right wing and make from if people’s accents?
Too GD funny.
Is that what you took away from comments?
Her accent is the LEAST of her "attributes".
3 post and you got distracted and deflected.

AWWW, what difference will that make?
Your party will obstruct anything to help Americans, even more
Shut up, dimwit.

You don't know a fucking thing about my party.

You don't know a fucking thing about ANYTHING.

You're just blowing noxious fumes out your ass.

Lefties are good at that kind of air pollution.
Americans have neither the patience, nor the bandwidth for political entertainment that masquerades as life-altering proceedings. We have a President who lies through his teleprompter constantly about the state of the nation and what he is doing. With over a year to see these elected fools in action, it’s no longer a stretch to believe this Joke-6 Committee is simply set up to do more of the same.
the Warren Commission rides again.....

Shut up, dimwit.

You don't know a fucking thing about my party.
The traitor party.
People are exposing that.
You don't know a fucking thing about ANYTHING.
I know you're a retard, who can't focus, a perfect Trump cult member.
You're just blowing noxious fumes out your ass.
Just like Hellbelly stated, you're a fucking LIAR.
Lefties are good at that kind of air pollution.

Nothing like the right.


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