Lobotomies and transgender surgery


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Lobotomies and transgender surgery are similar, in that both approaches seek to control the uncontrollable, which is the human brain. They were performed on patients whose behavior was seen as detrimental, and sometimes led to them killing themselves. Lobotomies were considered experimental even at the height of their popularity. Although some people did see improvements in their conditions, many other people experienced life-alternating side effects, or even died. But with the advent of modern day pharmacology, much of this behavior can be treated without destroying what is left of the brain. Today lobotomies are not performed and seen as archaic.

Will transgender surgery move in the same direction? Will patients some day be put on medication instead of destroying parts of their body which are functioning normally to try and accommodate what is not working psychologically? Will transgender surgery some day be seen as archaic by the medical community as lobotomies are viewed today?

Lobotomies and transgender surgery are similar, in that both approaches seek to control the uncontrollable, which is the human brain. They were performed on patients whose behavior was seen as detrimental, and sometimes led to them killing themselves. Lobotomies were considered experimental even at the height of their popularity. Although some people did see improvements in their conditions, many other people experienced life-alternating side effects, or even died. But with the advent of modern day pharmacology, much of this behavior can be treated without destroying what is left of the brain. Today lobotomies are not performed and seen as archaic.

Will transgender surgery move in the same direction? Will patients some day be put on medication instead of destroying parts of their body which are functioning normally to try and accommodate what is not working psychologically? Will transgender surgery some day be seen as archaic by the medical community as lobotomies are viewed today?

Lobotomies were considered cutting edge back in the time. Dr. Moniz, a Portuguese surgeon received the Nobel Prize for developing the procedure.

Lobotomies and transgender surgery are similar, in that both approaches seek to control the uncontrollable, which is the human brain. They were performed on patients whose behavior was seen as detrimental, and sometimes led to them killing themselves. Lobotomies were considered experimental even at the height of their popularity. Although some people did see improvements in their conditions, many other people experienced life-alternating side effects, or even died. But with the advent of modern day pharmacology, much of this behavior can be treated without destroying what is left of the brain. Today lobotomies are not performed and seen as archaic.

Will transgender surgery move in the same direction? Will patients some day be put on medication instead of destroying parts of their body which are functioning normally to try and accommodate what is not working psychologically? Will transgender surgery some day be seen as archaic by the medical community as lobotomies are viewed today?
I've been saying this for some time now. Mental health treatment is still not a very mature science, as the brain is enormously complex, and I do believe a few generations from now (if we survive that long), medical professionals will look back at us and shudder like we do at the medical professionals who drove a spike through the eye socket into the brain.

The medical profession strives to do the best it can for the patients but is composed of human beings like all other professions, human beings who are influenced by political winds and pressure to do things they're not absolutely sure are in the best interests of the patients. They try, but can and do get it wrong sometimes.
It should be common sense that the mutilation of perfectly heathy body parts to treat a mental condition is a bad idea.
Note: I called it a "mental condition" rather than a "mental disorder" just to be nice.

Lobotomies and transgender surgery are similar, in that both approaches seek to control the uncontrollable, which is the human brain. They were performed on patients whose behavior was seen as detrimental, and sometimes led to them killing themselves. Lobotomies were considered experimental even at the height of their popularity. Although some people did see improvements in their conditions, many other people experienced life-alternating side effects, or even died. But with the advent of modern day pharmacology, much of this behavior can be treated without destroying what is left of the brain. Today lobotomies are not performed and seen as archaic.

Will transgender surgery move in the same direction? Will patients some day be put on medication instead of destroying parts of their body which are functioning normally to try and accommodate what is not working psychologically? Will transgender surgery some day be seen as archaic by the medical community as lobotomies are viewed today?
Instead of treating dickheads, I would have thought it had more to do with proctology for people with their head up their ass.
You have to marvel at how stupid one must become to think that they can shapeshift from a man to a woman or vice versa. It really is something to behold.

Lobotomies and transgender surgery are similar, in that both approaches seek to control the uncontrollable, which is the human brain. They were performed on patients whose behavior was seen as detrimental, and sometimes led to them killing themselves. Lobotomies were considered experimental even at the height of their popularity. Although some people did see improvements in their conditions, many other people experienced life-alternating side effects, or even died. But with the advent of modern day pharmacology, much of this behavior can be treated without destroying what is left of the brain. Today lobotomies are not performed and seen as archaic.

Will transgender surgery move in the same direction? Will patients some day be put on medication instead of destroying parts of their body which are functioning normally to try and accommodate what is not working psychologically? Will transgender surgery some day be seen as archaic by the medical community as lobotomies are viewed today?

History will view them the same way; a shameful, ignorant, unscientific national disgrace.
You have to marvel at how stupid one must become to think that they can shapeshift from a man to a woman or vice versa. It really is something to behold.

I think its more "arrogance" rather than "stupidity" that people are afflicted with here. Or perhaps "cockiness".

They put themselves in the place of Almighty God thinking they can change a dude into a broad or vice versa.
Lobotomies were considered cutting edge back in the time. Dr. Moniz, a Portuguese surgeon received the Nobel Prize for developing the procedure.
Just like Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for bombing Libya to hell and back

At least they are consistant.

Lobotomies and transgender surgery are similar, in that both approaches seek to control the uncontrollable, which is the human brain. They were performed on patients whose behavior was seen as detrimental, and sometimes led to them killing themselves. Lobotomies were considered experimental even at the height of their popularity. Although some people did see improvements in their conditions, many other people experienced life-alternating side effects, or even died. But with the advent of modern day pharmacology, much of this behavior can be treated without destroying what is left of the brain. Today lobotomies are not performed and seen as archaic.

Will transgender surgery move in the same direction? Will patients some day be put on medication instead of destroying parts of their body which are functioning normally to try and accommodate what is not working psychologically? Will transgender surgery some day be seen as archaic by the medical community as lobotomies are viewed today?
I'd actually prefer that the woke nutcases get lobotomies instead of having their genitals mutilated. At least they'd shut their lunatic mouths for a half a second.
The term "Sex change" itself is not medically correct.
What is correct is castration and creation of pseudo signs of the opposite sex. Even the very use of the term "sex change" is an Overton window that should be shut the fuck up.
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Lobotomies and transgender surgery are similar, in that both approaches seek to control the uncontrollable, which is the human brain. They were performed on patients whose behavior was seen as detrimental, and sometimes led to them killing themselves. Lobotomies were considered experimental even at the height of their popularity. Although some people did see improvements in their conditions, many other people experienced life-alternating side effects, or even died. But with the advent of modern day pharmacology, much of this behavior can be treated without destroying what is left of the brain. Today lobotomies are not performed and seen as archaic.

Will transgender surgery move in the same direction? Will patients some day be put on medication instead of destroying parts of their body which are functioning normally to try and accommodate what is not working psychologically? Will transgender surgery some day be seen as archaic by the medical community as lobotomies are viewed today?
Not really similar.

Lobotomies were often performed without consent.

No one walked into a doctor's office and asked for a lobotomy.
History will view them the same way; a shameful, ignorant, unscientific national disgrace.

To be fair, for a time after lobotomies were invented, they did have a legitimate use.

For some extreme cases of mental patients who behaved in dangerous, violent ways, lobotomies were more humane than the methods that previously had to be used to contain such patients.

We might still occasionally be using lobotomies today, if we hadn't developed even better ways to deal with such patients.

No similar excuse will eve fly for “gender affirming care”.
Not really similar.

Lobotomies were often performed without consent.

No one walked into a doctor's office and asked for a lobotomy.

That's certainly true.

But so-called "Sex Change Operations" are performed without informed consent.

The name of the surgery "Sex Change" is a misnomer, as no one can change their sex with any surgery or hormone therapy. If they started calling the surgery what it is- Castration and Genital Mutilation, or perhaps Radical Bobbitization- a lot fewer people would ask for it.
That's certainly true.

But so-called "Sex Change Operations" are performed without informed consent.

The name of the surgery "Sex Change" is a misnomer, as no one can change their sex with any surgery or hormone therapy. If they started calling the surgery what it is- Castration and Genital Mutilation, or perhaps Radical Bobbitization- a lot fewer people would ask for it.

No they aren't

Who has been forced to get sex reassignment surgery?
No they aren't

Who has been forced to get sex reassignment surgery?

People aren't "forced" to get it, but they are lied to in order to persuade them to get the surgery.

Told that they will be a "broad" after the surgery is completed, which is just untrue. They are just de-dicked guys.
People aren't "forced" to get it, but they are lied to in order to persuade them to get the surgery.

Told that they will be a "broad" after the surgery is completed, which is just untrue. They are just de-dicked guys.
You have proof of that?

People getting sex reassignment surgery know exactly what they are getting because they chose to get the surgery of their own free will.

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