Lizz Truss Resigns Abruptly As Trickledown Economic Policy Disaster Ruins British Economy

Okay bub, show us a fiscal policy that is “extreme right wing”. Be specific.
Giving tax cuts to the ultra rich, especially during a recession and/or inflation.

Friggin' lunacy!

Here's another one: Trickle down economics. It's magical thinking. If you didn't learn this from the Bush II Regime, you're not only a far rightwing extremist, you're a dumbass.
LONDON — British Prime Minister Liz Trussannounced Thursday that she would resign after just six weeks in office, following a disastrous and rapidly-reversed economic plan that sent the pound plunging and her Conservative government into chaos.

When a conservative says they are going to cut taxes. That doesn’t mean you.
During her ultra-short premiership, Liz Truss was able to become not only the laughing stock of economists, but also a potential war criminal.
This generation of elite psakis, who know nothing about real life, except for the elvish delirium embedded in them, is very dangerous with their idiocy
I'll be back!

Is that her sister?

During her ultra-short premiership, Liz Truss was able to become not only the laughing stock of economists, but also a potential war criminal.
This generation of elite psakis, who know nothing about real life, except for the elvish delirium embedded in them, is very dangerous with their idiocy
u must be from UK?

What was thebiggest problem w/ Truss? I have yet to grasp this
It would be entertaining. She is so incompetent and dumb. She can barely speak 5 words before her uncontrollable cackle comes out like a bad case of Tourette’s Syndrome.
whatthe hell is there to cackle about?

America's economy is a train wreck, wide open borders, higher crime

But the elite libs find that comical, apparently. That's bc they have enough $$
LONDON — British Prime Minister Liz Trussannounced Thursday that she would resign after just six weeks in office, following a disastrous and rapidly-reversed economic plan that sent the pound plunging and her Conservative government into chaos.

When a conservative says they are going to cut taxes. That doesn’t mean you.
Lis Truss was in office 45 days when she resigned. That's hardly enough time to wreck an economy with so-called 'trickle down' or anything else. It takes at least six months for even Biden's disastrous policies to start showing up in our pocket books. Her proposed mini budget did cause turmoil in the British market which quickly recovered once that budget was scrapped, but the British Prime minister has far less authority than does the American President on these things.

Biden doesn't care if he crashes the market.
Truss did care.

Therein is the difference.
whatthe hell is there to cackle about?

America's economy is a train wreck, wide open borders, higher crime

But the elite libs find that comical, apparently. That's bc they have enough $$
She can cackle about it because she is one of the elite that doesn’t isn’t affected by all the crime and bad economy.

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