Liz Warren leading charge to forgive student debt, Navient pays $2 billion settlement for giving loans to students who cant pay them back

The only good thing the government can do for any people is to lower their taxes. The sooner young people realize that, the better their lives will be.

Right wingers telling them to kick rocks is why they vote for Democrats so often. They're just not buying it.
Oh bull. They took a loan and they signed a contract. Were they too retarded to read the back of the contract?
A lot of them were 18 year olds that spent their lives hearing that they'll be working at McDonald's if they don't go to college.
Some McDonalds are paying some pretty good salaries to flip a burger. I saw a 3000 dollar signing bonus and 29 an hour in moab.
Well, the point is that those kinds of jobs were always talked of as unworthy. It gets drilled into the heads of young people that they have to go to college to avoid being a loser. That's why people are desperate enough to take those ridiculous loans.
Is it borrowing or coercion? If you can't get a good job without a degree, how do you get the degree? Whatever you have to do to get that degree - beg, borrow or steal. That's what you do. Because you believe you can overcome anything if you work hard enough.

Republicans have bled the working class white. Workers used to own 5% of the nation's wealth. Now they're dependent on Earned Income Credits and food stamps. The American middle class is shrinking with more people falling into poverty than are rising into wealth. They can't take any more from these groups to transfer to the top. 60% of Americans are one lost paycheck away from serious financial problems.

Fresh outta school with their first grown up jobs, these kids had disposable income. Now the Republican wealth transfer machine has found a way to capture their first 10 years of income and send it straight to the top 10%. Student loans. Problem solved.
If you can’t pay for it or can’t make payments on the loan, choose a field and/or institution that won’t crush you with debt. Is that too much to ask?
If you can’t pay for it or can’t make payments on the loan, choose a field and/or institution that won’t crush you with debt. Is that too much to ask?
A lot of young people are not strategic thinkers dude. They also often don't understand their own limitations. They don't always make the most practical choices. Your solution is that they should have made better choices, but they didn't, so here we are.
Lefty faggot: "I want a degree in Lesbian Dance History taught at the top of a mountain and at the bottom of the ocean, but I can't afford the $100,000 per year tuition."

Government: "That's OK. Get a loan and we will guarantee it."

Lefty faggot: "Horray! I'll take the $400,000 loan!"

Lender: "Here is your $400k"

Lefty faggot: "I used my degree in Lesbian Dance History to become a barista, so I can't pay back the loan".

Government: "You UNFORTUNATE LEFTY FAGGOT VICTIM!!! That EVIL LENDER gave you what you asked for!!! Don't worry. You don't have to pay back the lender!"

Lefty faggot: "Cream and sugar with that?"
Lefty faggot: "I want a degree in Lesbian Dance History taught at the top of a mountain and at the bottom of the ocean, but I can't afford the $100,000 per year tuition."

Government: "That's OK. Get a loan and we will guarantee it."

Lefty faggot: "Horray! I'll take the $400,000 loan!"

Lender: "Here is your $400k"

Lefty faggot: "I used my degree in Lesbian Dance History to become a barista, so I can't pay back the loan".

Government: "You UNFORTUNATE LEFTY FAGGOT VICTIM!!! That EVIL LENDER gave you what you asked for!!! Don't worry. You don't have to pay back the lender!"

Lefty faggot: "Cream and sugar with that?"
Maybe they shouldn't give loans for dumbass degrees.
Every single one of the Republican Presidents, Supreme Court Judges, and members of their Administrations graduated from one either Harvard or Yale,

Only Hayes, Teddy Roosevelt and George W Bush went to Harvard.
Taft, Ford, both Bushs went to Yale.

Out of 19 Republican Presidents.

Your math sucks.
A lot of young people are not strategic thinkers dude. They also often don't understand their own limitations. They don't always make the most practical choices. Your solution is that they should have made better choices, but they didn't, so here we are.
I agree with you…young people don’t make good decisions; but they also feel very entitled. You are incorrect in assessing my solution. My solution is let financial and risk criteria help them make the right choices. They may not get to go to that elite private college that is three time zones away but the financial criteria will put them in a loan where they can get a quality education at a state university.

It’s just like buying a house. I WANT that $800k house but the lenders are only willing to let me go into debt at $400k. What happens if the lenders give me all that debt and I’m unable to pay?
If the company didnt grant the loans minority race baiters would have cried systemic white racism
Either way Navient was screwed
I agree with you…young people don’t make good decisions; but they also feel very entitled. You are incorrect in assessing my solution. My solution is let financial and risk criteria help them make the right choices. They may not get to go to that elite private college that is three time zones away but the financial criteria will put them in a loan where they can get a quality education at a state university.

It’s just like buying a house. I WANT that $800k house but the lenders are only willing to let me go into debt at $400k. What happens if the lenders give me all that debt and I’m unable to pay?

The lender was PREDATORY and you are a VICTIM!

Just like lazy fat fuck assholes who only eat fast food. THEY ARE VICTIMS!!

Right wingers telling them to kick rocks is why they vote for Democrats so often. They're just not buying it.
If kids think the government owes them debt forgiveness on the taxpayers dime, they can kick rocks. Time to grow the fuck up and be responsible for the debt you voluntarily acquired.
Dems bailed out banks who made shitty loans that led to the housing bubble bursting in 2009. Why didn't those banks pay the people? Why did THE TAXPAYER BAIL OUT THE BANKS?

This victim mentality is terrible. YOU BORROWED THE FUCKING's on you to repay!

“Navient repeatedly and deliberately put profits ahead of its borrowers – it engaged in deceptive and abusive practices, targeted students who it knew would struggle to pay loans back, and placed an unfair burden on people trying to improve their lives through education,” Shapiro said. “Today’s settlement corrects Navient’s past behavior, provides much needed relief to Pennsylvania borrowers, and puts in place safeguards to ensure this company never preys on student loan borrowers again.”

Actually Of course it was Bush and Paulson who bailed out the banks and Democrats who bailed out main Street and State local governments, paying for the cops teachers etc etc. But thanks for starting the depression with your corrupt real estate bubble this time, brainwashed functional moron. The GOP does it every time -SNL crisis the pandemic OMG, the world depression of 1929, every time you get the chance stupid. Change the channel for God's sake...

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