"Lizzy" Graham And The REAL Manchurian Candidate J "Crash" McCrazy Are Liars!


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Ben Gay Gazzi is being used by these two goofs as a political football. Obama didn't cause it. Obama couldn't stop it...as if it was a mugging in front of a couple of cops at Grand Central Station. Obama can't fix it. We don't control Lybia.

So according to these political gouls and several rascist butt hurt losers on USMB Obama should be impeached for it.

It isn't about the facts of this unfortunate incident that matters... it isn't even about this incident that matters. If it wasn't this it would be something else. All that matters for these halfwits is that it is something they think they can use against the president.

I have only one question... Is Graham gay?
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Ben Gay Gazzi is being used by these two goofs as a political football. Obama didn't cause it. Obama couldn't stop it...as if it was a mugging in front of a couple of cops at Grand Central Station. Obama can't fix it. We don't control Lybia.

So according to these political gouls and several rascist butt hurt losers on USMB Obama should be impeached for it.

It isn't about the facts of this unfortunate incident that matters... it isn't even about this incident that matters. If it wasn't this it would be something else. All that matters for thes halfwits is that it is something they think they can use against the president.I have only one question... Is Graham gay?

Tell that to the families of the 4 dead. Impeachment is the least of the issues.
It is impeachable for two counts:
1) Incompetence..
2) LYING.. Nixon resigned over lying!

Obama won't be impeached with today's Dem controlled Senate... BUT in 2014 10+ Dem senate seats will be won by GOP and
just like Nixon in 1974.. when Senate started impeachment Nixon/Obama did/will resign.. after all EVERYONE KNOWS as Jarrett has said:

Obama friend Valerie Jarrett:
“I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. … He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually"
“But that’s not who he is anymore.” Obama’s old enthusiasm for the job is simply gone.
Ben Gay Gazzi is being used by these two goofs as a political football. Obama didn't cause it. Obama couldn't stop it...as if it was a mugging in front of a couple of cops at Grand Central Station. Obama can't fix it. We don't control Lybia.

So according to these political gouls and several rascist butt hurt losers on USMB Obama should be impeached for it.

It isn't about the facts of this unfortunate incident that matters... it isn't even about this incident that matters. If it wasn't this it would be something else. All that matters for thes halfwits is that it is something they think they can use against the president.I have only one question... Is Graham gay?

Tell that to the families of the 4 dead. Impeachment is the least of the issues.

Oh no! Not the families!!!!!! Ya these families had no idea something bad could happen to these guys...none at all... Took em completely by surprise...

A "hands on" American ambassador that can't stay in the safety of his embassy in one of the most dangerous places on the planet....

Ex navy seals... no danger seeking pattern THERE!!!??????

Ya I'm sure their folks had not fucking clue these guys would ever be in harms way... None whatso ever..

Hey peeshooter... Fuck you..

Tell your lies to someone as stupid as you are.

You have one thing right. I don't grieve over adventure seeking "danger guys".

I care a little for real innocent victims...these guys are anything but victims so blow it out your ass.
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Ben Gay Gazzi is being used by these two goofs as a political football. Obama didn't cause it. Obama couldn't stop it...as if it was a mugging in front of a couple of cops at Grand Central Station. Obama can't fix it. We don't control Lybia.

So according to these political gouls and several rascist butt hurt losers on USMB Obama should be impeached for it.

It isn't about the facts of this unfortunate incident that matters... it isn't even about this incident that matters. If it wasn't this it would be something else. All that matters for these halfwits is that it is something they think they can use against the president.

I have only one question... Is Graham gay?

That's an insult to gay guys. Those two fat old men are done, they just don't know when to quit. Everyone knows what they're doing. Go away lardasses.
Ben Gay Gazzi ......Obama didn't cause ....according to these political gouls and several rascist butt hurt losers on USMB Obama should be impeached for it....

It isn't about the facts of this unfortunate incident that matters... it isn't even about this incident that matters. If it wasn't this it would be something else. All that matters for these halfwits is that it is something they think they can use against the president.

I have only one question... Is Graham gay?

How can you breath with your head so far up your ass?
Ben Gay Gazzi is being used by these two goofs as a political football. Obama didn't cause it. Obama couldn't stop it...as if it was a mugging in front of a couple of cops at Grand Central Station. Obama can't fix it. We don't control Lybia.

So according to these political gouls and several rascist butt hurt losers on USMB Obama should be impeached for it.

It isn't about the facts of this unfortunate incident that matters... it isn't even about this incident that matters. If it wasn't this it would be something else. All that matters for these halfwits is that it is something they think they can use against the president.

I have only one question... Is Graham gay?

So you are saying that the ambassador was in Libya and Obama had NOTHING to do with him being there? Really? What in the hell is Obama's job? Who in the hell runs the state department? Oh right, the left has a convenient scape goat in Hillary. After Petraeus burns they will burn her to the ground.
Ben Gay Gazzi is being used by these two goofs as a political football. Obama didn't cause it. Obama couldn't stop it...as if it was a mugging in front of a couple of cops at Grand Central Station. Obama can't fix it. We don't control Lybia.

So according to these political gouls and several rascist butt hurt losers on USMB Obama should be impeached for it.

It isn't about the facts of this unfortunate incident that matters... it isn't even about this incident that matters. If it wasn't this it would be something else. All that matters for thes halfwits is that it is something they think they can use against the president.I have only one question... Is Graham gay?

Tell that to the families of the 4 dead. Impeachment is the least of the issues.

Oh no! Not the families!!!!!! Ya these families had no idea something bad could happen to these guys...none at all... Took em completely by surprise...

A "hands on" American ambassador that can't stay in the safety of his embassy in one of the most dangerous places on the planet....

Ex navy seals... no danger seeking pattern THERE!!!??????

Ya I'm sure their folks had not fucking clue these guys would ever be in harms way... None whatso ever..

Hey peeshooter... Fuck you..

Tell your lies to someone as stupid as you are.

You have one thing right. I don't grieve over adventure seeking "danger guys".

I care a little for real innocent victims...these guys are anything but victims so blow it out your ass.

Plain and simple. With that little temper tantrun all you proved is that you are one very large DOUCHEBAG! The only stupid POS is you. When you're done swallowing, try a humane reply.
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It is impeachable for two counts:
1) Incompetence..
2) LYING.. Nixon resigned over lying!

Obama won't be impeached with today's Dem controlled Senate... BUT in 2014 10+ Dem senate seats will be won by GOP and
just like Nixon in 1974.. when Senate started impeachment Nixon/Obama did/will resign.. after all EVERYONE KNOWS as Jarrett has said:

Obama friend Valerie Jarrett:
“I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. … He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually"
“But that’s not who he is anymore.” Obama’s old enthusiasm for the job is simply gone.

I am not sure impeachement is a good idea. There is enough leftist caused division in the country already we don't need more. What I would like to see is the government get sued for wrongful death.
Tell that to the families of the 4 dead. Impeachment is the least of the issues.

Oh no! Not the families!!!!!! Ya these families had no idea something bad could happen to these guys...none at all... Took em completely by surprise...

A "hands on" American ambassador that can't stay in the safety of his embassy in one of the most dangerous places on the planet....

Ex navy seals... no danger seeking pattern THERE!!!??????

Ya I'm sure their folks had not fucking clue these guys would ever be in harms way... None whatso ever..

Hey peeshooter... Fuck you..

Tell your lies to someone as stupid as you are.

You have one thing right. I don't grieve over adventure seeking "danger guys".

I care a little for real innocent victims...these guys are anything but victims so blow it out your ass.

Plain and simple. With that little temper tantrun all you proved is that you are one very large DOUCHEBAG! The only stupid POS is you. When you're done swallowing, try a humane reply.

The only people having a temper tantrum are losers like McCrazy ... Gay Graham and butt hurt morons like you. I am just laughing at you. Feel the comedy!
Oh no! Not the families!!!!!! Ya these families had no idea something bad could happen to these guys...none at all... Took em completely by surprise...

A "hands on" American ambassador that can't stay in the safety of his embassy in one of the most dangerous places on the planet....

Ex navy seals... no danger seeking pattern THERE!!!??????

Ya I'm sure their folks had not fucking clue these guys would ever be in harms way... None whatso ever..

Hey peeshooter... Fuck you..

Tell your lies to someone as stupid as you are.

You have one thing right. I don't grieve over adventure seeking "danger guys".

I care a little for real innocent victims...these guys are anything but victims so blow it out your ass.

Plain and simple. With that little temper tantrun all you proved is that you are one very large DOUCHEBAG! The only stupid POS is you. When you're done swallowing, try a humane reply.

The only people having a temper tantrum are losers like McCrazy ... Gay Graham and butt hurt morons like you. I am just laughing at you. Feel the comedy!

Don't feel a thing but I see words written by someone who can only be described as a complete asshole, that being you. Can you read anything else on my mind, Kreskin? What does Obama's semen taste like? Do you spit it right out or swish and swallow?
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Plain and simple. With that little temper tantrun all you proved is that you are one very large DOUCHEBAG! The only stupid POS is you. When you're done swallowing, try a humane reply.

The only people having a temper tantrum are losers like McCrazy ... Gay Graham and butt hurt morons like you. I am just laughing at you. Feel the comedy!

Don't feel a thing but I see words written by someone who can only be described as a complete asshole, that being you. Can you read anything else on my mind, Kreskin? What does Obama's semen taste like?

UMMMmmm..... I see a lot of empty space.... darkness... oh ya and a dog collar ...
So what if Obama just made up the whole video story? He's black! He's a Democrat

Toying with morons like you is his guilty pleasure Frankie. Everyone should have a hobby.

So let us go under the assmption that you are completely correct there was absolutely nothing Obama could do after he sent them into a violitale hot spot.

The question now becomes, what is our response, or what was our response? Everyone knew it wasn't the video I believe that made Obama look foolish. Now you can say that is what he thought but I would say that it ranks with his "the police acted stupidly" remark. IF he didn't know the facts, which he obviously did not by your account, then he should have SAID NOTHING. Who knows if his remarks, whether he thought them true or not, sparked more riots in other countries? What we know for FACT is what he and Rice said was not the truth. They may have believed it true at the time but that does not change the fact that the most powerful man in the world fed us a load of crap.

Now the question for you, what was Obama's response to an act of war against the USA? So far I have seen nothing and I doubt you honest enough to give an answer that is more then your usual insult.
The only people having a temper tantrum are losers like McCrazy ... Gay Graham and butt hurt morons like you. I am just laughing at you. Feel the comedy!

Don't feel a thing but I see words written by someone who can only be described as a complete asshole, that being you. Can you read anything else on my mind, Kreskin? What does Obama's semen taste like?

UMMMmmm..... I see a lot of empty space.... darkness... oh ya and a dog collar ...

I see an idiot who started a moronic thread and propagated it with even more idiotic remarks much like that of an imbecile. No insult to imbeciles intended.
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So what if Obama just made up the whole video story? He's black! He's a Democrat

Toying with morons like you is his guilty pleasure Frankie. Everyone should have a hobby.

So let us go under the assmption that you are completely correct there was absolutely nothing Obama could do after he sent them into a violitale hot spot.

The question now becomes, what is our response, or what was our response? Everyone knew it wasn't the video I believe that made Obama look foolish. Now you can say that is what he thought but I would say that it ranks with his "the police acted stupidly" remark. IF he didn't know the facts, which he obviously did not by your account, then he should have SAID NOTHING. Who knows if his remarks, whether he thought them true or not, sparked more riots in other countries? What we know for FACT is what he and Rice said was not the truth. They may have believed it true at the time but that does not change the fact that the most powerful man in the world fed us a load of crap.

Now the question for you, what was Obama's response to an act of war against the USA? So far I have seen nothing and I doubt you honest enough to give an answer that is more then your usual insult.

There is no evidense that Obama sent the ambassador away from the safety of his Marine guarded embassy in Trippoli.
Don't feel a thing but I see words written by someone who can only be described as a complete asshole, that being you. Can you read anything else on my mind, Kreskin? What does Obama's semen taste like?

UMMMmmm..... I see a lot of empty space.... darkness... oh ya and a dog collar ...

I see an idot who started a moronic thread and propagated it with even more idiotic remarks much like that of an imbecile. No insult to imbeciles intended.

See what you want to see. That is all you do.
UMMMmmm..... I see a lot of empty space.... darkness... oh ya and a dog collar ...

I see an idot who started a moronic thread and propagated it with even more idiotic remarks much like that of an imbecile. No insult to imbeciles intended.

See what you want to see. That is all you do.

I see right through two bit phonies like you who start threads not because they care but merely to use as a means to attack those that don't agree. You don't care about the 4 dead and you care even less about Obama. He's a means to an end for you to use. That's because you are sophomoric jerkoff troll with no compassion or concern for others, much like your pal del.
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It is impeachable for two counts:
1) Incompetence..
2) LYING.. Nixon resigned over lying!

1) Whether it exists or not, it's not an impeachable offense.

2) Nixon didn't just lie. He lied to cover up crimes. I'm not saying Obama lied, but if he did, what crime was he covering up?

On both counts impeachment would be a travesty. Not to mention the can of worms it would open up for the Republicans, when the full effects of their budgets cuts were revealed.

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