Lloyd Hart, master occupier talks about Occupy movement's demands on radio

Not true. Read, gather the info, apply some critical thought... hey presto.... an answer. You probably won't like the answer though. "Ruh oh!"

It is true. If you have evidence to the contrary, present it. So far, neither you nor anyone else has presented anything showing any kind of direct control of OWS by any of the parties you mentioned -- Hart, Jones, or Soros.

As I said, such evidence would have to be on the OWS end, not the Hart/Jones/Soros end. Nothing any of those three people said or did would show anything of the kind. Statements by a good percentage of the protesters to the effect that they showed up in response to a call from Jones, and considered him an authority, might do it. I can't think of anything else that would.
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Ummm, I'm not talking about Hart at this point.

Then you are being dishonest, because that was the subject under discussion and you were referring back to his positions, and misrepresenting them so as to get a yes answer to a question that you could then twist back to mean something else.

Now, YOU are the one being dishonest. How many times have I told you that in my discussions with other posters who also claim to be with OWS that they want mortgages and student loans forgiven?

It's a rhetorical question. Just scroll up and see that it is several times.

.... I don't play games like that.

I don't play games with folks who make shit up in their head then post it as something I've said or done.

Now that we have that straightened out,

I'll take it as an unqualified yes - the OWS does not recognize legal debts.

This is also dishonest. But let me ask you something now.

Not until you answer my question, Dodge: Does the OWS want mortgages and student loans of those who have defaulted or are on the verge of default forgiven?
Go and do the research, don't take our word for it. Keep an open mind and run the numbers. Hart is just the mouthpiece. Jones and the Tide Foundation are the curtain, and the man behind the curtain... Soros.

Connections among Hart, Jones, the Tide Foundation, and Soros are credible and may well show up.

Connections between any of these and OWS is where your paradigm breaks down. There is no evidence of that whatsoever.

Not true. Read, gather the info, apply some critical thought... hey presto.... an answer. You probably won't like the answer though. "Ruh oh!"

Does the OWS want mortgages and student loans of those who have defaulted or are on the verge of default forgiven?

Do you acknowledge:

1) That the position you have described here is radically different from the position advanced by Hart?

2) That forgiveness of loans is in no way, shape or form a violation of the Constitution?

Acknowledge these two points and then I'll answer the question.
Does the OWS want mortgages and student loans of those who have defaulted or are on the verge of default forgiven?

Do you acknowledge:

1) That the position you have described here is radically different from the position advanced by Hart?

2) That forgiveness of loans is in no way, shape or form a violation of the Constitution?

Acknowledge these two points and then I'll answer the question.




(You can just copy the text and put an "X" next to one of the two answers so it won't tax you too much.)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJawGLk8zNE"]Organizer admits to paying 'Occupy DC' Protesters. - YouTube[/ame]

That's what I do with trick questions. I see no reason to do otherwise.

When you acknowledge the two clarifying points above, it will cease to be a trick question and then I'll answer it.

That's what I do with trick questions. I see no reason to do otherwise.

When you acknowledge the two clarifying points above, it will cease to be a trick question and then I'll answer it.
There is nothing trick about my yes or no question.

But, your dodge speaks volumes, as do my other discussions with others her who claim they are part of OWS; they want those who are in default or on the verge of it with student loans and mortgages not to have to pay them back.
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That's what I do with trick questions. I see no reason to do otherwise.

When you acknowledge the two clarifying points above, it will cease to be a trick question and then I'll answer it.
There is nothing trick about my yes or no question.

But, your dodge speaks volumes, as does my other discussions with others her who claim they are part of OWS; they want those who are in default or on the verge of it with student loans and mortgages not to have to pay them back.

^^^^ this is true.

The "trick" is that your question exposes their true intent and agenda ;)
Loyd Hart like a true commie says all demands will of course be covered by the taxpayer.... Only 50% of America pays federal Income tAXES.. and those who work will be punished to pay for those who choose not to work.... oh hoooooray... for libtards. and obie doodle endorses this bullshit.
96.9 Boston Talks Audio On-Demand

4th podcast down. In their own words.

listen and discuss if you want.

Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! | OccupyWallSt.org Forum <---before they changed it to say "anonymous" it was Llyod Hart who wrote that list. You can listen to him discuss what he thinks with a man who disagrees with him in the 4th podcast down.

EDIT: The "master occupier" title was given to the man in the interview by the radio host, not me or himself.

I just listened to the "master occupier" and his explanation of the 13 demands--and I have got to say that I have never in my life heard anything so outrageous. About 14 minutes but just do it- to get a real clear picture of what these protesters are all about.

IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE IT ALREADY--listen to this radio interview--linked above.

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That's what I do with trick questions. I see no reason to do otherwise.

When you acknowledge the two clarifying points above, it will cease to be a trick question and then I'll answer it.
There is nothing trick about my yes or no question.

But, your dodge speaks volumes, as does my other discussions with others her who claim they are part of OWS; they want those who are in default or on the verge of it with student loans and mortgages not to have to pay them back.

^^^^ this is true.

The "trick" is that your question exposes their true intent and agenda ;)
Exactly. For some reason (and by now, I have a good idea what the reason is) they cannot reveal what they want.

Yet another big difference between the OWS and the TP.

I only have one leg left to pull at this point.
There is nothing trick about my yes or no question.

But, your dodge speaks volumes, as does my other discussions with others her who claim they are part of OWS; they want those who are in default or on the verge of it with student loans and mortgages not to have to pay them back.

^^^^ this is true.

The "trick" is that your question exposes their true intent and agenda ;)
Exactly. For some reason (and by now, I have a good idea what the reason is) they cannot reveal what they want.

Yet another big difference between the OWS and the TP.

I only have one leg left to pull at this point.

If you listen to the radio interview above--you will find out exactly what these people want--and it's not good. It's actually INSANITY.
Not true. Read, gather the info, apply some critical thought... hey presto.... an answer. You probably won't like the answer though. "Ruh oh!"

It is true. If you have evidence to the contrary, present it. So far, neither you nor anyone else has presented anything showing any kind of direct control of OWS by any of the parties you mentioned -- Hart, Jones, or Soros.

As I said, such evidence would have to be on the OWS end, not the Hart/Jones/Soros end. Nothing any of those three people said or did would show anything of the kind. Statements by a good percentage of the protesters to the effect that they showed up in response to a call from Jones, and considered him an authority, might do it. I can't think of anything else that would.

I have sufficient evidence to connect OWS to Tides & the Commie. You find your own evidence - or carry on pretending there is none. It is of no consequence to me.
I've been reading and listening to OWS and even watched a few hours of video from NYC. I've listened to interviews with different people and listened to those who are in the Government and their comments about OWS.

I am beginning to see a pattern. I may be wrong but it appears there is a concentrated effort by the left to turn this (if it wasn't preplanned) into a vote grab of middle class votes.

Seems to me they are forgetting their poor base and concentrating on sticking up for the middle class against the oppressive rich man. And never mind that there would be no middle class if the rich man wasn't paying them. And forget the fact that the middle class had been shrinking because they were moving up, not down.

At least that's the way I'm seeing things............
96.9 Boston Talks Audio On-Demand

4th podcast down. In their own words.

listen and discuss if you want.

Proposed List Of Demands For Occupy Wall St Movement! | OccupyWallSt.org Forum <---before they changed it to say "anonymous" it was Llyod Hart who wrote that list. You can listen to him discuss what he thinks with a man who disagrees with him in the 4th podcast down.

EDIT: The "master occupier" title was given to the man in the interview by the radio host, not me or himself.

I just listened to the "master occupier" and his explanation of the 13 demands--and I have got to say that I have never in my life heard anything so outrageous. About 14 minutes but just do it- to get a real clear picture of what these protesters are all about.

IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE IT ALREADY--listen to this radio interview--linked above.


I get a kick out of how the website I linked edited out the guys name to make it say anyonymous after people heard the interview and it made them all look bad.

You can clearly tell, from the interview, that lloyd was the author of that list of 13 demands.
I've been reading and listening to OWS and even watched a few hours of video from NYC. I've listened to interviews with different people and listened to those who are in the Government and their comments about OWS.

I am beginning to see a pattern. I may be wrong but it appears there is a concentrated effort by the left to turn this (if it wasn't preplanned) into a vote grab of middle class votes.

Seems to me they are forgetting their poor base and concentrating on sticking up for the middle class against the oppressive rich man. And never mind that there would be no middle class if the rich man wasn't paying them. And forget the fact that the middle class had been shrinking because they were moving up, not down.

At least that's the way I'm seeing things............

It was planned. Part of Watermelon Man Van Jones' 'October Offensive'. Hence the emergence of Lloyd Hart as their 'spokesperson'. Wasn't hijacked by the left, it's a left wing attempt to play the middle class.... create class warfare. Sick individuals.

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