Lockerbie Bomber Freed From Prison on Compassionate Grounds

funny just the other day the libtards were all about boycotting fox news and the sponsors of Beck.. now ,, I'd say boycotts are effective and I am one American who will never visit Scotland. and ya know what? Scotland can reciprocate and never visit me. Maybe they'll get lots of Libyan tourists to replace the Americans.. :lol: Hell the can run up the Libyan flag in Scotland to honor them furthur.

Sorry Willow don't know about that. Fox News is always a giggle though (and a little frightening at times). We don't really have anything like it in the UK.

I am sure the Scots will not mind if you don't visit (come to England instead its much better :razz:). No seriously, stay in America.

I am sure lots of Americans will visit Scotland. Every time I am in America I meet loads of guys who can't wait to tell me they are Irish or Scottish (never English......thanks Mel you drink driving bastard :razz:).

that was then,, this is now! I think I will stay here in America.. lots to see and do here.. lots.
Okay, I can't resist a boycott. As part of my boycott duties I hereby announce that I am boycotting haggis. :D
Okay, I can't resist a boycott. As part of my boycott duties I hereby announce that I am boycotting haggis. :D

I'm sure that will be soooooooooooooo freaking hard.. :lol::lol::lol:

[ame=]YouTube - Haggis - Great Food from Scotland![/ame]

christ you just gave me another good reason,, shitty food.
Conservatism is the reason for this man's release, to save the money of his dying in prison at Scotland's expense.

Typical conservatoid bean counters.

Before you post you should at least ensure that you know what you're talking about. It's clear you don't even know your left from your right!

So as you won't make the same mistake again, here's a quick lesson:

The government of Scotland, And Britain as well, is Labour. Not Conservative. Labour leans to the left. Conservative to the right.

The Conservatives have roundly CONDEMNED the release of this man. Furthermore, it is the Conservatives whose policies are harder on punishment for crime and who want to build more prisons to ease the current overcrowding.

So your statement only serves to demonstrate your ignorance. It is in fact, the bleeding heart left who sanctioned this release. Not the Conservatives.

Also your statement that it was done on cost grounds goes beyond ignorance and is well entrenched in the realms of sheer stupidity.

Bootneck, you are a cynical Tory (Conservative for those in the US) trying to score right-wing political points.
As you, a Brit, very well know, Labour are not the controlling force in Scottish politics, the Scottish National Party (SNP) is, so don't try and blame this on the Labour party.

Second point: (I'm sure this has already been raised). The reason this guy has been released as JakeStarkey mentioned is indeed MONEY. But not for the bizarre:cuckoo: reasons he gives, but, rather to butter up the Libyan leadership into placing British Petroleum and Shell in a more privileged position when it comes to bidding for the exploitation rights to Libya's vast oil reserves, which due to decades of sanctions have been relatively underdeveloped. The Conservative party would have done exactly the same had they been in power. And all conceivable UK governments would have done what has happened: Wash their hands of it and claim it is a purely Scottish matter.

Money and Oil as usual.... hmmmm... where have I heard that before.
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Good. You're going to need to be tough because the time is quickly approaching when islam is going to decide that it is in everyone's best interest for Britain to be governed under Sharia Law.

Good luck with that.

Last I read was there are 10 million muslims in the US. We have about 2.5million. Thats almost the same proportion. Lots of talk of Eurabia, maybe you need to look at the possibility of Amerabia.
Oh, heck. This thread is too long 4 me. Everything I've said has been said already. Time to shut up and go to bed.:tongue:
Okay, I can't resist a boycott. As part of my boycott duties I hereby announce that I am boycotting haggis. :D

I'm sure that will be soooooooooooooo freaking hard.. :lol::lol::lol:

[ame=]YouTube - Haggis - Great Food from Scotland![/ame]

christ you just gave me another good reason,, shitty food.

I love haggis.
Libya didn't help by giving the dude a hero's welcome. They're stoopid, stoopid, stoopid..
Libya didn't help by giving the dude a hero's welcome. They're stoopid, stoopid, stoopid..

And their head of state looks like Walter Matthau.

Libya didn't help by giving the dude a hero's welcome. They're stoopid, stoopid, stoopid..

It was, unfortunately, also giving us the finger... I have always thought diplomacy works best when backed by a threat. With our economy as it is, they know we're not going to do anything indiscriminate. But might be time for Obama to flex his muscles a bit.

Worse than Libya is Scotland thumbing it's nose at what was asked. Rumor has it that was in exchange for an oil deal between Britain and Libya. And THAT is unacceptable, IMO.
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What do you expect after jet setting around the world apologizing and blaming America for all the worlds problems? Look weak and these types of assholes will exploit it.

Obama's to afraid of offending anyone to "flex his muscle". His threats sure won't intimidate these guys until he does something to demonstrate that he means it.
you're a moron... (TM Dive Con)

try some nuanced thought.

Reality: he does need to realize that he can't play nice with school yard bullies. But he can't be a bull in a china shop like the last guy.

And if I recall correctly, Ronald Reagan was president when the Lockerbie bombing occurred.
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What's the matter Hook. Haven't got the balls to post this in open forum? And you call me a coward. :lol:


Quote by Bootneck "America didn't support the IRA. Some Americans did ."

And still DO! Yep and I am one of them! The English always stand from their glass towers and toss stones. The English are some of the worst hypocrites in the world! Long live the Irish Freedom Fighters!
Why am I not surpised! You rail against terrorism on one hand, yet you support a terrorist organisation.

I guess we can see where the hypocrisy is coming from now. Thank you for confirming it!
Wow, just wow. Ghook is a phony.

Or GHook wanted to be an asshole to a guy that is supporting and defending the Scot's move in letting a mass murder out of prison! Just wanted to give him a little taste of what it might be like for a mass murder of English citizens to get hero's recognition!
What's the matter Hook. Haven't got the balls to post this in open forum? And you call me a coward. :lol:


Quote by Bootneck "America didn't support the IRA. Some Americans did ."

And still DO! Yep and I am one of them! The English always stand from their glass towers and toss stones. The English are some of the worst hypocrites in the world! Long live the Irish Freedom Fighters!

Why am I not surpised! You rail against terrorism on one hand, yet you support a terrorist organisation.

I guess we can see where the hypocrisy is coming from now. Thank you for confirming it!


Say it ain't so Ghook. Tell me you didn't seriously type "Long live the Irish Freedom Fighters". If you did, then you can have nothing to say against the cheering crowds in Libya.

You either support the deliberate targeting of unarmed civilians, including women and children, or you don't. It's as simple as that.

It ain't so! I don't support and have never supported the IRA TERRORISTS (and that is not an easy thing to do in Irish Chicago)! But I can't believe an Englishman was supporting this release or at least rationalizing it and I wanted to get his goat!
Funny isn't it. Not so long ago your countrymen were providing shelter, support and finance for terrorists. It was you Yanks who kept the IRA going, enabling them to murder innocent British civilians. Seems your standards are more than double pal!

After seeing what backstabbing bitches you guys are, I would say we didn't do enough and should have supported, sheltered and funded the IRA 100 fold more!

Enniskillen 1987 11 killed at a rememberance day parade,............Omagh 1998........29 killed all innocent civillian men women and children, all killed by the hands of your so called freedom fighters those bastards are no better than the Taliban that brought down the Twin Towers and if you really can find it in yourself to support such attrocites then you are indeed the scum of the earth.........................No Surrender

Bad way to get a person I was disagreeing with in an emotionally charged post!

No I don't think the IRA are freedom fighters, rather they are terrorist! America and Americans, shouldn't support the IRA (and at least in the case of the US government we didn't), since they are terrorist!

I let a person's attempt to rationalize an injustice get to me, by being a worst ass then him!
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